Herve's Bar & Grill

is it magic dragon? i can't remeber exactly i have - again - killed half my braincells last saturday - sunday night.
They just killed the Lone Gunmen on the X-Files!!! I loved those guys! They actually what got me into computers in the first place, man that was ages ago.....
Originally posted by Bluefusion
I think that MacWorld NY and the WWDC will bring a lot of new posts to all of MacOSX.com :)

i actually thought WWDC was something that happened in Washington D.C. (kinda like MWNY = MacWorld New York, MWSF = MacWorld San Francisco, etc... i dunno what WW would have meant...)

What does everyone think will happen at MWNY?
I think updated PowerBooks, possibly up to 800 MHz maybe... and maybe JUST MAYBE a SuperDrive for the PBG4... which would just be totally KICK ASS!
My MWNY predictions (something tells me this is going to be a very BIG expo)

10.2 demoed, final release sometime in the Fall
Updated iBook (500 MHz G4) with NVidia GeForce2Go
Updated PowerBook (667 with upgraded Combo Drive, 733 with upgraded Combo Drive, 800 with a really fast CD Burner--maybe those 24x iMac ones?) all with slightly newer graphics cards, no SuperDrive though
Updated PowerMacs: 933, 1.2 GHz, Dual 1.2 GHz
iPhoto 2 announced (probably not available yet though)
Apple 15" Studio Display dropped, 17" down to $699

This seems all rather logical, wouldn't you think? I don't think anything here is particularly out of the ordinary.
Originally posted by JohnnyV
They just killed the Lone Gunmen on the X-Files!!! I loved those guys! They actually what got me into computers in the first place, man that was ages ago.....

Oh great, I'm in the middle of watching it now...

I notice haven't been on much... I'm mostly been working on my Marathon ? map... tells you how bored I am. :D

edited 4 spelling...
WWDC == What Would Developers Carbonize
or Why, We're in D.C.!
or "When Will Dogs Call out 'Hey, we don't wanna do this sitting and begging any more, we want to go chase butterflies instead!'?"
or even Who Won Da Cardgame?

See, there are lots of different things WWDC could stand for...
ah, the real reward of building the pond with a waterfall - today while i was standing beside it trying to count how many goldfish are left (6 i think), a hummingbird flew down and hovered around it for a long time until it eventually landed on the waterfall and sat still for a few seconds. all this took place about 4 feet from me.

that was very cool:)

it was also an extremely beautiful day here and i spent quite a bit of time just staring at my yard while sitting on my new patio. I was never motivated to go outside with our old yard:p

WWDC does sound like it should involve insults and body slams:D
You'll get more hummingbirds if you give them something to eat. When we lived in Washington, we had a hummingbird feeder. At one point we had six hummingbirds all outside trying to feed. If you don't know (or even if you do know) hummingbirds are very territorial, so seeing that many all together was pretty unusual. Uhh, I think it's a half cup of sugar to two cups of water for a hummingbird feeder solution...

Here in Tucson we wanted to have some bird feeders in our back yard. No problem. But we also have our clothesline out in the back yard, and the birds like to perch on the line. And, uh, let us know how much they appreciate the free food. So the laundry goes back into the washer... The other thing was that we have white-winged doves, who all tend to eat a lot of birdseed. I think at one point we were going through about ten pounds of seed per week. :eek: Seed isn't particularly expensive, but that was a bit ridiculous.
well, most of the new plants we put in our new back yard were chosen for being hummingbird and butterfly attracters. We have bottlebrush, honeysuckle, butterfly bush, bird of paradise and others. They already seemed to like our roses and rosemary and impatiens. We bought a reall fancy feeder last summer and never even got it operational before it got blown off and broken. We might replace it in june when we go back to the sierras for a week or so.

i can relate to your laundry story. the biggest problem with attracting birds is their fertilzer:p We are getting way too many starlings to the pond and they are all obnoxious. i was spraying some with water earlier and nailed one good. that is how cocky they are and how close they come. I never thought i would say this, but i wish a big mean bluejay would come and chase them all away.:p
sigh :eek:

This day isn't a good one. I've got way to much work to do and it snowed last night. SNOW. We had almost 30 degree weather the other day..... sigh.
Snow? Yeah, we got that. In St. Paul also.

Er, Ms. Nature - That joke was funny the first time around, especially on April Fools Day. This time... not so funny. Especially since it was like 80 degrees out four days ago!

-the valrus
Originally posted by googolplex
sigh :eek:

This day isn't a good one. I've got way to much work to do and it snowed last night. SNOW. We had almost 30 degree weather the other day..... sigh.

Well, you've gotta expect that if you live in Canada. I don't have snow at all, because I live in Santa Clara, CA! :D
My day just keeps on sucking. There was a 'personal injury' at one of the subway stations (I think someone jumped in front of the train because it was closed for a while) and I had to take a packed shuttle bus for a long way. Oh yeah did I mention that I have a whole night full of work.

Sorry to drop all my bad day here :).
Originally posted by googolplex
My day just keeps on sucking.

Lucky children in africa who haven't got any full busses to take and no school work to worry about ;)

"Ah, life is good. Why couldn't it just be a little better?"
Originally posted by vic
ww = world wide... sheesh! is your internet connection down?!

i knew what it meant... i was just saying i never knew what WWDC meant... i just always thought it was some conference (like MacWorld New York [MWNY]) in Washington, D.C. but couldn't quite figure out what the first 2 W's were for...



now about my Mac Twist question... anyone wanna help me with that? :D