Herve's Bar & Grill

You want some energizing beats AK?
I've got it!

Cosmic gate - Firewire (lol)
Barthezz - Infected
Cyber human - The scene
Gouryella - Tenshi
Scooter - Ramp

I thought firewire was hilarious when I first heard it hehehe (immediatelly thought of my G3 at home ;) ).....

ohh...when I was young I thought that life as so wonderful
a miracle
oohh it it was beutiful, magical.... (thats all I remember from RAMP hehehe...I dont see how it is the "logical song" though :p)

Man this weekend is easter :eek: -- I will be stuck doing HW :p -- oh how I wish I could claim "religious holiday" and get extensions ;)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Man this weekend is easter :eek: -- I will be stuck doing HW :p -- oh how I wish I could claim "religious holiday" and get extensions ;)

Erm.. no it's not... Or does Easter move about depending on where in the world you are? I don't think it does. It was Easter about a month ago here.
Originally posted by nkuvu
What is AppleSeed?

The computer looks, uh, kind of minimal right now... ;)

AppleSeed is, eh, AppleSeed :p
Seeding projects at Apple.
External beta testing of Apple hardware and software :)

The motherboard picture above is a 2002 Quicksilver prototype motherboard, BTW. I don't have it, it was a joke :)
Originally posted by tismey

Erm.. no it's not... Or does Easter move about depending on where in the world you are? I don't think it does. It was Easter about a month ago here.

Greek orthodox easter is this sunday,
russia orthodox is in a few weeks AFAIK. Some weird way of calculating easter based on the moon lol :p
every xyz years the catholic & greek orthodox fall at the same time
well, i've been kinda half here for a bit now. i realized the sierra mist was in the machine. we really got to get it fixed so it requires quarters again. how about fixing it ksv before voice makes us go broke? oh and whe you get around to it, you could fix me a chocolate malt. that sounds really good right now. don't skimp on the malt. i like em very malty.:D

Tolya - the logical song by supertramp - great stuff. they were a great band. Crime of the Century is still one of the best sterophonic experiences ever produced. one to either listen to on great headphones or exceptional speakers.

hey, great stories and jokes. you can never go wrong with the wisdom of al bundy:p Do they really call it Love and Marriage overseas? It is Married with Children for us.
No, it's called Bundy here, I knew "Married" was in the real title, Love and Marrige was just my best guess...

I really hate when they rename stuff here
Bundy?:p :rolleyes:

that really is a pathetic rename. at least yours made sense, seeing as how Love and Marriage is the theme song. but Bundy? It should at least be The Bundys. While al is the star, they are all hilarious:D
We have a lot of pathetic renames. Friends were called "Venner for livet"("Friends for life" in english)

Tell me your fav TV show or movie, I'll translate the rename
Originally posted by voice-
We have a lot of pathetic renames. Friends were called "Venner for livet"("Friends for life" in english)

Tell me your fav TV show or movie, I'll translate the rename


Star Wars, The Phantom Menace - Stjernekrigen, Den Skjulte Trussel - The Star War, The Hidden Threat

Heh, pretty funny. Translating movie and TV program titles never goes very well :rolleyes:
ah ah ah staying aliiiiiiiiive (damn I am hoocked on the song :p -- a few more days and I will be able to sing it all in karaoke mode :p)

In Married with children was translated as married with children lol.
That was a hilarious show. did you see the one where Kelly wanted to become an actress and she said:

Tonight... I ...become a lesbian!

and bud says: Hey kell, I think you mean a phespian,

kelly says: Bud! yuck! I dont like women! You are disgusting (or something along those lines anyway :p)

that show was a classic ;)
Ahhh its Friday! I've got a busy weekend and week up ahead but I'm relaxing tonight. Listening to some great great music and sitting back. I might go out somewhere later on.
Fridays aren't all that. I just found out I'm home alone with my pa this weekend, and I know he's gonna want help around the house. I hate cleaning...
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Greek orthodox easter is this sunday,
russia orthodox is in a few weeks AFAIK. Some weird way of calculating easter based on the moon lol :p
every xyz years the catholic & greek orthodox fall at the same time

That'd make sense... I never know when Easter is anyway...

And as for Fridays... I've been exceptionally clever at work this week, so I deserve weekend. And there's a distinct possibility that this weekend might surpass last weekend... If you don't see me about in here, you'll know why. Help yourselves - I'll dig out the honesty box...