Herve's Bar & Grill

now if only I had a few thousand $$$ to get a whole rack of them :D -- that would be my dream computer :D (replace the CD drive of one of them with DVD, superdrive, CD-RW, & ZIP 250 though :p)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
good question....where IS xoot ? :p

Awww, you guys miss me! I'm back, in full posting mode. :D

I decided to take the hard way out of postaholicness. :)

Now I am back to normal (well, almost).
I'm just amazed that I still have more posts than Xoot after all that... lol (not to get you started again, Xoot, but I just find it odd)... I'd like to think they're all important posts, but *sigh* I suppose I post too much as well...

What does everyone else think? Am I posting too much useless crap? Or do I usually have something to say?

Keep in mind that I've only been a member a few weeks or so longer than Xoot....
I don't think you're posting useless crap. The point is, I don't know what useless crap is :D

Also, to everyone, please don't capitalize my name. Thanx. :p
Careful xoot, you're beginning to sound like SimX -- er, simX. (That was a joke, don't take it any other way!)

Personally I try to quote names exactly, which is why I call voice- voice- and not voice. ;)

If anyone is wondering, I'm not picky about my name. You can call me lunkhead for all I care, but I might not respond if you do... :)

BTW, I don't think you're posting garbage, Bluefusion.
sorry about the cap, xoot. didn't know. :)

the point is, i don't know what useless crap is either, because 90% of the time if i try to tell a joke or whatever no one finds it funny, but if i just randomly think out loud people think it's the funnies thing they've ever heard--so apparently most of the stuff i consider totally irrelevant seems to be everyone's favorite thing :p
Hey, don't complain. At least people find somethig about you funny. :D And they can't say it's your looks, either, so count your blessings.
BTW, i did my name cap wrong when i registered... i suppose there's no way to change this, is there? i wanted it to be BlueFusion, but now i'd prefer it if people just use bluefusion (lowercase). Bluefusion looks kind of odd, to me at least.

nkuvu, your name is pronounced "nehkoo-voo" right? i wanted to get that right :p
hello all. school is finally over, i'm roommate free, found a job - almost everything is working out well for the summer. well, except for the fact that i'm reduced to AOL dialup :)mad: :mad: :mad: )

ah well. how is everyone>?
Does anyone else here watch 24???
Season finale next week, and good lord has this show been a roller coaster or what ???

I love it :D
Ohhh, I think I have to sit down and have a drink or two. I'm starting to think strange things. :)

Over in the "Dock or Taskbar" thread, Timan posted a pic expressing his dislike for Windows. I saw the pic and immediately thought "Hey, it's simX and Serpicolugnut and someone I don't know"

:p :p :p
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Does anyone else here watch 24???
Season finale next week, and good lord has this show been a roller coaster or what ???

I love it :D

I'm loving it, but because I'm in the UK we're only up to 10am. So please!! no spoilers or anything!!

Good game of poker last night. But too much whisky, I'm afraid. That didn't help when a server crashed and Oracle failed this morning at 6am....
Oh man you are behind.
NO spoilers, but I can say this: THE SHOW ROCKS :D

Well this is is, LAST DAY OF CLASSES :D
tommorow russian final, next week math & cs and I am done :D
Last nite I set up part of my bravenet services, decided to make further updates to my web site than initially planned :) -- After I am done with finals its full speed ahead for web site development :)