Herve's Bar & Grill

Good to see that you are working on your site Blue Fusion, however I like the look with the side bar better. Nice photos:D
Hey cool, thanx :) Actually, many people seem to prefer the sidebar look--maybe it's time to go back to it. Unfortunately, I lost the files neccessary to do that... so.... a little more time to spend, but I don't mind.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
BB, it really bothers you that much? LOL

umm... what are you talking about?

(sorry... i've lost my mind today... i've been walking around and talking like herve most of the day)
The jaggies on your icon. You were complaining about them almost as if they were WORTH complaining about (just for perspective, I didn't even see them until you mentioned it :))

Don't worry, I know what you mean about totally forgetting everything and just talking randomly, forgetting what you just said--it's the story of my life :))

Peace. Out.
Well, I'm cleaning up my computer desk today.. hopefully before the week is done you'll be able to see the surface of the table. It has been covered with more than six inches of random stuff for about a month now; at the moment, most of that stuff is on my bed, but the desk looks very nice :)

I have a little "control center" set up that's pretty funny... I have my DSL modem, DSL router, an 4-port USB hub all right in one corner--for a total of twelve little blinky lights in about 1 square foot. It's kind of funny... the little "technogeek" corner on one side, an old-fashioned marble lamp and crystalline sphere on the other, and a sleek, white LCD iMac far, far in the back, retreating into the shadows with the screen sticking out at a visible distance, framed by two black monolithic Altec Lansing speakers. It's quite cool, actually. I'll take some pics when I'm done :)

(If you can't tell, I'm very excited :))
But why are you posting? I don't quite follow this... isn't this about BlingBling's avatar? If so, why are you posting...?

Sorry, but if you explain this it will stop bothering me :)
Uh, you don't need to post again to change your avatar (even if it is only a test). Set it and all your previous posts will have the same one...

Ooops -- Bluefusion beat me to it. :p
Yeah, there's that, but I'm also just wondering why he's posting at all since it's not his avatar :) Um, JV, mbbe u can explain...?
I edited BlingBling's Avatar to see if I could get the white spots to go away. I simply forgot that changing your avatar changes it with all posts (its been a long day). Sorry for the confusion:D

Sorry BlingBling I couldn't oust them!
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
bartenders are supposed to sample not drink :p

Yeah, but how can you be sure that the bit you sampled is going to be representative of everything? You have to sample LOTS.
good question....where IS xoot ? :p

Tismey my normal morning coffee please... my eyes are about half shut :p and the weather is so raininy it makes me want to go to sleep right on top of my work mac :p

2 more days...:D--- 2 days left of classes! today...and tomorrow!
yay!!!!!!!!!!! Once I am done with finals, drinks are on me :D