Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by ksuther
Didn't we agree to not talk about page numbers macguy? Hmm, hmm? :)

????? I didn't say anything about that topic...

yay! 2 more weeks of school, and then done for the summer!!!
i have tomorow tuesday then wednesday is graduation...... thrusday is formal... yea for freshmen year its like whopy friken do but maybe ill get some fun out of it. maybe some of the older macosx members can tell us some of there prom stories?
Ack! Hey Ed, good thing you had the party yesterday eh?

For those of you who don't live in the SF Bay Area, it was WET today!!!

Very strange weather for this time of year... It's been kind of warm lately, and now this...
hey macguy, you are soooo right about the weather factor!! Saturday was one of the most magically beautiful days we have had in a long time. Even though i have been out in that yard for longer periods of time almost every day for the past month or more, i got sunburned pretty good for the first time at the party. The Gods and Goddesses were really smiling upon us. But then today, after the real graduation ceremony, it was raining. while the afternoon eventually cleared up, it felt muggy and uncomfortable most of the day.

ulrik - glad you pointed the email out to me. i have now seen it and replied.

and to end the weekend of the celebration, my gf, her son, his gf, and his gf's parents and i went to a very nice steak house near stanford. I had the prime rib special. it was probably the best meal i have had in months.:) But even better was the fact that it was nice and relaxed with just a few people - a great way to unwind from all the parties and ceremonies. now just one more thing to do tomorrow - help the grad man get his stuff moved out of his dorm. (and find space to stash his stuff in our garage:p )
I got an SMS this morning telling me the weather
"Partly cloudy, 45F", I get in the car and teh sun blinds me :p
It is indeed cold but I cou;d have used my shades lol :p -- damn SMS ;)

Today is teh day! The beginning of the end! :D
Now....my morning dose of osx.com and then off to hit the books ;)
good morning Tolya and all.

welcome home Jeff. people were really missing you with all the things going on with chimera. somebody else actually had to start a thread about it:D

i gotta finish my coffee and then get to work helping move the gf's son out of his dorm. this will be the last time i have to do this.:cool:
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i gotta finish my coffee and then get to work helping move the gf's son out of his dorm. this will be the last time i have to do this.:cool:
Is this because you've been lacing his food with arsenic? ;)
Well my trip was amazing. I can give details later.

Oh, Ed, What Chimera news???? I have been away from computers for about a week. Fill me in! Is it that AOL thread.
gplex, from what I gather, the programmer of chimera is leaving till July (or was it June?) and stopping development till then. He refuses to release the source/project builder file because of an "enormous patch" that only he can understand. Somewhere along the line someone decided to start a rumor that Apple is going to develop chimera from now on (B/c they used it in the Xserve demo). They claim that the developer is going to Apple to help (until July or June whichever is it).

That is what I have gather, but I don't follow it that closely :D
How it helps;)
first day of work today... yippie... i leave the place for the school year and everything goes to hell... blargh.

oh well - at least i'm getting paid again, which means i can afford new mac stuff - yippie...

my summer shopping list so far:
Ati Radeon 8500
iPod (maybe)
new guitar (ESP F-200 probably)
some manner of PDA
a few dvd's and cd's here and there...

yippie again!
