Herve's Bar & Grill

Hey poptart... i didn't mean anything against Kansas... my relatives actually live there... Arkansas City, Kansas in fact...

just thought i'd clear the air! :)
Ahhhhhh!!!! I have a Calculus final tomorrow!!!! Please shoot me now, I am going to fail!!!!!

I also have an English final but I should pass that one :eek:
hmmm... I think our history final is tomorrow. What sucks is it covers the whole year so.... Hope my notes are good :D

Hey Ed, did it hail where you are? It hailed over by us, and supposed to rain more tonight...

whoa sorry for that, i needed to release because today... i finished all my finals!!!!! and i dint fail geometry!

but i did get the worst grades ever in my life this year. not a good thing considering this is my first year of highschool...

movie production=a
biology=d? maybe i dont know yet i just hope i dont fail i dont want to take summer school
the point is taht we are a bar and grille :p
virtual food, drink and music, but real talk ;)

Well once again my friends, my hypothesis is proven: Luck favors the bold.

The final was SO easy (well I studied hard for it too :p) but no curve balls, it was just what we covered in class. Take a look at the stats for the class:

approx 40-50 students in the class on the first day of class.

After pseudo-requirement (check your knowledge BS), approx 1/3 drop the class (they said if you dont pass this requirement you cant stay in the class. I did not pass it, yet I remained---stubborn admiral :p)

After a month or so go by and after the mid term and a few HWs get passed in the a lot more people drop and there are MAX 20 people in the class (me among them). Did not drop, even though I wasnt doing so well.

Finally taking the final (which was optional) only 5 people (out of 20) took it. The As in the class did not have to take it, and most of the Bs in the class opted not to take it. As I said the final was easy (at least for me). So what does this get me to? Stick with it! Be a stubborn son of a b****, study hard and dont listen to the critics out there.

(studying a little doesnt hurt :p)

Donate money to the "No Summer School for satanicpoptart" campaign. :D

Or, satanicpoptart, get yourself insurance against summer school. :p
satanic... my grades SUCKED... c'ept for a few...

english: B average maybe
health: A <- EASY CLASS!
life prep: B average maybe... god i want to f***ing kill that b**** of a teacher!
algebra: d average... easily :(
science: c average... maybe a d :(
french: c average... possibly a b :)
history: c average... possibly a b... :)

anyways, our finals haven't started... and i also don't plan on studying (yikes!) since i've proven that it doesn't help ME one bit...

anyways, wish me luck, cause i'll need every f***ing part of it!
Everyone taking tests and finals - GOOD LUCK!!! may Ganesha smile upon you and remove the obstacles from your mind while filling it with the knowledge you need!!

Trip - while i think the general idea of this thread has been expressed well by others, go back and read the first post of the thread in which i explain what it is expected to be and deliniate the lack of rules:D of course it could be summed up as "a pub" just as well.

macguy - i was back and forth between the coast and Palo Alto today and rain into lots of alternations of heavy rain and sunshine with some strong winds, but no hail anywhere. It has just finished downpouring again as i write this. It wouldn't surprise me if it starts again in five minutes:p

so i am almost done with daily manual labor. I only need to unload the gf's son's stuff from my van and then it is done. I'll probably deal with that tomorrow since it keeps raining.

on the other hand, i can't seem to stop my addiction for buying new plants (got 6 more today) and of course they all have to be planted. Right now i have 9 plants waiting to go in the ground. It should go pretty fast and easy with the rain making the ground soft. In fact i was getting ready to do it today when the sky burst open again.
Are you pagan Ed?

Just curious, not trying to turn the B&G into religion:D

All I need a simple yes or no, if no, do you have a religion?
Hmmm well it started raining again...
Where is Symphonix? Havn't seen him in a while. At least Herve is back to his old habits :D
Anybody else having strange weather?

EDIT: Well I see that I must have influenced bluefusion in some way :D
Hint: Look at my avatar. Then look at Bluefusions status :D