Herve's Bar & Grill

Wow... what a change... i dunno... i may stay here... it's where i've been for 6 months... i don't think i can leave for good...

i'll have to sleep on it...

i'll talk to you guys tomorrow
Well, for myself, I think I'll hang around for a while and see what develops. What irked me the most was the censorship of discussion about the forum. If that's still in place this post won't see the light of day, and I won't hang around. I just hope we can get everyone back.

Oh, xoot, as far as I can tell, Admin's just taking a leave of absence to let things cool down.
hey everybody. wow, did we party at Herve's II or what? but don't think that the old Herve's is closing. I expect both locations to do a brisk business with many clientele who will be comfortable in both decors.

i apologize to anyone who's posts it was me who deleted or edited. I was simply trying to protect my friends so that the door would remain open should things get resolved. The policy that is in place now is the same one you signed up for. so basically it is up to your mods to subjectively decide if you meet the criteria. you should be figuring out what mine are by now. play nice - no attacking each other. if you are joking with a friend, make it clear. Salty language is ok. foulmouthed language with no point is not. post to the right forum. don't aid and abet in warez distribution or operation. send me $20. ( :D just making sure you were absorbing what you are reading :D ) i won't be deleting or editing threads for any other reasons. you'll have to ask the other mods what their interpretations are.

now, Herve's should not be the place where we air everything out. Let's keep this a joint to relax and have fun. We certainly had fun last nite. but if anybody wants to discuss the issue in this forum instead of the site news, go ahead for now. at some point we'll probably move them, but go ahead for now.

ok, some of you are emailing me again so i'm going to go tend to that right now.

There's a Herve's 2? What HAS been going on in my absence?

Anyway, who was waiting? There is free Pastis and Kronenbourg, and some pain au chocolat to celebrate the French exiting the World Cup. Get em while they last!

*edited after reading the site announcement and answering my own question*
Tismy my good man,
dont worry, as the bar tender in the ORIGINAL bar and grille, you ARE THE MAN -- and you set teh standard ;)

I wish I had more moderatorial power though because I cant moderate posts in all forums...

some Jughead, AS SOON AS THE MOD LEAVES, posts some iditioc post with a body of "fuck piss shit" in the mac hardware forum.

How IMMATURE is that :mad:
it's for people like that that the admin jumped the gun.
I dont condone the admin's iron fist but people like this piss me off cause they ruin it for the rest of us :mad:
Hey Admiral! I visited you website and saw the page where you had your latest music mix with a link to a real player file that plays your mix (I guess)! I could not download and play it because it's a .ram file. Anyway, what I was wondering is if this is really legal? Also, could I do the same but put a downloadable Mp3 file, that contains the whole mix, mixed together there instead?
Just wondering...
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Tismy my good man,
dont worry, as the bar tender in the ORIGINAL bar and grille, you ARE THE MAN -- and you set teh standard ;)

Aww, that's sweet Admiral. Thanks. I think I've about got up to speed with all the scary developments that occurred during my time out. Well, hopefully it'll get back to normal soon.

And WHY OH WHY OH WHY do Apple always either (a) release a software update or (b) make a big hardware announcement or (c) both when I'm offline? It always takes me ages to catch up.
Yeah, what will we do without our head troll-hunter? He doesn't seem very amenable to coming back anytime soon. :(
If you mean Racer, I get the impression he was VERY offended by the whole thing...

Hey, talk about spreading myself thin - tending 2 bars in 2 separate franchises!!
well the RAM file is there to stream music :)
not to download -- if you cant access it, I probably went over my bandwidth limit :)

I am working on the next edition which will have both streaming and non streaming options :)

As for the legality of it... I heard that some staying that stream music actually pay a fee to have their music be legal. I pay no fees, nor have I heard anything about paying.... I have disclaimers on the site about piracy and such which I am making more clear and easier to view in my updated edition (which will come this july)
Hey the other Herve's is kind of cool- Ed won't let me be bartender, but I run the sushi bar in the corner and serve the food. Yay!.

Hey, just thought I'd drop in and say I'm still hanging out here, but I might not post as much because of Macfora.

Cheers :monkey:
yay the bar and grill is open again! i was sad for a while. more saddened about the rivalry and hostility that had found its way between us for a while there... hopefully everything can calm down now. macfora may be cool, but there is only one macosx.com, and one true bar and grill :p
Herve's is still alive as usual. old places normally slow down a bit when new ones open. don't worry, people will stop by here. sometimes that crosstown traffic is just too much to deal with:D

Macguy, you've done a very good job so far. You can wait tables here as well. in fact i'm pretty hungry. would you please get me an order of nachos with lots of sour cream and guacamole? and none of that low fat stuff. i want real sour cream.

anybody want to pool? we've had these tables sitting here forever and all anybody does is sit drinks on them. but the ones at the other location got put to use right away. i'm up for a game of 8 ball or cutthroat if anybody else is.:cool: