Herve's Bar & Grill

I just set up that B&W G3 I was talking about, man what a fine machine! I installed SuSE Linux PPC Edition since I have to run Apache with dynamic PDFLib support on it (not possible on OS X yet since OS X Apache doesn't support dynamically loaded PDFLib extension) and some other stuff like MySQL, PHP4.1...you name it.

Man, that thing's a nice machine! Not to mention the 21'' CRT Apple Studios Display. That's a MONSTER, I tell ya!

just thought I'd share...
Oh, and I'm playing around with my Quadra 700 :p
I've taken out the motherboard, experimenting with HDs, floppy drives etc :)
A pretty cool machine, but the case is way too big, so I'll try to get someone to make a new aluminium case for it :)
The cool thing about that machine is that the motherboard/HD don't need any fans, only the power supply. So I have plans about putting the motherboard/floppy drive in one case, use an external HD, and of course put the power supply (probably a new one that doesn't require a fan) in a seperate case.
Cool, eh? :D

Anything cool I've missed while I've been away?
ok, now this is cool. sitting and watching ulrik's and ksv's avatars next to each other.

(at first i didn't realize it was ksv instead of Ulrik. I thought ulrik was having intermittent brain spasms and just posting his thoughts as they came to him:p )

so ksv, next time you are not going to show up for work, at least call in. Things have been so busy at times that people were walking out after waiting to be served;)

shiny gf's are ok, but i prefer the one that has accomadated to most of my habits after almost 10 yrs:)

get my lazyboy ready, i'm going to do more digging in the yard today:D
no I gotta love Ulrik and the return of his sense of humor!! LOL:p :p

I remember the thread about the camera in the monitor and how everybody was so serious about it. You cracked me up with that one. and then you went sorta serious for a while. but i can see from this and a few of your other posts today that you haven't lost the touch. :) :D

gotta stop laughing long enough to hit the little button at the bottom:cool:
:D Hi all! I am posting from Uni now, and O-week is just getting into full swing. It is all very overwhelming:
"Umm, am I meant to have a timetable?"
"Err, are there meant to be some books or something?"

And the state of Mac affairs here, where the nearby IBM datacentre "advises the university"? Well, there is a Mac lab and a Sun-Unix lab, and they are both considered 'good places to hang out if you want to be alone'.