Herve's Bar & Grill

we are currently retrofitting the second floor with arcades, tournament size pool tables, and mac workstation with VR accessories :)

The DJ booth is between the two floors and has access to both of em, and there are bars on both floors. The first floor has the grill, the second the games, and there is also a dance floor which can be used at the flap of an eyelid :p

so bling- whats up with those T-shirs ?!

very..... very....... veeery...... bored on a saturday afternoon...... 'nova's winning, so i don't care to watch the game... so.....

someone design a sign-face to stick on this, for Hervé's..... or..... come up with a better signpost!..... i figure Hervé's could use some better advertising

:rolleyes: :D ;) :p


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Congratulations again Symphonix. sounds like things are falling into place for you. We are all rooting for you!! so how's the sunburn going?;)

you would probably never drink Fosters again if you saw their american commercials. Our friend from down under is appalled by them. they make you guys out to all be a bunch of ignorant bushmen - very crocidile dundee'ish, only worse. I will describe a few of them for you when i have more time.

BB - admin is probably stalling till the new changes coming on March 3. (see site disscussions for what little detail there is) oh, and here's your food.

Unlearn - (you gotta get a shorter name we can call you) Great post (all punning aside:D ). If you check back about 20 pages or so ago, you will find a logo that BB made for us - our sign. that relates also to the tshirts we are talking about. I am sure it would fit nicely on your post as well (there's that dam pun again.:p )

yea if you guys would get up off your barstools and check this place out, you would see there is a lot more to it. and expansion work is constantly being done. remember if you want it you can build it. Don't you think Admiral did a great job with the DJ booth and dance floor?;)
Unlearn - (you gotta get a shorter name we can call you) Great post (all punning aside ). If you check back about 20 pages or so ago, you will find a logo that BB made for us - our sign. that relates also to the tshirts we are talking about. I am sure it would fit nicely on your post as well (there's that dam pun again. )

thanks ed - i finally saw the logo! (better late than never) it's a very nice one! i'll have to work on getting on the sign post later, if that's ok with everyone

As for shorter names.... Unlearn..... Greg..... Hey You.... hehe whatever works!
ok, well you are the first Greg to come along so i will use Greg. go right ahead and put it on your post and repost your post Greg. (i think klink has been using Hey You):p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
ok, well you are the first Greg to come along so i will use Greg. go right ahead and put it on your post and repost your post Greg. (i think klink has been using Hey You):p

whoa that last part confused the heck out of me... my head hurts.....:confused: :confused:

ooooh 100th post.... i'm getting there!

oh yeah, and i'll work on the post and repost the post tomorrow... for once i have plans for a weekend so i can't post or work on the post or repost the post tonite..... what?

i'd make a building to put behind the sign, but i'm horrible at making buildings with bryce.. oh well!
Go to the congrats admiralAK thread and take a look at my latest cover ;) --that will be the kind of music I will be playing tonite :D

namelly Rimini Project, scooter, safri-duo, kylie minogue, alizee and many many more ;-)

The Dj booth has nice views from top AND botton hehehe ;-) lucky me lol. This place is almost always under constant renovation and upgrades :) Its a nice place :D
I just came from the cinema with my shiny new girlfriend :)D :D :D :D ). We watched Vanilla Sky, damnit, in the scene near the end where Tom Cruise stands in the hallway in the Live Extension building and screamed "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" over and over again, I always thought "now comes the blue screen...come on, now it comes....LE is certainly running Windows"

Hehe...just thought I share! Oh, a real nice movie, btw., reminded me a bit of the Davind Fincher style...or the other one with Kurt Russel...how was it called? Arlington Road!!! Or Dark City, for exampel...

Oh, my order, yes, I take a german Pils (beer) and since I don't think you have Sushi-Maki around here, I'll take some Chicken Wings...
Here's #1 of 2 images i'm working on...

It's how big promotion for the bar should be! We should raise a few billion dollars so we can launch this sign into space!

(wait... did I just give away the photo? oh well, see for yourself)


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BB, i just noticed your signature! You never mentioned that your PC had a floppy! I think if you had, it would have been snapped up immediately. You see, us poor mac users are starving for a simplistic way to transfer 1.44 Mb files.:D

I know that this helps your situation in no way, but I just thought the Floppy Drive in your sig was hilarious.;)
Bling you should pull that from your sig immediately.
If Herve finds out he's gonna want to race.

He does have a fast floppy I hear.

Neat promo pic btw.
Originally posted by Matrix Agent
but I just thought the Floppy Drive in your sig was hilarious.;)

:D I wanted to see who would notice it... congrats! you're the first! I thought it was funny too... you guys with your Sueprdrives and highly-advanced machines..
and me with an iMac G4 sitting in a box in the entry way ready to be shipped back to Apple for refund while i'm being stuck with this dell until I can actually pay for an iMac or PowerMac...

Originally posted by Klink
Bling you should pull that from your sig immediately.
If Herve finds out he's gonna want to race.

He does have a fast floppy I hear.

Yea... the speed trials of a 1.44 MB drive! Just as fascinating as the ongoing TRAY SPEED WARS! WHO WINS? TOP OR BOTTOM? :D
So Ulrik, are you dating a new imac or a chrome bumper or what? I have never seen nor heard of a girl being described as shiny before. Or is it just that she reflects you so well?;) that was certainly a lot of smiling you did when you walked in!!

hey thanks for the movie review and for not giving away the real ending (i hope). Sounds like you had a good time. Nice of you to stop by the bar and have a brew with the guys afterwards. Speaking of which , here's your brew and wings. try back next week for the sushi-maki.:D

would you kids stop playing with your floppies at the bar? We're trying to run a family joint here.

Herve i saw somebody else rumoring about this as well. If that happens, the good life is over.:( We might as well all go live in caves and watch satelite tv from now on.

Speaking of TV, did the American get screwed in speed skating or what? Losing his gold medal and getting hurt because the guy behind him couldn't stay up for trying to hard. I think the USA will go gold in hockey after managing a tie against russia. First time the GF has watched hockeey with me since they stopped the experiment with the highlighted puck on telecasts:p :cool:
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
So Ulrik, are you dating a new imac or a chrome bumper or what? I have never seen nor heard of a girl being described as shiny before. Or is it just that she reflects you so well?;) that was certainly a lot of smiling you did when you walked in!!

Well, she's so new ;) You know, like when you get that iPod and it shines all the way, and after some days of using you have a grey piece of plastic in your hand, and you think "damn was this thing shiny when it was new". Seriously, isn't it the same with women...;)

hey thanks for the movie review and for not giving away the real ending (i hope). Sounds like you had a good time. Nice of you to stop by the bar and have a brew with the guys afterwards. Speaking of which , here's your brew and wings. try back next week for the sushi-maki.:D

NO! Giving away the ending from Vanilla Sky would ruin the movie! We first wanted to go to a movie called "Pact of the wolves" here in Germany, but there was no seat left so I remembered reading a rather good review about Vanilla Sky, and since I wanted to see this Penelope Cruz and the reason why a sane man would leave Nicole Kidman ever since I heard the story, I had to visit the movie.

OH, and I prefer Shake-Maki, with raw fish (you know, the ones from Canada, I don't know the english names...the ones stupid enough to swim against the tide) in the middle...yummi.....

Hey, anybody heard news about Futurama? Please tell me as a Simpsons and Futurama fan, who watched EVERY episode aired from these two series in at least two different languages that they won't cancell this great show after four seasons....
I want to see Le pacte de loups too ;) -- I just dont have the time :p (or teh good company lol) Here in the US the film is called "the brothehood of the wolves".

As for girlfriends being like iPods.... I think that girlfriends are like new operating systems lol. You just let them run and see how they do and hope that they come close to being in a Mac state rather than a Windows state ;)

Hmm...but you can always reboot an OS if it makes trouble. Or you can simply set it back to the start without much of a hassle...