Herve's Bar & Grill

Wow, i guess i didn't realize how good i have it. my tiny little private grad school (admits 50 each year) has 3 macs in the comp. lab. of course they are maintained so well that i was the one who had to put acrobat reader on one of them!!

yea, get the books symphonix - they will come in handy at some point. like when you need to prop your door open or reach the top shelf over the refridgerator:D just kidding, but i will say that going to class has always been more of a key to success than many of the books i bought. of course there is always that one prof that wants you to have read the assignment before you come to class;)

magnetic lobsters - i don't know about that, but i've always been attracted to a good lobster meal. Ever have grilled lobster? good stuff. We used to go down to Baja, mexico to Puerto Nuevo and get 2 tails with all the rice and beans and tortillas you could eat for $10-$12. those were the days.:D

i transplanted 2 rosebushes today, but i am not nearly as tired as before. but i think i'll just go over here and relax in the lazyboy just the same.:eek:
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
no I gotta love Ulrik and the return of his sense of humor!! LOL:p :p

I don't know what you are talking about, sir! I'm a Bender! I bend gerders.

I remember the thread about the camera in the monitor and how everybody was so serious about it. You cracked me up with that one. and then you went sorta serious for a while. but i can see from this and a few of your other posts today that you haven't lost the touch. :) :D

Actually, I was serious. You can't imagine how depressed I was when this rumour turned out to be false! I already got a new haircut and cleaned up my room so that OS X wouldn't think I'm messy, but then? Just a stupid, flatscreen iMac. Yeah...this depression held on for a while...but now, with the new displays and 10.2 with support for the camera in them right around the corner, I finally found my destination in life again...and for the second time in history, I cleaned up my room....
LOL - glad to hear it ulrik!! (not about cleaning up your room :p )

welcome back from the dark night of the soul:)

Here have some chicken wings on the house. Tismey, pour this man what ever he wants:D
Well, I'd start with a Pils (german beer), to early over here to switch to hard liquor...

...btw, I just got a new project which brings me 1000 dollars each week for the next four months! That would be the new G5 then ;)

Hey bartender!
Ice cold FrappŽ please ;-) Just woke up! (lol I know it's late but it s a holiday :p)

I always found lobsters to be something that I did not like. As a matter of fact I dont like seafood at all, the only notable exception being fried calamari, and maaaaaaaaybe baked boneless scrod from time to time :p

Well, I thought like you till I had to try the stuff to impress a girl. Since then, there is no week in which I don't eat Sushi at least on three days. You only have to make sure that it is fresh (I also sometimes make it myself, but it's hard to get the ingredients for the real funky ones).

But I have to agree with you when it comes to fried calamari! That stuff was made in heaven, I am sure!

Then again, I seem to be the kind of guy who likes the eat the stuff others hate. I love Sushi, asian food in general, Anchovis (spelling?) and other stuff people normaly rate as "bluuuurgh".

Then again I hate everything close to fruits, vegetables or salad or something!
mmmmmm sushi..... dammit ulrik now i want sushi and it's impossible to get around here... :rolleyes: ah well.... i can probably obtain some tomorrow... woohoo!
well, sushi-maki a rather quick to make! You just need some japanese rice, the green stuff (called Algen in german, you know what I mean) which is available in Walmart over here in Germany. Japenes vinegrette for the rice, some Wasabi and japanese soya sauce. The rest depends on what you like, any raw fish should do the trick. Another easy to make Sushi kind is the egg Nigiri or most of the other Nigiris if you have the topping.

Seriously, it's great fun to make them at home! I admit that the japenese restaurant I visit regularly makes them a bit better, but if I get hungry and I want Sushi late at night (which happens more often than you might think) I just make some...that's why I always have cooked rice in my fridge ;)
ulrik... what in the hell are you doing to get 1000 a week for 4 months... that's $16,000!!!!!!!!

You can get a freakin dual G4, dual cinema displays, and hella more cool shit for that!

i want your job!
Just wait a month, then I will present the first beta of this project over here ;)

Oh, and don't forget I have to taxes for the money, I have to pay the house I am living in, the food I and my cat are eating, the clothes I am wearing, the car I am driving...after all that, there is not THAT much left to buy a new Mac...but I still plan to safe most of the money for a new G5 in summer :D :D

oh, and, one Cinema Display is enough. My second display is a 17'' CRT Studio Display and I have a 21'' CRT for the B&W G3 I bought a few days ago.

Then again, I already noticed that freaking 21'' CRT when I checked the power status on the homepage of my electricity provider....
ah fried calamari:D

if you guys ever make it to my neck of the woods i know just where to take you for dinner. I live about 2 miles from a working fishing harbor and the restraunts there make great calamari with huge helpings. I have always just eaten the rings and legs untill recently when i have starting trying the steaks which are even better - tastes much like abalone. and since we can't get abalone for several more years (moritoreum on cemmercial gathering and sales), this is the next best thing. I guess i eat calamari about once a month or a little more.

hey, congratulations on the money gig, ulrik!! so you will be buying the next round, right?:p

perhaps we should make you the sushi chef around here as well:D
yeah, the next round's on me! Sushi and Pils for everyone, except Admiral, get him some fried Calamari!!!

Hey, Ed, can I understand that as an invitation? I'll come visit you in summer, you are invited over here whenever you want (I always have some empty beds around), then you will have the oppertunity to try REAL beer (*ducks and runs for cover). And I am only a few minutes away from Heidelberg, I lovely city everybody should have seen in summer.

Sitting on one of the bridges of Heidelberg on a warm summer morning is one of the best things you can do in your life...

So, if any list member ever visits Germany, drop me a line, you are always welcome...
I just red something very interesting...in February 20th, something will happen which only happened once, 1001 years ago, and will NEVER happen again!

20:02 o'clock, 20/02, 2002

cool, eh?
look at the date and time

20:02, 20/02, 2001

such a perfect combination will never happen again...
heidelberg eh ?
one of my friends went to the university of heidelberg ;-) sounds nice :) my university also has an exchange program with it.

too bad I cant go due to work :p

fried calamari sounds good, lets get the osx.com gang together and go out for food, on Ed's tab :p
