Hey Jadey! Welcome to our humble bar. I know it is just a little place, but we do have replicators, a DJ and dance floor, a childrens menu, a sushi-chef, and even a bathroom.

What we don't have is a kitchen or a cure for hangovers, so take it easy on the virtual drinks, okay?
Tismey! I sympathise entirely. I still don't have my ISP up after a whole two weeks, and am using my dad's account. What gets me is that they can cut you off if you slip over your plan by one day, and when you do pay online they can put the charge to your credit card in under an hour, but then it takes them at least a week to re-connect you. They will not be getting any more money from me!

More's the pity, since they were the first ISP I've found that NEVER had a busy signal or dropout.
Oh, and dig this... I just took a tour of my local IBM data-centre yesterday. It was boring as hell because they wouldn't actually let us see anything. Not the mainframes, not the networks, not even the tape library or print room. All we were allowed to see was the cafeteria and the call-centre.
What got me, though, was their promotional video. There was an IBM programmer working at a PowerMac G4 with cinema display in the background of one of the shots!
And when the guide turned on the big projector, it came up with the TV running "Diagnosis Murder". There was some girl in a very skimpy outfit acting all flirty, and the guide couldn't work out why his audience his trying hard not to laugh while he talked about career options.