Herve's Bar & Grill

Herve I get lost here all the time. What is informatics? Please shed some light for me so I can understand.
Originally posted by ulrik
Uhm, well, most brands of beer are available in 0.5 litre bottles over here...if you mean a 0.5 litre CAN, than I only know Faxe, which tastes a bit like a Lager beer if you ask me...

Jetzt mal auf Deutsch!
Also das bier is in so ner buntglas Buddell! Oben dünn unten dick... Mit nem Schloss drauf!:)
My school were I was graduating before has ordened 20 free G4 towers, I have only ordened 1. The lady at the bank changed the transportcost so that I can forgot mine. Now they is a lawcase! Be a university student and freed from the school I think that there are much nicers things than just paying lawyers.
What's been going on everyone!?

I'm gone from the bar for a day and a half and there have been around 80 new posts! (2 new pages @ 40 posts each)

You've got to get me caught up!

I'll have some calamari also along with a large plate of shrimp (battered and fried please!) and a tall glass of Milk to wash it down!

Ed: Great idea for MWSF 2003! I'll have my license by then so I can drive up myself (I don't know about accomidations, but I'll figure something out)

Is the kitchen being rebuilt yet? We should get one that's fireproofed or something... spending $100,000 imaginary dollars on shipping in food, drink, and supplies is way too much!

Also check out my new avatar! Only until Herve gets his back will I replace mine again!

Also... unlearn... i love the "Why Mac?" PDF you have in your iDisk... it was great reading!
Also... unlearn... i love the "Why Mac?" PDF you have in your iDisk... it was great reading!

hehe thanks! i found it on some random carracho server, of all places, and really enjoyed it so i figured i'd try to share it with the world.
will it speed up my schedule?!

if so, i must (re)buy this miracle machine!

btw... to everyone... i read in a March 1993 (yea, it was old) Consumer Reports magazine where they compared a DOS based system, a WINDOWS based system, and a Macintosh running System 7.0.1... the Mac scored "EXCELLENT" in all areas while the DOS & Windows only got "Fair" and "Good"

hmm.... they should do one comparing Mac OS X, Windows XP, and another OS (Linux Maybe?) and see who wins that one!
*the bar crowd hears a wonderful crunching sound outside the door, and in a flurry of Thinkpad pieces, in walks kerisbf*

good evening all! i caught the tail end of that conversation about macs and schools, and am prepared to complain to the max about my school's laptop initiative :D

*sits down at the bar and hopes they don't card... :rolleyes: *
and what initiative might that be? based on the shrapnel erupting from your dramatic entrance.... i'd have to guess they're pushing overpriced, underpowered thinkpads, just like my school does!
haha overpriced and DEFINITELY underpowered.
we pay 300 some odd dollars a semester for this craptop that was supposed to be nice. HA! it's got an intel celeron processor, (700mHz, they claim), and windows me. the worst part about it is that the university doesn't offer any alternative. no macs!!! the program was implemented a couple years ago, by students who were about to graduate and didn't care. there are a few students left who have been grandfathered in, and aren't required to have the laptop, but aside from that, the only way to get out of it is to be a food service management major.
personally i think us art majors got the short end of the stick.

hey, bartender, can i have a beer? i think i may need one... ;)

wow that sounds terribly familiar... commerce and finance majors here are required to purchase thinkpads, whereas the rest of us are just "strongly recommended" to do so. Either way, everyone gets a "good deal," which i believe is about $2700, for a crappy thinkpad. NO alternatives. macs get NO support. If you have a mac you're on your own. And from what i've heard, the Apple Power Rep for my univ actually gave up on us. *sigh* ok enough complaining from me for now...

where did that calamari run off too...... :cool:
Alexandert, meinst du Warsteiner? Das hat 'n Schloss drauf, ist aber oben net ganz so dünn wie andere Flaschen, die ich kenne...

KöPi hat ne Krone drauf...
stupid drummers.... is anyone in here a drummer in the PA area? i've found that drummers are the hardest to find out of all musicians... and unfortunatly, they're somewhat necessary for a band to progress. oh well.... sorry about the random rant.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
All the presentations at my Uni are done on (choke) Microdork PowerPoint (cough! I feel so dirty.) running on ThinkPads, and I have not seen one presentation yet that hasn't been a technological nightmare.
Even when three IBM recruiters came to put their thing down, it took them ten minutes to get their damn ThinkPad to work with the projector. Perhaps IBM engineers might have had a better time of it, or perhaps they would have been ashamed enough to just break down crying right there.
What gets me is the jerk teachers who tell you you have to know PowerPoint to make a presentation look professional. I have never seen a professional looking powerpoint presentation. Video, yes. Flash and Director, yes. Hell, even nicely printed transperancies look more professional. PowerPoint just makes you look like the sort of executive whose knowledge of technology is how to put a custom ringtone on your cell-phone.
I'm sure people would find buying a thinkpad a lot more attractive if they had seen even one presentation where the powerpointer didn't end up looking like a total dork.
Forgive me if I sound like a ranting looney, but I've come to realise over the last few years working with the big IT companies that they are run by people who don't even understand their own company, and are only interested in their own promotion within the corporate ranks. If you don't believe me, ask an IBMer about IBM's involvement in Hitler's Holocaust, or about their trade practices in relation to the PC market, or something like that.

ME: "Hey, why is IBM promising to invest one billion dollars in Linux over the coming decade?"
IBM SUB-MANAGER LEVEL 2 BUTTKISS: "Shit, are we? What the hell is Linux? It must be bloody good if we're putting money in, anyway, I can tell you."

Better to be a pirate, eh? ;)