Herve's Bar & Grill

You could say the same thing about modern punk. There are lots of people who dress to fit the whole skater/punk scene and take on the values of that scene as their own, then there are those that enjoy the music and don't care if their values/outfits match the look of it all.
also very true Jadey. I've also met some people who dress the scene but hate the music, so it really can go either way.

hey... where's ed these days?

oooh i almost forgot... i finally found sushi :D i'm happy now
Herve I'm not quite sure what your getting at. :confused: ;)
Are you saying the popularity of a certain 'type' of music is what makes it categorized in some sort of genre or style? I would say yes then. Did I say something to appose a view like that? :(

That's so true Jadey & truth. I find it very interesting how and why poeple listen to and identify with music. I think there's a small statement to be said about a persons character in those terms.

What happened, we lost ulrick? :confused:
There will be a huge presentation of the new iMac in Belgium. Everything is prepared. It will be something very important for Apple Computer to increase sales. It is exactly the same as with the imac. Then the slogan was "Hello Again", it's now "Think Different". You see it everywhere.
For an example:
I love punk music. I dont dress up like the typical punk. But I do feel out of place when I go to a punk concert... I end up being the only one not dressed up.
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
For an example:
I love punk music. I dont dress up like the typical punk. But I do feel out of place when I go to a punk concert... I end up being the only one not dressed up.

hehehe... funny. Same here.
iMac G4 Combo


Vier jaar geleden heeft Apple de eerste iMac geïntroduceerd. Hierdoor zijn we niet alleen anders gaan werken met computers, maar ook anders gaan denken over technologie. Sommigen vinden zelfs dat iMac de wereld heeft veranderd. Zes miljoen iMacs later doet Apple dat weer.
Systeem MacOS

De nieuwe iMac is ontworpen rondom een verbluffend 15-inch flat-panel LCD-scherm, dat helderder, scherper en rustiger voor je ogen is dan de conventionele CRT-beeldschermen. En in plaats van je nek, schouders en rug aan te passen aan de positie van je computer, zet je het beeldscherm van de nieuwe iMac in één beweging in de gewenste stand. In de ultracompacte voet met een diameter van slechts 27 cm huist één van de snelste iMac ooit, met een razendsnelle 700-MHz G4-processor die geen enkele moeite heeft met zelfs de meest veeleisende programma's. En met de revolutionaire SuperDrive brand je je zelfgemaakte cd's en dvd's. Kortom, de nieuwe iMac is zijn tijd ver vooruit, net zoals zijn voorganger dat was.

Technische specificaties:

• 15-inch TFT flat Panel
• 700-MHz PowerPC G4
• 256 KB L2-cache (op 700 MHz)
• 256 MB SDRAM
• 40 GB Ultra ATA-schijf
• Dvd/cd-rw-speler
• NVIDIA GeForce2 MX
• 10/100BASE-T Ethernet
• Interne 56K-modem
• Vijf USB-poorten
• Twee FireWire-poorten
• Apple Pro Speakers

prijs € 2.176,78
87.811 bef

Taal : FR NL
Waarborg : 1 jaar

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de 7 dagen*

* vanaf inning van uw betalling
the age of love is one of their songs ;-)

How much is the fish?
F*ck the millenium
faster harder scooter
RAMP (the logic song)

and more are done by scooter :)

Hey Greg - thanks for asking about me. I've just benn puttering around in the back room and following all the conversations and loving it. Every bar manager loves it when the place starts to get some regulars and things get rocking. It is simply gratifing to see so many wonderful people hanging out and enjoying Herve's. and like Ulrik said, these are just typical bar conversations - precisely what i had hoped for when i opened this humble establishment. so i guess i have just been observing a little and feeling ok about myself as a result. Thanks to all for joining me here and making macosx.com feel just a little bit more like a real neighborhood. :)

besides i've been waiting for more answers to my Lazyboy question but everybody is ignoring me. (gee, this really is like real life conversations)

i've also been following this conversation about music cultures with some amusement. For me this phenomenon relates to being a Dead Head. and I can't recall how many times i have talked with people about what a real Dead head is. Do you have to wear the costume and live the lifestyle to be included? For me the answer has always been no. but for others they are very picky about who they trust based upon these kinds of appearances. seems just as artificail and phony to me as companies that insist you wear a suit and tie to be successful with them. :cool:
the age of love is one of their songs ;-)

How much is the fish?
F*ck the millenium
faster harder scooter
RAMP (the logic song)

yup, thats what i thought, just wanted to make sure we were talking the same scooter. heh

Hey Greg - thanks for asking about me. I've just benn puttering around in the back room and following all the conversations and loving it.

no problem, i was beginning to wonder why our esteemed manager disappeared for a while! what was the question about the lazyboy again?

i've also noticed that people don't respect you or consider you a "true fan" if you don't dress the part. IMHO, that's the silliest thing i've ever heard, but hey... people are strange...
yeah, there are many people who judge by how you look, especially when it comes to "beeing part of something". Be it a fanclub of a sports team or follower of a music genre. Then again I never cared about such people!
I would never judge somebody by that. I know people who walk around in normal clothes and are the wildest, "leftest" (if this makes any sense to non-german people) punkers in the world, then again I saw people dressing up in black leather, wearing spikes and everything and on the next day, they listen to Britney Spears again, only that the night before they where part of the "scene"....
I saw people dressing up in black leather, wearing spikes and everything and on the next day, they listen to Britney Spears again, only that the night before they where part of the "scene"....

and why shouldn't they? Why shouldn't people be able to enjoy all the different joys of life? Why do some people consider being multifaceted some sort of sin? I consider my self a Dead Head, a Parrot Head and a Metal Head. And when i am participating in any of those environments i normally look the part or just don't give a f**k what people think. But many members of any of those 'scenes' would be mighty perplexed if they knew I was into the others. I just see it as not being pigeonholed int what I can enjoy and what I can't. the problem with any 'scene' is that it often promotes exclusion along with inclusion.

just a tangent point here to illustrate - after the Dead would play, most people out in the parking lot would be continuing to listen to them on their tape players and such. I normally put on something very different. When questioneed about it, i always asked people if they thought the Dead went home and listened to themselves for hours after a show? I already knew that Jerry was a big Dire Straits fan along with lots of country western and bluegrass. The band didn't dress like their fans and i always found this to be amusing.

I think people just like to perpetuate their own personal myths, and group myths have even stronger holds on people who need some sort of sense of belonging - a basic human instinct of sorts.

and btw, one of the best concerts i ever saw was Donny Osmond. It absolutely shocked me.
You got me wrong on this one! I have no problem with these guys. Actually, I ment it the other way round. As I said, i would never judge somebody on how they look because there are people who like it go out in black once in a week. It is not a reflection of their inner feelings, it is just that they like it. They like it to be once in a while "dark", listen do music most people refer as depressing. On the very next day, they are a completely different kind of person. I don't blame them, all I wanted to say it that you shouldn't judge them by first look!

And, to translate this into the other direction, don't judge a "scene" but what some individuals do. If I am asked here in the forum by Alexandert if I pray to Satan because I consider myself a follower of the gothic lifestyle, because I am wearing black all day, because I listen to this music and because I like to go into such clubs, I am already considered as somebody who prays to Satan only because he once saw maybe a TV show about Satanists and saw how they dress up.

You got me a bit wrong here, Ed, maybe I also wasn't able to express myself correctly, don't forget, it's a foreign language for me I have to communicate in here ;)

Hopefully I got things right with this post...
I am already considered as somebody who prays to Satan only because he once saw maybe a TV show about Satanists and saw how they dress up.

ugh i get accused of being satanic all the time. it's so ridiculous. when did dressing in black and/or listening to industrial or metal music make people satanic?