Herve's Bar & Grill

sorry to break up the swing of things... but i was in the back on my cell phone for so long, i don't remember getting any of my food!

can I please have my meal?

battered & fried calamari along with battered and fried shrimp!
with some Orange & Cream soda...


Topic 1:
i like any type of music as long as it sounds good to me, be it Britney Spears, Blink 182, Disturbed, Staind, Nickelback, Fabolous, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Foo Fighters, Cake, The Strokes, NSYNC (god only knows why I actually enjoy that "pop" song...), Backstreet Boys (damn that "drowning" song... the music is just too phat... the voices could go though)...

I never really play the part of either one of those fan bases... i do go for that "fred durst look" with the baggy khaki's and big shirt with the backwards cap, which is what I usually go as.... i never go too far away from that look...

i listen to punk rock, alternative, popular, pop rock, rap, hip-hop, R&B, anything really, but I never go to far with my style... i never obcess with any specific genre...

Topic 2:
in my opinion, gothic or goth is not really a genre, just a "way of life" that people portray... i've got many friends that look like they are the most goth people and listen to the worst music everyone else has ever heard, but being alone with a group, they express many more traits that you really wouldn't expect...

one is a huge sports fan, but never plays sports
one is a huge christina aguilera fan, but listens to some of the most extreme music i've ever heard....
one is a big fan of comedy, but you wouldn't expect it if you'd look at him...

That's my 50 cents (inflation on the internet is worse than in real life! damnit!)
he he

I understood you the first time Ulrik. I wasn't arguing with you, but with those people (and you know they exist) who do see that as some kind of hypocracy or something. I was really just expanding on your statement. Your english is perfect, don't worry about that.

so that's what Alexandert was asking with the Satan post.:p Well I have a little insight into this one as well. again you said it quite clearly but i will expand.

I am a pagan. many people believe that is the same as a satanist. but in fact i don't even believe in satan, much less worship him. There are a lot of young pagans today who are also goths. I know several of these 'kids' and have watched them grow up. they are still the same great people they have always been. very loving, caring souls who are looking for magic in the world and in their lives. but they wear their pentagrams along with their dark clothes and people freak. It is like they do with mac users. they know so little, all they can do is be afraid and criticize.

I also think the whole 'darkness' of the goth scene is a natural compensation for all the 'white light' of the new age craze. The fact is that we all possess both energies and need to have them in balance. goths are just helping to bring back the balance and I appreciate that. (bet you didn't know that's what you were doing;) )

awhile back i had a rather good online discussion with a guy who wrote a book about embracing the darkness in magic. After clarrifying some symantics and the potential abuses inherent in any extreme, we found we were very much on the same page. I look forward to buying and reading his entire book when i get out of school and have time for such. btw - he also was willing to admit to me that upon proof reading some of the things i expressed concern about, that he expects to put more clarification into them in future books and his website discussions. but many pagans my age would never get past his blue hair and goth clothes to understand where he is really coming from. and i can just imagine how the muggles (mundanes)react to him:eek:
sorry about that BB, i really meant to bring your order out a few posts ago. It might be a little cold by now, if so i'll reheat it for you. I just got a little carried away back there.

so go right ahead and get to work remodeling the kitchen. remember - whoever suggests it, gets to do it:D

and to repeat my Lazyboy question - do those of you outside of the USA know what a Lazyboy is? or have you thought i was resting on some slacker 12 yo kid?:p
hey, just yesterday at the club I had the a similar discussion with my GF. we talked about in what we believe and in what not (good to know my GF and me share the same "belief").

First things first, I don't believe in god. Neither do I believe in Satan. Both are very logical things for me! Everyone of us, including myself, sometimes says stuff like "why me?" or "damn I was lucky". So from time to time, without knowing it, we silently admit that we refer to a higher force when we can't explain something. This isn't really any proof that we belief in it, I think it just shows a human instinct to explain things we can't understand or meassure with "higher forces". For me, it is only logical that if this instinct exists, which I think it does, people start to agree on these "higher instances", and over hundreds of years, this idea of a higher instance guiding, or lets say influencing our life manifests in one or more gods, or in the power of nature or in whatever you like to call it. I don't say that this is wrong. I don't say they don't exist. I, for myself, refuse to believe in them, to somehow take away the control over my own life. This is a personal opinion, not a statement about the existence of them. You know, people tend to fight about the word "soul". Some say living beeing have a soul, other say "bullshit, just chemical reactions". Well, sure, the human body only consists of chemical reactions, every decision we make, every feeling we bare, all the fun we have, that's all chemical reaction between different kinds of cells, but why shouldn't I refer to this "system" as a soul? This is what destincts as! I, for one, think that the "truth" is neither the one nor the other, nor between it, but both of it.
Same goes for religious believe! If god doesn't exist, would it still be bad to believe in him? The faith in god gives people strength. Who knows, maybe the believe in Satan gives other people strength. Other people, like the Taliban, enslave a country in the name of religion.
Religion (or the lack of it) is something so completely personal that you just can't argue about it, still people do it!

Well, actually I just wanted to say that I don't believe in god, but after this rather long post, I think people might catch my drift ;)
very well said ulrik. I have to say I agree. I'd expand and say more, but you seem to have said everything I would have... so... hmm... well i'm out of things to say! ;)
that sounds like a very buddhist perspective - there may or may not be a God or Gods. It really doesn't matter. what does matter is living the best you can and doing what you need to do in this world (or this life as the case might be) in order to get thru it. Worrying about other worlds than this one is best left to when and if you reach those other worlds.

Me, I believe in a higher power. and for me it just makes more sense to give it identity. aand i am comfortable with the idea of many identities, each relating to a particular aspect. the idea of God to me is like trying to hold a cloud in your hand. the idea of Gods and Goddesses just makes this higher power a little more tangible to me. I feel a more personal relationship as a result.

so Ulrik, do you know what a Laz-y-boy is? (correct spelling now)
Heaven is just an excuse for people to F_uck up in this world. they plan for the future too much... they think that heaven is where they will end up... so they can crap on this world. Do you guys know what I am talking about?
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
that sounds like a very buddhist perspective - there may or may not be a God or Gods. It really doesn't matter. what does matter is living the best you can and doing what you need to do in this world (or this life as the case might be) in order to get thru it. Worrying about other worlds than this one is best left to when and if you reach those other worlds.

Uhm, yes and no. How you just described it is nearly 100% like Kirkegaard describes the asthetic person. If you don't know Kirkegaard, check him out, he has some very interesting points. If you know him, I would consider myself one step behind the asthetic status, realizing my own past and future, realizing I have the responsibility for them.

Me, I believe in a higher power. and for me it just makes more sense to give it identity. aand i am comfortable with the idea of many identities, each relating to a particular aspect. the idea of God to me is like trying to hold a cloud in your hand. the idea of Gods and Goddesses just makes this higher power a little more tangible to me. I feel a more personal relationship as a result.

so Ulrik, do you know what a Laz-y-boy is? (correct spelling now)

Well, if by laz-y-boy you mean those really annoying small flies which come to you in summer, which fly over you all night, sting you whenever a blank piece of fleshs shows up, trying to catch some gently, cool air to cool down from the hot-as-hell summer night, if you mean these little creatures which should be extinct instead of all those really cool animals, if you mean them, then I know what you mean by laz-y-boy, and oh damnit, I hate them.

But I think you mean something completely different.

Well, I am not a genius, but the wordcombination "lazyboy" somehow gives me the idea of a boy who is lazy...
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
Heaven is just an excuse for people to F_uck up in this world. they plan for the future too much... they think that heaven is where they will end up... so they can crap on this world. Do you guys know what I am talking about?

Yes, but, do you know what we are talking about? Just a question...
I don't mean to change the subject, but I need to comment on what I'm seeing right now. On FOX currently (8:00pm) is the "Glutton Bowl."

People are competing to eat as much as possible.

This makes me very upset about a few things.

1. It's a good thing they have 2 tons or whatever of eggs on screen right now, that will all go to waste. Especially since people are starving elsewhere in the world.
2. At least this clears up why the rest of the world mocks America for it's grotesque excess.

Ugh..... society..... :mad:
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
I don't mean to change the subject, but I need to comment on what I'm seeing right now. On FOX currently (8:00pm) is the "Glutton Bowl."

People are competing to eat as much as possible.

This makes me very upset about a few things.

1. It's a good thing they have 2 tons or whatever of eggs on screen right now, that will all go to waste. Especially since people are starving elsewhere in the world.
2. At least this clears up why the rest of the world mocks America for it's grotesque excess.

Ugh..... society..... :mad:

First of all, FOX has an endless supply of crap!
society is evil...
About the food... I know this sounds evil... but we should let some people die from starvation. over-population is a HUGE problem in this world.

Go read the book Ishmael. Great book. anyone ever read it?
Yes... TV is just a bad thing... when I was younger I watched about 2 hours of T.V every night. maybe even more than that. but... I might watch 30 min at the most these days.
Not as bad as that stupid ass show "Fear factor". Buffulo testies... (how the heck do you spell bufullo, buffolo, bufullo, buffollo, WTF !!!!)

THEY ATE "cow" BALLS !!!!!!
Originally posted by Nummi_G4

First of all, FOX has an endless supply of crap!
society is evil...
About the food... I know this sounds evil... but we should let some people die from starvation. over-population is a HUGE problem in this world.

You mean that serious?