Herve's Bar & Grill

I once had a cheeseburger in Antigua. That qualifies. What's the best place you've visited? Here are some cool places I've been to:

Canada :D
Hong Kong (under British rule)
India (overpopulated!) :p
Sri Lanka
England (3 times)
Antigua (2 times)
St. Lucia (2 times)
Provo Turks & Caicos Islands

Coolest place I've been and didn't know it: Saudi Arabia.

And to tie it in with meals, I've had: chicken kiev in Kiev, Kentucky Fried Chicken in Kentucky and nanimo bars in Nanimo (BC) :D
Places I visited:

And now for something completely different!
. . . . .
(you can't see my Cleese 'funny walk' can you?)

Can you eat wonton's for breakfast?
Phil - would you like that with pickles and onions and everything nice?;)

BB - thanks for making the La-z-boy thing clear. and in type i can read without my glasses. What would i do without you?

Other countries I have visited:



Mexico again

went back to Mexico

I've been to Catalina Island a few times. does that count?


when i was younger i could eat the food there and not get sick. now i am very careful where and what i eat there.

Jadey - we're just jealous;)
forgot a couple of emo's there.
There, that's better.

Hope you have a sense of humor Jadey?
Spend the day asleep, and look what happens... 5 pages of religion, overpopulation, music, and chairs.

My 2 pennorth...

I listen to hip-hop but don't dress as a b-boy, I listen to DC hardcore but I don't have tattoos and a skinhead (I do have quite short hair though), I've never believed in wearing my musical affiliation on my sleeve, or my t-shirt, in the same way I won't wear label clothes that use my body as free advertising. I don't want people to be able to look at me and know how much my shirt cost, where I bought it, or which sweatshop it was probably manufactured in. Apart from which, if I was to try and dress for all the kinds of music I like, I'd look really silly.

Is a Lazyboy like the chair that Frasier's Dad has?

I'm making some Bloody Marys. Any takers?
Yes, Frazier's dad (Marty) has a La-z-boy style chair. what a great example!!

so Tismey, tell us more specifically what you did at the Brits. I saw a short clip on tv of some slinky woman wearing a less than mini silver dress singing on stage. It looked like quite the affair to be at.

I'm not much one to wear label clothes but i do wear lots of rock t shirts. but rarely will i wear an artist's shirt to their show. I tend to wear them places where they are different rather than as some kind of identifier that i fit in. It can be fun sometimes as you end up meeting other people who like the band as well. Sports and university clothes are also good conversation starters.

Spend the day asleep, and look what happens... 5 pages of religion, overpopulation, music, and chairs.

so what did you expect in a bar? :p

(this thread is moving rather quickly now. i expect we will pass the cuss thread in a couple of months at this rate:D )
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
so Tismey, tell us more specifically what you did at the Brits.
I drank an awful lot. I craned my neck to get a view of the stage from our shitty seats, and then my colleagues and I snuck past secuity at the end to get down to where the beautiful people sit. I stole some wine off someone semi-famous's table and staggered around drunkenly harrassing celebrities, in the process getting theaforementioned kisses. I also apparently stood right next to the lovely Danniii Minogue without noticeing her, and totally missed my chance to make a tit of myself in front of her, which was gutting. I then went to the aftershow party, where I got in an argument with a bouncer, and then insulted Frank Skinner, who had been hosting the show. THen I went back to the hotel and passed out.
I saw a short clip on tv of some slinky woman wearing a less than mini silver dress singing on stage.
Ahhh, the gorgeous kylie... Didn't even get within shouting distance of her, unfortunately...
Places that I have visited

- Greece (all of it :p)

- Italy (small part, little time)

- swizzerland (small part, little time)

- GErmany (small part, little time)

- Canada (just from quebec to toronto :p)

- USA ( MA and NY, and a little of ME, VT,RI and CT)

- Bulrgaria (I think it was close to Sofia )

ok bartender, my morning coffee and my cookies please ;-) -- it's friday! :)

The (popular) places I have never visited...

Arktis..........................Yeah thats it!:p

Ok....... not every single state of the USA but many!;)
I've been to Mexico too. I went to Playa Del Carmen. Had a great time. Note: at all but the first two countries I listed, I didn't see any laz-y-boys! :eek:
Actually, I only red Heidegger, but that was a long time ago, and I also can't remember his scripts that well...

Where I have been in my life:
Czech Republic
I lived in Paris for a year, and try to get back there as often as possible. I went to Brazil for Christmas about 7 years ago, and I have briefy visited Germany and Holland with school, but that was SOOO long ago I can't really remember owt about it...
LOL!:D Wait... no... I dont get it. What are those little creatures?:confused: Nummi isnt going to be very happy if those are what I think they are.