Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by symphonix
Deeznuts: You feel like an outcast of society because you don't quite fit the mold that people expect. Everybody has ideas of what you should be like. Your parents say you should be one way, your friends say you should be another, and then the media adds another bunch of conflicting messages.

First, you gotta admit to yourself that you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try. Then, you can free yourself up to decide what is important to you and how you want to set your values, and remember that you can always change these. I used to give a damn about my career, until it started to get in the way of my moral and social beliefs, so I bumped it back and now make the well being of my family and friends my number one priority.

Remember, you are not an outcast here, and if you are an outcast anywhere it is because you're not willing to fit somebody's ideal of what you should be. So, you get two choices in life: become a clone, or be yourself. Sometimes being yourself is a lot harder to do, but you will be admired for it.

excellently stated! :)
Hey ksv, your avatar reminds of a boy who went to school with me:

He once kicked the ball in a soccer game against a wall (real hard), and it smashed back right into his face.
He turned 90 degrees around the middle of his body (Head going down, feet going up) from the impact and fell hard on the floor.
Oh, how we laughed! :D
hey I am back :D
well taking a break from coding :p

lets seee...a few points :p

1) the virgin megastore in boston rocks :D It;s been a while since I saw that many imports :D (kylie sure looks nice ;-) )

2) I couldnt find the stupid C bible :p I found one for C, C++ and C# :p did not buy it...too big and it cost $60 :p

3) where is my drink ??? I am taking my place at the DJ booth ;-)

Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
hey! when's tibook.co.uk gonna be done?
need any help?
Now, there's a question... When I get around to figuring out exactly what the hell I want to put there, I guess. I've got a vague idea of look and feel, but then I have couple of other vague projects demanding my time and energy as well... I also keep deciding that I need to learn more stuff and rewrite things, and so on. But now I don't have to put in relationship time, progress might improve. thanks for the offer of help, BB, but at the moment, it's kind of a thing I need to sort out myself. Keeps me off the streets...

BTW, been at a party making some mean cocktails and watching "Cocktail". I brought left-over Long Island Ice Teas, and some Tequila Sunrise. They're at the end of the bar. Help yourselves, but please donate to the charity box...

Hey Tigger. I once tripped over a stationary football and knocked myself out, and it din't do meeeee anyyy haaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrmmmm,....
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Music is my way of dealing with things
Gentleman, by the Afghan Whigs. A record that's seen me through more breakups than ANY of my best friends. In fact, the last 3 Afghan Whigs albums are catharsis made flesh (or vinyl, or whatever CDs are made out of)
Originally posted by tismey

Gentleman, by the Afghan Whigs. A record that's seen me through more breakups than ANY of my best friends. In fact, the last 3 Afghan Whigs albums are catharsis made flesh (or vinyl, or whatever CDs are made out of)

I love the Afghan Whigs. Seen them a few times. Great live band. Gentlemen seems to be way high on people's favorite Afghan Whigs albums, but for some reason not mine. I prefer Up In It. And 1965 totally blew me away. Do you have Big Top Halloween? One of my favorite albums to listen to at work (when I was working, that is) is the What Jail Is Like EP. Absolutely wonderful.
Remember, you are not an outcast here, and if you are an outcast anywhere it is because you're not willing to fit somebody's ideal of what you should be. So, you get two choices in life: become a clone, or be yourself. Sometimes being yourself is a lot harder to do, but you will be admired for it.

well, not always as you might have seen LTM. I am sure you felt very true to yourself when you were running amuck thru the threads with nummi. but that didn't work out so well for you. did it?

the thing is that no matter how much each of us would like the world to revolve around us, there are always going to be other people in the world. It will always be up to you to decide who you want to 'compromise' yourself with. but you will have to compromise with others in order to get along with them. I have had my own troubles with this at times, but i can tell you from experience that getting along with most people is worth it. that doesn't mean you have to be like them, just that you need to show the same respect that you expect to get.

this issue of negotiating between being true to oneself and compatible with others is an old one (see my earlier conversation with klink in this thread). If i said you should do everything possible to make yourself be like all the rules of society, then i would be a hypocrit. At the same time that does not give you a license to abuse others.

in my work as a therapist, it has always been my goal to help people achieve "individuation", which is basically the ablility to be alright with one's uniqueness and to feel comfortable around others without being like the crowd to fit in. Others try to help people learn to give up their individuality in order to smoothly blend in and thus create less discordance in their lives. In the end, you will have to figure out which of these paths you wish to follow in order to get what you want. one very important thing Symphonix said to you was that values can change. so if you are not getting what you want in life with one approach, it is better to try another than to keep beating your head in the same place trying to wear the world down.

so if you want to be a part of macosx.com society, try knocking that chip off your shoulder and just being a part of our conversations. try writing more than one line sarcastical remarks to things people post. I have noticed that when you do that, you come across as a likable guy.:)

Ulrik - you should have told me sooner. i love shooting stars. we had the huge display of them awhile back and i sat for 2-3 hours watching them. they were HUGE!!

I don't know the Afgan Whigs but some songs that have always helped me thru bad times are "Wayward Son" and "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas, "Can't Find My Way Home" by Eric Clapton, "Rocket Man" by Elton John and lots of Bob Seger and Grateful Dead.:cool:
what in god's name are afgan whigs ? :p
As for dealing with things with music....it's great ;-)

Music has a way (well couples with a glass of OJ + vodka and some mixing software :p) of getting my mood to a better place...heck last nite I danced :p hehehe -- now that is a rare occurance for me ;-)

I think OSx.com needs to have an online radio show, in quicktime streaming of course ;-) ... I could DJ for free lol -- all the nice dance musix of the world ;-)

Hey, btw any korean, chinese or japanese people here ? someone gave me a korean VCD with dance music and it rocks ;-) I was wondering if anyone could recommend asian artists/songs to look into of that genre :)

Hello, is there a empty seat for a tired norwegian here? I'll take a coke please (caffeine) So let's discuss...does the tiny amount of caffeine in coca cola help to keep you awake?:D
As for Afghan Whigs...I've never heard of it...:p
Originally posted by julguribye
Hello, is there a empty seat for a tired norwegian here? I'll take a coke please (caffeine) So let's discuss...does the tiny amount of caffeine in coca cola help to keep you awake?:D
As for Afghan Whigs...I've never heard of it...:p

1 litre of coke contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, so you have to drink pretty much to see the effect :rolleyes:
The thing that makes these "energy drinks" like Magic or Battery (which almost don't contain any caffeine at all :p) is the combinition of sugar and caffeine, I think.
Caffeine doesn't have any big effect on me, though, it just makes me tired after some time :p

Oh, time to feed the rabbits... any ideas on food to gove them? ;)
Originally posted by AdmiralAKI think OSx.com needs to have an online radio show, in quicktime streaming of course ;-) ... I could DJ for free lol -- all the nice dance musix of the world ;-)

I hate to plug my own stuff, but I couldn't resist the opportunity. Wednesday nights, 7 - 8 pm Eastern, is my goth-industrial internet radio show, Cognitive Distortion. hehe.


unfortunatly we still don't have realaudio for OSX... but oh well.

Anyone seen any good movies/concerts lately?
** reaches behind the counter of the bar and grabs a drink **
here you go jurjurbe (I probably slaugtered the username :p)
have yourself a red bull...it will fill you up with energy ;)

I am taking a break from coding :) I am in OS X at the moment. I love coding in the command line and with emacs :D People walking by my room are wondering what the heck I am doing in this semi transparent window LoL :p
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
** reaches behind the counter of the bar and grabs a drink **
here you go jurjurbe (I probably slaugtered the username :p)
have yourself a red bull...it will fill you up with energy ;)

I am taking a break from coding :) I am in OS X at the moment. I love coding in the command line and with emacs :D People walking by my room are wondering what the heck I am doing in this semi transparent window LoL :p

People looking at my computer are wondering what the heck this cool system is!:p
Let's turn this into a sports bar for the next hour & a half. I'll turn on the big screen TV and pass out the lager. The olympic Canada versus USA hockey game will begin in 1/2 hour. It's gonna be an awesome game. Say what you will about the IOC, these are two talent-packed teams, and it's gonna be one of the most exciting hockey games there has been. Best of luck to both sides. Cheers! :D
Great idea Jadey. I'll pass on the lager but i'm watching the game with you!! I even have mixed feelings about who wins. I think one of the weirdest phenomenons is that Canada hasn't won in so long. It almost seems absurd. I can remember when i was a teen, the NHL was almost all Canucks (I can remember the Vancouver Canucks, he he).

so i agree, let's hope this is a great game and that whoever wins makes it exciting.

damn, it is 11:47 and they are still talking and not playing. i thought this thing started at 11:30. I didn't know they were going to so a pregame show:(

Originally posted by Nummi_G4
About that Red Bull... did anyone hear about some guys mixing Red Bull and beer... then dying!?

Yeah, I've heard that. Mixing Red Bull and heimbrent gives the same symptoms :rolleyes:

Oh, cool, I have to watch that hockey game, I too :cool:

BTW, I heard Mühlegg's doping tests are positive... I don't understand why people take the risk of doping themselves at all, they know they'll get catched anyway, eh?
Yaya, then Norway will maybe get 2 gold medals in exchange for the silver medals if Mühlegg loses his medals... ;)