Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Great idea Jadey. I'll pass on the lager but i'm watching the game with you!! I even have mixed feelings about who wins. I think one of the weirdest phenomenons is that Canada hasn't won in so long. It almost seems absurd. I can remember when i was a teen, the NHL was almost all Canucks (I can remember the Vancouver Canucks, he he).

Are the Canucks not around anymore? I guess this shows how long it's been since I payed attention to hockey. :) I still have my Islanders garbage can, too!
I heard about some swedish guys that mixed vodka and redbull and died or something...not smart.

and as for cola, I think that 1,5 liters of coke equals one cup of coffe
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
It says RIGHT on the bottle! DONT MIX WITH ALCOHOL :p --- do people listen ?? noooo :p

it's on their head ;-)

Probably the same person who made Blistex have to put a warning about not putting it in your eye. :)
sorry, i caught up in another thread. I am back now and feeling stupid about my Vancouver Canucks comment. I don't know why, but i thught they were gone. I guess they just don't play my sharks very often.:rolleyes:

so this is a great game so far. USA just went into a bad spot being double shorthanded.:(

Richter is such an awesome goalie!! USA would probably be down by a lot more without him.

ok, now just a regular powerplay for Canada.

YEA, penalty killed!!:D

damn i hate these hockey commercials while the game goes on!!:mad:
Commercials? That sucks. It's commercial free here during the game, we just get a whack of them during the period changes.
:mad: grrrr!! we get a commercial or 2 about every other faceoff!! I wish i were getting a Canadien station!!!

well, Canada is back on top after 2 periods. so far this game is everything it promised to be.

every game i have seen, the USA does a terrible job of playing point and keeping the puck in. I just don't get it. It has taken away so many scoring chances for them. This is especially disappointing when Gary Suter, one of my favorite Sharks, is on the ice.

so how do Canadiens feel about Hull playing for the USA?

STUPID RICHTER, CAN'T EVEN GRAB SUCH A SHOT!!! (then again, he made a great overall game, without him, they would have lost higher)


What a great game that was! The USA just didn't earn themselves enough chances to score! The Canadians played better in the opposing third, the passes where more precise, and they always had somebody in the slot who confused the defense and the goaltender! A great game overall, I couldn't imagine a better final for a tournament!

BTW: now for something completely different:

could anyone who knows a bit about Latin do me a very short favour and check if the intro of the following page is correct? Before I continue working on the page, I want to get this straight. Oh, and before somebody complains, the page is at the moment quite slow, then again it's nothing I am paid for and it WILL be faster once it's finished.
I got this sentence from the movie "Event Horizon", but I am not completely sure if it is "tute" or "tuta".

anyway: http://www.braveart.de

"Liberate tuta me ex infernis"
I was right, that was one amazing game. It was tight right till the 3rd period, and the U.S. came on hard. Congrats to both teams! It was nice to see Canada win gold for women's & men's hockey. Extra props to Pronger, whom I went to school with and Peca who my boyfriend went to school with. We now return to our regularly scheduled program. *Jadey switches to a new channel*
Hey Richter played a great game. it was the rest of the team that sucked towards the end. hey, if USA had to lose their first game on American soil (or ice), then I am glad it was to Canada. somehow the world seems right again with Canada winning the gold.

so Congratulations to all Canadien fans. Your team certainly outplayed ours and it was fun to watch up till the last couple of minutes. so is anybody going to sing 'O' Canada' for us?:p

Ulrik - nice site so far. it really wasn't that slow. and the graphics are killer. please keep us updated as you go. sorry but it has been over 20 yrs since i studied latin so i can't help.

umm, i figure Jadey will post again after she gets thru jumping up and down for awhile;)
he he - jadey must have clicked 'send reply' right after i clicked 'post reply'.

Go ahead Jadey, this is no time to be humble. Stand up and cheer in the bar like you mean it!!:D

You are among friends after all:)
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!

Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Shut up, Jadey. You're making me miss Mont. Tremblant a lot. :) Oh well, I 'll be there this summer.
I'd be miserable if I WERE there during the winter. I go up there every summer for the race track near the village.