Herve's Bar & Grill

yea Alexandert, didn't you see the sign on the door that said 'NO KARAOKE !!"?:D

however you don't have to be drunk to start singing. If you feel the urge just do it. (ed gets this vision of the herbal essences lady in nikes drying her hair by running:rolleyes: )

Ulrik - ok, i just don't like cabbage. period. but i know what you are talking about now.;)

asian food being healthy - yes and no. While western meat eating diets lead to more heart attacks, asian diets tend to lead to more brain tumors. so a good moderation of both is probably best. sounds like that is what you do, but i just thought i would throw that in for educational value:D

I LOVE GYROS!! and so far i haven't found a good place for them anywhere near where i live. They are one of the first things i have when i go back to oHIo to visit!! (insert drooling smilie face here)
Amen to that, Herve.
Originally posted by Klink
tismey and hazmat - joking aside, I'd be interested to buy one their records. How would you describe the style of music?

That's a toughie. Essentially they're a soul band, but without any of the saccharine that made Motown soul sellable. Imagine your most extreme emotions - guilt, anger, lust - set to the most appropriate music possible. I know that doesn't help much... If you're interested in getting their stuff, then any of the last 3 albums ('Gentlemen' (which does guilt), 'Black Love'(that's anger), '1965'(hell, let's get laid!)) should hook you...

Hell, I'm more of an evangelist about the Whigs than I am about macs!!
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Even though the greeks and the turks share quite a few things in food and other things I think that gyros is more of a greek thing :p

Woops...still a great food

I think the spanish thing you are thinking of is "paela"

Yes and no. The thing I mean might be more a thing of Portugal than Spain, it's an excellent fish soup, it is tradionally server in a big metal bowl, still cooking....tastes great, allthough I don't like other fish soup...

Oh, and Ed, you are right, it isn't COMPLETELY healthy. Especially the Chinese and Thai food has a very nasty thing called "Glutamat" in German, it makes the taste much more intensive and adds this typical "asian" touch to the meal! The problem is, that in larger doses, it leads to various kinds of nasty things, so you are right, a good balance between all the different kinds of food is maybe the best thing...and it doesn't get boring ;)
Originally posted by ulrik

Oh, and Ed, you are right, it isn't COMPLETELY healthy. Especially the Chinese and Thai food has a very nasty thing called "Glutamat" in German, it makes the taste much more intensive and adds this typical "asian" touch to the meal! The problem is, that in larger doses, it leads to various kinds of nasty things, so you are right, a good balance between all the different kinds of food is maybe the best thing...and it doesn't get boring ;)

I take it that's Monosodium Glutamate, carcinogen and friend of the Chinese Takeaway.
My mate used to live with a guy whose parents ran a Chinese restaurant, and he had a big sack of the stuff in his kitchen cupboard - he used to put handfuls of it in everything. you'll be pleased to know that Herve's is a MSG-free zone...
Originally posted by tismey
Amen to that, Herve.

That's a toughie. Essentially they're a soul band, but without any of the saccharine that made Motown soul sellable. Imagine your most extreme emotions - guilt, anger, lust - set to the most appropriate music possible. I know that doesn't help much... If you're interested in getting their stuff, then any of the last 3 albums ('Gentlemen' (which does guilt), 'Black Love'(that's anger), '1965'(hell, let's get laid!)) should hook you...

Hell, I'm more of an evangelist about the Whigs than I am about macs!!

I'll buy that. If you want heavier and more raw, their older albums are more like that. Big Top Halloween, Up In It. I have never heard Congregation, but I hear that one is great too. What I can't rave about enough is the What Jail Is Like EP. Worth whatever it's cost, and more.
I like what I'm hearing so far guys. Thanks for the tips. I think it's the mention of Soul that has my ear tingling. Can I expect some brass in the band and maybe a full compliment rhythm section? Say yes and I'm at the first record store tomorrow. Oh I should ask if these people are going to be considered an import for me in the States.
Originally posted by Klink
I like what I'm hearing so far guys. Thanks for the tips. I think it's the mention of Soul that has my ear tingling. Can I expect some brass in the band and maybe a full compliment rhythm section? Say yes and I'm at the first record store tomorrow. Oh I should ask if these people are going to be considered an import for me in the States.

Brass? Hmmm. As far as I can remember, the closest to something non-typical-rock is piano. They ARE a rock band, though do have a lot of soul. And no, you will most definitely find their stuff domestically. They're from Cincinnati! :)
That's still cool. Maybe even better. You know now that you've mentioned they're from Cinci ... ever try to pin a bands sound down by what city their from and what local influences they might have been exposed to?
Honestly I don't know of any Cincinnati bands or Artists that I could use as a reference. I would guess the Whigs are about 10 maybe 15 years old. Puts 'em in the mid 80's somewhere. Have any clues yourself?
Originally posted by Klink
That's still cool. Maybe even better. You know now that you've mentioned they're from Cinci ... ever try to pin a bands sound down by what city their from and what local influences they might have been exposed to?
Honestly I don't know of any Cincinnati bands or Artists that I could use as a reference. I would guess the Whigs are about 10 maybe 15 years old. Puts 'em in the mid 80's somewhere. Have any clues yourself?

Only other band I can think of from Ohio, but from Dayton, is Guided By Voices, but they're completely different story. Not sure when the Afghan Whigs started, but their first album, Big Top Halloween, came out in 1988 I think. They broke up almost exactly a year ago.
'88! Oh I see. I assumed because they have a soulish influence they would be a bit older. That's interesting.

I just got really dumb for a short while. Suppose I'm distracted because of work. :rolleyes:
Cincinnati, OHIO. Jeez, if Ed reads this he's never gonna get off my back. What a numb skull I am. Ohio had a great funk band from the 70's I could remember, the Ohio Players. Guess we have to ask an Ohian for the poop.
Originally posted by Klink
I just got really dumb for a short while. Suppose I'm distracted because of work. :rolleyes:
Cincinnati, OHIO. Jeez, if Ed reads this he's never gonna get off my back. What a numb skull I am. Ohio had a great funk band from the 70's I could remember, the Ohio Players. Guess we have to ask an Ohian for the poop.

Oh yeah. Lots of people get the Cincinnati in Viet Nam confused with the Ohio one. Common mistake. ;-)
lol lol
hazmat thanks for pointing that out. Wasn't sure if the post I made was clear enough. :):):)
Look at this, now you've gone and made my friend list. :eek: :p
Boy I feel sorry for you. :p
ken - be afraid. be very afraid:p

yea Dayton was home to all sorts of the great funk bands. The Ohio Players were probably the most overall successful but a lot of other successfull bands came out of there as well. George Clinton used to hang out there a lot. The Dayton Music awards for funk bands were a pretty big thing.

Other Ohio bands that had some success - the Cars, Devo (i think), the Godz, the Toll, Joe Walsh, Pure Prairie League, and ...hmm, i know there are more. just can't think of them right now. Bob Seger played there a lot on his way up. Lots of Bands hang out there for long periods.

boy, looking back at the last posts, it looks like you two are sitting at the bar alone. Just be sure to pay for that bottle when you're thru draining it, ok?:D

hey Ulrik - the baseball league is operational for signup now. check that thread for instructions on how to sign up. it's easy.

So does anybody else want to play fantasy baseball with us? We have 5 people and we need 5 more to have the league. No need to reply here, just go to the fantasy baseball thread in this forum and sign up. We'll know you have joined. So far it is Voice, Phil. Rick, Ulrik and me.

I happen to clear the bar out Ed. Haven't showered today. Poor hazmat's been hangin his nose right in that bottle just to stay conscious. :rolleyes:

I had a feeling there were some heavy cats coming out of there. With big cities like Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati,Columbas, Akron and Hanoi, some one had to be living there. See hazmat, it just took a good ole boy to straighten me out. :p
Boy, the James Gang. That brings back some found memories. I was such a big Walsh fan. I shouldn't forget Ed edited a music rag for some years. That's what you called it, aye.

Ok, so I have some bin pickin to do tomorrow. :D
Don't worry about it, Klink. I've been keeping my nose in my Guinness. And besides, I haven't showered either. Unemployment unfortunately affords that luxery. :)
so ken, go ahead and use the shower in the back. it's been fixed since darn near the beginning of this thread. :D

oh, and while your at it, you might want to think about leaving your signiture at the door. you just uncheck the 'show signiture ' box at the bottom. I hope you don't think i am picking on you about this, it's something a lot of people should do. We don't strictly enforce it, but since you are drunk and smelly i figured you'd make a fine example for all:p ;)

well, showering is just what i got thru doing and after working in the yard again today, it felt GREAT!! I feel so much better now. and lots less smelly myself:D

yea klink, an entertainment rag is exactly what it was. Thinking about what bands are from oHIo made me realize how much i used to know but have forgotten about music and musicians. I kept trying to think of the James Gang and just couldn't do it. Thanks for remembering for me!! otherwise i would have been searching for that for days. I can picture some of their album covers, but couldn't jar the name loose.:rolleyes:
Damn thinking I was gonna get the last word in tonight. :p

Well let me pull you back a little with the Gang if I may Ed...
Tend my Garden
Funk 48
Funk 49
The Bomber
Walk Away
Closet Queen
Ashes The Rain and I
Walk Away

Now if I could only remember how to pronounce the Engineers name,
Bill Szymczyk :eek:

night night