Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Jadey
Ulrik, why do you have to learn latin?

Well, I don't have to. I am making a site for my girlfriend, she studies communication design and she draws pictures and takes photos in her free time, and her art has a very dark and gothic style. She asked me if there is any way to put them on the net, so I offered her to create a webpage for her, in the same style. Not too dark, but definitely with a certain atmosphere (I hope I am doing it OK thus far, it will be her birthday present).

To come to the point, a few weeks back, we watched one of my favourite movies, "Event Horizon", and she was completely hooked on the latin sentence "Liberate tuta me ex infernis", which means the same as "rescue yourself out of hell". So I am making this sentence the intro to the webpage, and I don't wanna embarras myself by typing the latin wrong, that's why I asked here if anybody knows if the spelling on http://www.braveart.de till now is correct...

oh...and...CANADA WON!!! YIPIE!!!
Thank You Jadey for that heartwarming rendition of 'O Canada'. NOW everything is right in the world.:D

I guess at this point Canadiens don't care who Hull played for:p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

Ulrik - nice site so far. it really wasn't that slow. and the graphics are killer.

Thanx ;) I love my A4 Wacom Tablet! This thing in combination with the airbrush tools of some pro graphics software and CGI apps is just a dream...
Originally posted by hazmat

I love the Afghan Whigs. Seen them a few times. Great live band. Gentlemen seems to be way high on people's favorite Afghan Whigs albums, but for some reason not mine. I prefer Up In It. And 1965 totally blew me away. Do you have Big Top Halloween? One of my favorite albums to listen to at work (when I was working, that is) is the What Jail Is Like EP. Absolutely wonderful.

My favourite EP of theirs is Uptown Avondale, followed closely by the My World Is Empty Without You EP. I think it's great the way they took these Motown songs, took away the sugar-coating and stripped them right back to the pain in the lyrics. The Greg Dulli solo joint (Under the name the Twilight Singers) is worth checking out too.
Arg, damnit....my Chicken Wings!!!

Why couldn't anyone remind me?

AAAAAAAAH! MY PRECIOUS CHICKEN WINGS! I was supposed to eat them! I was hungry! Really hungry! Now they are a piece of coal. Damnit...

put them in the oven and then started exploring the new KDE....damnit, I have downloaded an application which tells me when my tea is ready (it's some kind of a dockling for KDE 2.0, you just say what tea you make and it tells you once it's finished)....I will have to invent such a dockling for OS X...
which tells you "STOP MESSING AROUND KDE, YOU FREAK, your chicken wings are ready"....

Does this make any sense? No. Am I still hungry? Yes.

Damnit....I have some rice left in my fridge, but no raw fish or vegetables, so Sushi is also not an option....well, it 00:34 over here, I could go to the BurgerKing drive-in in my city or I could go downtown and get myself a Döner, they are open till 01:00....ah, I'll do that!

Which always bugged me: do you know the GREAT food "Döner" in America??? It's a turkish thing, and it is great! Basically, it is a special turkish bread sliced in two halfes, with grilled meat in it, tomatoes, onions, salad and "Kraut" (I think you know what I mean...at least every American knows that Germans were called "Krauts" in WW2, so I hope you know what "Kraut" in reality is) in it, not the german sour "kraut", but a sweet, white kraut, everything topped with a really hot spice and loads of garlic souce....arg, I can't wait any longer, see you all in ten minutes with a fresh Döner in my hands!!!
not entirely sure, but i think it might be

liberte tutemet ......

but that doesn't look right..... hrm.... if i see my latin-speaking friend at all tonite i'll try to find out for you
the bar & grill is too large! i can't take it! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

i can't read all the posts... i'm starting a new one...

How's everyone doing tonight?!
hey hey! wohahahaha :p (the krusty laughter :p)

Whats up ?
Congrats to the canadian team :)

so I am back, program doesnt compile, so stupid MapIterator BS that is declared but C doesnt see it...screw that I am done even though it doesnt compile ;-)

So timsey man, send an ice cold ice tea over my way, kinda thirsty :)

Ed, jadey, bling...whats up ?
watching the olympic closing ceremonies... havin a bud... what about you?

(sorry to those who didn't get it, i made a reference to the Budweiser "WHASSUP!?" commercials... goes a little something like this...

"Yo... what you doin?"
"Watchin the game... havin a Bud... what about you?"
"Nothin... watchin the game... havin a Bud..."



Okay... enough of that nonsence)
I'm just about to head into one of mine and CloudNine's almost nightly games of StarCraft/BroodWar. I love games that have lasting power of years. Does anyone else play?
Whoa! I just opened Ulrik's site in a background window with the intention of looking it over in a minute or two, and forgot that I had my sound turned up all the way. Now, if I can just peel myself off the floor... :D
Your girlfriend is going to love it. I like the swiss-army-knife effect and the intro sequence, and once its been streamlined and sped up a bit, it should rock.

In regards to warnings on food packages, my favourite is still the packet of peanuts (American Airlines) that read "Warning: may contain traces of peanuts."
yes warnings can be very funny because you know somebody did what ever they are warning about!! so i'm guessing somebody ate peanuts but didn't think that's what they really were since they didn't have shells on them. or something like that.

whassup? my GF hates those commercials and can't stand for anybody around to imitate them. So i don't get to participate in it. I still can't help doing the Wasaabi version sometimes though:p

never heard of a food called Doner or of a food called kraut that wasn't saur kraut. and i hate that stuff. In fact, i will have to admit that overall i don't find German food, at least as served here, very appetizing.

BB- don't worry if you can't read it all. besides from looking at the pics you posted, you should be out with those cute girls instead of hanging out at Herve's. ;)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

never heard of a food called Doner or of a food called kraut that wasn't saur kraut. and i hate that stuff. In fact, i will have to admit that overall i don't find German food, at least as served here, very appetizing.

Well, Ed, I hate sour Kraut, too. The Kraut I mean is the same what is put on Hot Dogs in the army baseball stadium over here, so I think you might know what I mean. It the same Kraut as sour Kraut before it is soured....it's a bit sweet. I love it. And oh do I hate sour kraut....baaaah....

German food is OK for me, there are some really good things...Döner is not a german thing but turkish. As you might have red, I am a huge fan of Asian food, regardless if it comes from China, Japan, Thailand or whatever...most of this stuff is really good, and most of it is also healthy....

The German food which is known outside of Germany isn't my favourite....
but have you ever noticed, that only the "poor people meals" are what is known to foreigners or lets say what is famous?

Italy -> Pizza
Germany -> Bratwurst und Sauerkraut
Spain -> this special fishsoup (great)
Turkey -> Gyros
Japan -> Sushi
England -> Fish 'n' chips
USA -> Barbecue
just to name a few!

These are all great things (apart from sour Kraut), but actually, all of these meals have their origins in the poor part of the society which couldn't afford a "better" meal...
Even though the greeks and the turks share quite a few things in food and other things I think that gyros is more of a greek thing :p

I think the spanish thing you are thinking of is "paela"

The french I associate with escargot and the russians with borsh :p

ulrik - Your gf's present rocks. I also thought the drawn wing thing was an exceptional idea. Very nice.

tismey and hazmat - joking aside, I'd be interested to buy one their records. How would you describe the style of music?

Jadey - didn't realize you sang so well. Hats off to you me lady. :p
I managed to catch the last third of the game (and I'm not one for watching sports much). Very exciting. You could really see the Canadian team putting 110% into the game. Guess after 50 years I'd be motivated beyond my means as well. Congrats to my Canadian neighbors!
1 Paella and a big coke please!!! And... Can I have a small salad too? With American Dressing? and chicken wings?:eek:

So........ Whasssssup???:confused: :)

Ich schmeiß ne Runde!!!
(hope nobody translates that!)
:( :D :D :D
I can translate it... I just dont know what it means :p

well...one more week is slowly being flushed down the tubes :p what do you guys think? I still have a few journal entries to do, but I think I will do them tomorrow :p At the moment I am at work singing greek songs lol ;-)
LOL! I would really like to hear that!
Hey can we make a caraoke bar out of this??? Or at least add it!:D :confused:

"Hervés Bar & Grill
Every second tuesday -------> Caraoke!"LOL:p