Herve's Bar & Grill

And it's tismey not timsey.

but I laughed so hard at that. That's brilliant...

Herve's drinks are on me tonight!
hey! when's tibook.co.uk gonna be done?

need any help?

Places I've Been -


Washington, DC
St. Louis, MO
and Austin, TX
and Orlando, FL
nowhere out of the USA...
and ed.... i can't stop thinking of seeing this when i come up for MWSF 2003...

yay it's finally the weekend. that means... well... nothing really, but at least i don't have any classes. I think i'll go find my Dream Theater CDs and go somewhere secluded... oh wait... i have no where to go... heh.... How much will a double espresso set me back bartender? :p
well.. I am supposed to be doing computer science homeowork but what am I doing ? I am listening to music and chatting with a sort of X (or would be gf) trying to solve her life problems....

Ed...should I be paid for counseling or is that illegal ? :p

ex girlfriends and their problems are what made me decide to change my major to psychology. I figure, I deal with crazy people all the time, friends, family, i might as well start getting paid for it ;)
As deniro said in "analyze this" -- "freud is a sick son of a b*tch" lol :p

Music is my way of dealing with things :p -- psychology...don't need it, been playing doc with my immediate circle since I cant remember when :p -- in my opinion people look for a quick fix, a panache, but there is none, for change needs to come from within in order for fundemental changes to take place and for one to feel better - and people most of the time are unwilling, or reluctant to make the commitment to look at things differently.

*sigh* :( --- women :p

touche' testuser - i burst out laughing out loud when i read that:p
i think you are right, it must have been the glasses. so can i say it's the hat?;)

BB - better watch it with that bud, or i will cast a bad mojo mumbo jumbo spell on you and you be middle aged before you get a mac;)

(it's ok, i have no false pride and being seen like that is a good "shame exercise" - besides i kinda like being the local wizard of od. btw - i am wearing that robe as i type this:D )

Tolya - that would probably be illegal but check your state's law. some states do allow unlicensed therapists. you just can't refer to yourself as any type of licensed professional.;)

so Timsey, (he he) i mean kismey, no wait - don't kis me. :D TISMEY, it sounds like you had a good time. thanks for the details of your adventures. it sounds much more exciting than just saying you put on a suit and went and got kissed.:p and hey, you managed to piss somebody off all by yourself. you didn't need klink or me to help. We are proud of you:D

so Greg, you got plans to go to grad school?
ok symphonix, you can put up a flyer but you are going to have to see clients elsewhere. no actual professional help allowed in Herve's. amateur's only please.

of course medicinal help is always found at the bar. Tismey is very good at medicating.:D
Hmmm...what if I refer to myself as "The Totally unlicenced professional listened and then give you my hnste opinion and evaluation" Admiral kind of therapist ? ;-)

That should definatelly be ok with MA law :p I am being totaly truthful about what I do, thus no fraud hehehehe :D

Its saturday... I have to go out today and get a...**cringe** C bible for reference, but then for fun I am going to teh virgin megastore :D I seriously hope tehy have some euro music cause I wanna buy :p -- I am also gonna do some CS HW ... no slacking off :p

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
so Greg, you got plans to go to grad school?

hopefully... if i ever get out of here alive. the "core required" classes are so ridiculous it's not even funny. I do eventually want to do some clinical psychiatry and set up a practice, so I'm guessing grad school is a necessity... :rolleyes:
Ahm, finally back, after exerimenting with 2 ethernet cards and NAT for two days. Conclution: The OS X beta driver for the 2nd ethernet card is corrupt, it stops data transfers while they are in progress, and messes things up... Asanté next... ;)
Any news here? Does anyone want a "ksv speciale" non-alcoholic drink? :p
BTW, for those of you who didn't know, Mac OS X 10.1.3 is compatible with old Yamaha burners, yahoo! Finally I can burn CDs in OS X :D Classic is dead...

Have to go and feed my neighbours rabbits now, I'm watching them while they're away this weekend. Funny animals ;)
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth

what exactly goes into one of these?

eh.. who cares.. sign me up!

I think I described the recipe 37 pages earlier or something :p
Deeznuts: You feel like an outcast of society because you don't quite fit the mold that people expect. Everybody has ideas of what you should be like. Your parents say you should be one way, your friends say you should be another, and then the media adds another bunch of conflicting messages.

First, you gotta admit to yourself that you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try. Then, you can free yourself up to decide what is important to you and how you want to set your values, and remember that you can always change these. I used to give a damn about my career, until it started to get in the way of my moral and social beliefs, so I bumped it back and now make the well being of my family and friends my number one priority.

Remember, you are not an outcast here, and if you are an outcast anywhere it is because you're not willing to fit somebody's ideal of what you should be. So, you get two choices in life: become a clone, or be yourself. Sometimes being yourself is a lot harder to do, but you will be admired for it.
