Herve's Bar & Grill

Man thinks he owns the world... that is was made for him. It is in the bible... people think they own this place. they don't.
Dont mind him. I think he's crazy. Give him a book and a new idea... he will run with it.:D Ishmael??? Isn't that about a talking monkey... much knowledge can be obtained from that.

Ulrik -I have read a little Kierkegaard from his journals mostly. Some of his thoughts are quite profound. others are pretty boring. He is one of those authors that i wish i knew German to be able to read in their native tongue. so much seems to get convoluted and lose its rythm when translated. I read him for my 'Existential Psychology' class a couple of years ago.

Now, about TV. the thing is that i am sure there are other programs on. so the real telling thing is that you find yourself so engrossed in this gluttony thing when you could switch to something wlse.:D

of course the Olympics are sooo boring;) :rolleyes: :confused: :cool:
Now, about TV. the thing is that i am sure there are other programs on. so the real telling thing is that you find yourself so engrossed in this gluttony thing when you could switch to something wlse.

hey.... don't go using your logic on me! ;)

well the reason this mess is on to begin with is due to my roommate

excuses excuses i know... ;)

i just find it terribly offensive how they just wasted "over 1000 pounds of hotdogs"
ok, so if Ulrik doesn't know what a Laz -y-boy is then it must be a north american brand and unknown in other parts of the world. I have attached a pic of one here. I just wish they all came with the blond.:p :rolleyes:

sort of like kleenex is often used to mean tissues, Lazyboy is often used to mean a recliner.


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Originally posted by Nummi_G4
can you remind me why you are talking about chairs?

the laz-y-boy issue has been being discussed since before the goth/music one. It keeps making cameo appearances here and there throughout the discussions ;)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

Ulrik -I have read a little Kierkegaard from his journals mostly. Some of his thoughts are quite profound. others are pretty boring. He is one of those authors that i wish i knew German to be able to read in their native tongue. so much seems to get convoluted and lose its rythm when translated. I read him for my 'Existential Psychology' class a couple of years ago.

I admit that he isn't that entertaining, I also find him boring, but nonetheless the logic he puts behind his statements impressed me....his whole construct of the three states an individual can live in....I found it very interesting, but as you said, the way he presents it is rather boring...even in German ;)
I think a lot of you guys a getting a little hung up on things that don't really matter. We haven't got "overpopulation", we've got "under-resources" - the solution is not to wipe out half the world's population, but rather to find ways to make the food, energy, recycling and resources stretch twice as far. No matter what we do, people will always want to push the envelope a little more than the ideal, and we just have to do our best to make things work out okay for everyone.

It's like, when people say to me "That guy gets 8 million a year, isn't that evil? When there are people out there starving?" And I get to thinking; well, he probably has a big expensive house that took about thirty people to build, who needed the work to live. He probably buys a lot of products and services that keep people in work. And even if he just put it all in some bank and didn't touch it, it wouldn't really hurt anyone that he has that money, would it?
It's when people start using their money and influence to make life miserable for others - eg: by dealing drugs, stirring up wars and exploiting the environment - that they start hurting people.

Oh, well, that's my thinking.

And, BTW, isn't a lazy-boy a kind of big comfy chair for couch-potatoes?
Ulrik - Kierkegaard was an exceptional mind. So what about Buber and Heidegger, are they any better in German? I would think Buber would have to be!! I and thou is one of the most profound mystical works disguised as a philosophy that i have ever read.

I tend to agee with Symphonix on this resources issue. However i will admit that Nummi's point of view is more often the reality in some parts of the world.

about couch potatoes -

"Call any vegetable
Call it by name
You gotta call one today
When you get off the train
Call any vegetable
And the chances are good
Yeah-eh-hey, the vegetable will respond to you"
-Frank Zappa

time to go eat real food and then watch some olympics

Well here comes my opinion... not that anyone pays any sort of attention to what I say now anyway...but here is goes.

Over poplulation... There are many people in this world that, sorry to say, dont deserve the air they breathe. You have your druggies who get little kids hooked on drugs, your drunks who kill and rape people... and get away with it, and you got your criminals who kill, rape, destroy, etc... and just because they plead guilty... we can't kill them.
Too much sh*t... The US is horrible in the amount of garbage it produces. We will eventually kill off all natural habitats of every type of animal and fill it with garbage. Which is another thing....
Mass detruction of tree... doesn't anyone understand that after you cut down the last tree, WE WILL DIE! Where I live they are cutting down the biggest section of wooded area left to build a housing development and some stores. Grrrrr.... Im not exactaly a activist, which maybe I should consider, but these people piss me off. They are too concerned with money and material possesions. I agree... buisness is evil... we will kill ourselves... and it will be too late when we finally figure out what we have done.

Whew... my hand hurt.:D
Whats that old American native saying?

When you have cut down the last tree,
Then you will discover,
That you cannot eat money.
I am back :D

Caaaann you smeeeellll, what the admiral is cooking ?

well actually you can't cause I ain't cooking...where is teh cook in this place ? :p -- I need some friend calamari, and a glass of white wine to go with that ;-)

I caught scenes of that gluton this and it was just disgusting...tongues and brains ???? I almost threw up :p

As for goths... nothing against them. Heck I used to work with them ;-). It's important not to judge by appearance. Your first "encounter" with something is usually what shapes your understanding of that something for teh most part (right Ed ?) -- my first encounter was that of indifference, just work, so I am cool... it would be hilarious though to see goths in full regalia listening to speaks. Somehow the image doesn't fit ;-)

oh alex btw, I found the lyrics to made in Germany :p

So the topic just kept changing...

Though of about 30 responses, but nothing seems to fit anymore.

I'll leave you with this.

Cheeseburger in paradise....