*The door slams open.
I'm Back!
Wow. what a rush, just finshed up the gauntlet that is known as "The Week Before Vacation."
Came in first place at our regional Science Olympiad tournament, second at our annual history debate, and actually manages to fit some skiing in. Wow, its feels great to be back home. Time to get to work on that post # again. Oh yes, no worries, though I have not posted much, I have been able to keep up with the community. So Toli do you have any cuts of a few of your own mixes, I'd love to hear some of your work.What types are you into? I wish I could DJ, should problably try it....I also wish I was a professional bobsledder. IF you've never gone bobsledding, I suggest you try it. Like a rollercoaster but it seems to be much faster. (*continues rambling) My father helped do the finances for the newst american track here in lack placid, they made it so tough that many refuse to race on it, including the worlds best driver, who crashed last year on it. Sucks for him, crybaby

......Then again, rather than being a bobsledder I would like a toilet made out of solid gold, but its just not in the cards baby.
Does anyone else have the deam of one day entering space? Wow, how cool would that be? I know that I am willing to risk my life to go to a place like Mars.
So, in that spirit I would like to order one chocolate milk. Actually, this is kind of cool, I've been able to master the art of having only the bottom half of the milk become mixed with the chocolate, leaving the top half white. Sort of like a black & tan, but um....with chocolate.

Ill show ed and tismey how to do it some time.
So is Nummi gone again? Admin really is on the ball with stuff like this, he's a machine. (Perhaps are more refined version of the Herve 9000

So Tismey, I'll take that Manhattan, my told me he wanted it. Add a cherry too, the taste of a cherry with a slight hint of a Manhattan is refreshing.
OK, consider my caught up and back on the active raster list. A great weekend to all!!!