Ed, my Dad actually bought the 512kE so he could do some engineering design stuff on it. It even had an external (albeit 400k) floppy drive too and a wide version of the Imagewriter (dot matrix). I ended up playing with it the most and did some newsletters etc using MacWrite - bells and whistles ahead of anything else at the time. Still have everything on disk for prosterity's sake.
As for my current job, well I'm supervisor in a communications centre. I have 14 staff - and a lot of correspondence to do to manage the team like complete performance appraisals, rostering, leave management etc. They use Word and Excel heaps, and so do I now (but it's so much nicer to do it on a Mac).
And the reason why I don't use Appleworks is it never came with my Powerbook G3 (Firewire/Pismo/2000) on the install CD's. And when I upgraded to OSX (NZ$330) I discovered that it didn't come on the OS X CD either. Never mind, have Office v.X (cost oniy $30 to upgrade from v.2001).
By the way, no one has claimed that wallet yet. There was a "Hawaiian Barbie Collector's Card" in the wallet too, along with a couple of business cards. Does that help work out who it belongs? I'll leave it with the barman if anyone comes in looking for it.
I like this place. Nice people - nice atmosphere. Could do with a lick of paint though. Regards Zeal
As for my current job, well I'm supervisor in a communications centre. I have 14 staff - and a lot of correspondence to do to manage the team like complete performance appraisals, rostering, leave management etc. They use Word and Excel heaps, and so do I now (but it's so much nicer to do it on a Mac).
And the reason why I don't use Appleworks is it never came with my Powerbook G3 (Firewire/Pismo/2000) on the install CD's. And when I upgraded to OSX (NZ$330) I discovered that it didn't come on the OS X CD either. Never mind, have Office v.X (cost oniy $30 to upgrade from v.2001).
By the way, no one has claimed that wallet yet. There was a "Hawaiian Barbie Collector's Card" in the wallet too, along with a couple of business cards. Does that help work out who it belongs? I'll leave it with the barman if anyone comes in looking for it.
I like this place. Nice people - nice atmosphere. Could do with a lick of paint though. Regards Zeal