Herve's Bar & Grill

Ed, my Dad actually bought the 512kE so he could do some engineering design stuff on it. It even had an external (albeit 400k) floppy drive too and a wide version of the Imagewriter (dot matrix). I ended up playing with it the most and did some newsletters etc using MacWrite - bells and whistles ahead of anything else at the time. Still have everything on disk for prosterity's sake.

As for my current job, well I'm supervisor in a communications centre. I have 14 staff - and a lot of correspondence to do to manage the team like complete performance appraisals, rostering, leave management etc. They use Word and Excel heaps, and so do I now (but it's so much nicer to do it on a Mac).

And the reason why I don't use Appleworks is it never came with my Powerbook G3 (Firewire/Pismo/2000) on the install CD's. And when I upgraded to OSX (NZ$330) I discovered that it didn't come on the OS X CD either. Never mind, have Office v.X (cost oniy $30 to upgrade from v.2001).

By the way, no one has claimed that wallet yet. There was a "Hawaiian Barbie Collector's Card" in the wallet too, along with a couple of business cards. Does that help work out who it belongs? I'll leave it with the barman if anyone comes in looking for it.

I like this place. Nice people - nice atmosphere. Could do with a lick of paint though. Regards Zeal :)
so why aren't you guys eating the salmon. i had a second round tonite and it was almost as good as last nite.:)

yea, zeal i would have to agree about the folks and the place. as for the paint, the policy is: if you suggest it, you're in charge of getting it done. just pick a color that won't show the dirt. i prefer to keep cleaning to a minimum:D

boy i had your 512kE beat. i had an 800 external floppy drive. it kept disk swapping to a minimum. and i had an imagewiter II (that i still have) with the plastic sound dampening cover (a really big thing with an imagewriter!!). and then there was my little 600k modem for hooking up to BBS's with. All night downloads for almost anything. oh, and a little scanner that attached to the imagewriter that destroyed more stuff than it ever successfully scanned:rolleyes: :p

Sorry i keep forgetting that apple doesn't put appleworks on every mac which is silly on their part if they can afford to put it on the imac. i guess they have to do something to give some users a choice to make so that m$ will continue to sell mac versions and support the platform.

sounds like you are a pretty busy guy at work. So how do you do with being a boss and having to tell other people what to do?
Zeal welcome aboard!

kvs-your avatar cracks me up. Nice mod.

Disco Stu aren't we ever going to be in sync? wink wink, nudge nudge.
I've been on vacation all week and heading back to work tomorrow. eesh.

tismey thanks for running out and grabbing the lemons and sugar for the pancakes. Now if I can only get them served like that in the States.
Mind If I tap your brain for a sec?
I team with a bloke at work who's managed to rub off a bit of Brit culture on me over the years, even has me taking tea breaks with him. He's hipped me to pancake day but when I asked how this custom came about, he wasn't quite sure. Would you happen to know?
Hey, anybody seen the German hockey team at the olympics? Three wins in a row! Just wait, US and Canada team, you finally found your match ;)

Just kidding...

Hey, when I was in the US two years ago, I drank a great cocktail called "Hurricane"...can I have this one here? If not I'd also be happy with a Long Island or a plain, old, german beer ;)
wARNING: Do not drink alcohol and stare at Ulrik's avatar. if he wants to drink and look at his avatar that is his business. But the management will not be responible for broken bones and othe injuries for anyone getting too dizzy and falling down.;)

Tismey hasn't been here for awhile so i'll get that hurriccane for you.

*ed comes back with this huge drink with about 50 straws sticking out of the top and a couple of those little umbrellas stuck in them*

haven't seen or heard anything about hockey yet. i did watch that swiss kid win his first and second gold medals though. ski jumping is one of those sports i love to watch and imagine what it would be like but would never in a million years have the balls to try.

must be nice to be surrounded by so much german beer that it is plain and old:p
Originally posted by Klink
Zeal welcome aboard!
tismey thanks for running out and grabbing the lemons and sugar for the pancakes. Now if I can only get them served like that in the States.
Mind If I tap your brain for a sec?
I team with a bloke at work who's managed to rub off a bit of Brit culture on me over the years, even has me taking tea breaks with him. He's hipped me to pancake day but when I asked how this custom came about, he wasn't quite sure. Would you happen to know?

It's all to do with Lent and fasting and that. Back in the day, when you had to give up pretty much everything over Lent (fat and sugar etc) someone came up with the fantastic idea of making pancakes with all the eggs and flour and milk on Shrove Tuesday, so come Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, there was nothing left in the cupboards to tempt you.

And Ed, I've not been slacking... I keep stumbling across little piles of alexandert sick that need cleaning up. How the hell did he get it all the way up there, do you think?

Out of interest, did you put anything in that drink apart from straws and umbrellas? LIke drink?
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
wARNING: Do not drink alcohol and stare at Ulrik's avatar. if he wants to drink and look at his avatar that is his business. But the management will not be responible for broken bones and othe injuries for anyone getting too dizzy and falling down.;)

Hehe...I actually made that avatar during a heavy-drinking-action...no, just kidding ;)

haven't seen or heard anything about hockey yet. i did watch that swiss kid win his first and second gold medals though. ski jumping is one of those sports i love to watch and imagine what it would be like but would never in a million years have the balls to try.

Ah yeah, Simon Amann. Stupid Sven Hannawald, wins four competitions in a row and now in Salt Lake City he comes in fourth ;)

Beeing a Hockey player myself I am quite proud of the German team! Two years ago we weren't even good enough to qualify for the world championship, and now they won three times in a row at Olympia. Yiepie ;)

must be nice to be surrounded by so much german beer that it is plain and old:p

Let's say that as a professional beer drinker, I am happy to live in Germany ;)

BTW: I just got a great call! A friend of mine told me that the got me a Bondi iMac, a Blue and White G3 and the old 21'' CRT Studio display from a company which went bankrupt! Everything for just around 1200$!!! Isn't that great???
Hey Ed, where are the steak and chicken ? :p -- or the fried calamari ?? ;) I dont like fish that much so salmon isn't my thing:p (even in airline food I dont touch it hehe)

Hey ulrik...what was your motivation for your avatar ? :p
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Hey Ed, where are the steak and chicken ? :p -- or the fried calamari ?? ;) I dont like fish that much so salmon isn't my thing:p (even in airline food I dont touch it hehe)

Hey ulrik...what was your motivation for your avatar ? :p

As I said earlier, I wanted to make Ed dizzy...
You need to check out the specials board, admiral.

There's a half roast chicken in a tarrgon sauce, and a steak Diane (so called because it's prepared by driving a Mercedesvery fast into it).

Sorry, that was really sick......
hmmm in that case...

I will have one order of fried calamari, with french fries, and a side order of Greek salad with extra extra virgin olive oil.

Oh and an iced tea with lots of ice :)

so I am hearing the new delicacy here is going to be fried (RAM) chips....hehe..will that have a standard or variable price, like RAM ? ;)
will the amount of chips to the dollar double every couple of weeks?

blargh thankfully today is finally over.... i've done entirely too much walking around.....

*contemplates drink order*
Omdat het net relatief anoniem en grensoverschrijdend is, bleek het een aantrekkelijk publicatieplatform voor zaken die in bepaalde landen anders gecensureerd zouden worden; denk aan sex, maar ook aan politiek.
Im not sure whats going on any more. Lets see how well I adapt to this idea of food.

You guys got any Waffles back there? Or maybe shrimp? I can decide... what time is it? Breakfast? Dinner? Who cares im not hungary anyway. Just a Heiniken please.

Whats up fellas? Anybody got any troubles that you want to get off your chest? Im too plastered to care what you are talking about anyway.;)

Herve... a little help here buddy. Come again?:)
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
i have a case of mountain dew in my fridge... it's the only soda i'll drink.. what do you think of the red mountain dew? :cool:

code red? I do not like that stuff.
i wasn't too impressed, but i enjoyed the fact that they managed to preserve mountain dews trademark phosphorescence despite the color change..... it's scary