Herve's Bar & Grill

damn....... its been 3 mths since i have been here... a bunch has changed... but i like it... huh... even what i have has changed.... i'll have to update that:p
Bleh. So I'm back home in NY for fall break. Only instead of being forced to use my old skool Performa 6400 I get to use my mommy's new iMac while I'm here! woohoo! Anyway, let's see.... everyone's seen the previews for Starcraft: Ghost, right? I hope that is in addition to Starcraft II though... ok i'm outtie for now... gotta go pretend I like my friends and hang out with them... *yawn*
Damn, you know what I just noticed? It's over a year since I started coming here...
Been gone a lot lately, got a new girlfriend, a new job, a new school and few new problems with my Macs...

So...are there any news in Hervés? New bartenders? How'd the mechanic thing work out? New guests? Or is this the oldie-place now?

Anywho, I feel like hot chocolate, who'll get me one? kvs?

Heck, I feel good today, all drinks are on me. I'm celebrating my 1-year-and-10-days aniversary here at macosx.com
Originally posted by voice-
Damn, you know what I just noticed? It's over a year since I started coming here...
Been gone a lot lately, got a new girlfriend, a new job, a new school and few new problems with my Macs...

So...are there any news in Hervés? New bartenders? How'd the mechanic thing work out? New guests? Or is this the oldie-place now?

Anywho, I feel like hot chocolate, who'll get me one? kvs?

Heck, I feel good today, all drinks are on me. I'm celebrating my 1-year-and-10-days aniversary here at macosx.com

Here -a hot chocolate for you :)
I guess I'm a bit late, but... :p
You know...better late than never...if you'll excuse me I'll try to hit the bed while falling asleep.

Good night everybody.

(Oh, and sorry, it's been over a year and I still can't tell ksv from kvs...)
Yay! Herve is back!

The bar and grill has grown a bit since last I visited. I wish I could say things have changed for me, but they only seem to be more of the same ol' tedium.

Unlearn, I know how you feel. I've just made a decision to ditch an old circle of friends because they were really starting to take advantage of me; they'd invite me to parties only so I could be designated driver for them, and then they'd drink all the bottles I brought to share.

Also, I am locked in mortal combat with the warranty department at Apple Australia who are trying to short-change me. In the meantime, I am without my little iBook and have been forced to use PCs for the past 2 weeks. You can see me in the computer labs here screaming "What the ...? Don't you freeze up on me now, you little ... arrrgh! I'll crush you with your own keyboard!"

I got my motorbike license, and then my tax assessment came through leaving me about $1000 behind my calculations, so it'll be a while before I'm actually out on two wheels. Or, indeed, doing anything that requires money.

Thankfully, the bar here only requires imaginary money, so I'll order one of those big drinks with all the different colours - and a little umbrella on top. :-)
Imaginary money!?!? Then why the heck have I been sending ksv money by mail for the last 6 months? I want my money back!!!
Originally posted by voice-
Imaginary money!?!? Then why the heck have I been sending ksv money by mail for the last 6 months? I want my money back!!!

I think you've sent them to wrong address :p
Wow...that went downhill really fast.
Rundown of my day today:

First I am forced to get my hair "trimmed" so we go over to the hair cutting place and the lady cuts my hair down to nothing! I was suppost to get it trimmed! Then I come up and spend 4 hours of my day sitting on my ass trying to finish a digital drawing, I post it on the net and notice what a peice of crap it really is, and then people actually come along and TELL me that!
Next I'm going to see a movie I'm really not ready for, The Ring. I'm not into scary movies at all, infact: I have a heart condition that kicks in whenever I get scared and could offer me a heart attack.

This is the kind of day they make movies about, only this day doesn't end happy. :(
Originally posted by Trip
Wow...that went downhill really fast.
Rundown of my day today:

First I am forced to get my hair "trimmed" so we go over to the hair cutting place and the lady cuts my hair down to nothing! I was suppost to get it trimmed! Then I come up and spend 4 hours of my day sitting on my ass trying to finish a digital drawing, I post it on the net and notice what a peice of crap it really is, and then people actually come along and TELL me that!
Next I'm going to see a movie I'm really not ready for, The Ring. I'm not into scary movies at all, infact: I have a heart condition that kicks in whenever I get scared and could offer me a heart attack.

This is the kind of day they make movies about, only this day doesn't end happy. :(

Non-american movies don't necessarily end happy, hence they might have a point ;)

Can you show me that drawing, btw?
The movie wasn't all that bad, there was this one scene (the only scary scene) in which I was so shocked I had to get up and walk around for a bit, but other than that it was a really great movie everybody should see!
Nope. I don't think I'll ever show that drawing to anybody ever again. May it rest in peiece(s).