Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by xaqintosh
my favorite car is the lamborghini countach :D a little expensive,

It is a very hard car to drive... specially backing up. It is very hard to tell were the car actually ends. Most nerve racking driving experience of my life, I was working at Alan Johnson Racing at the time and after picking up the car at another lot I was the one who had to move it into the show room. I was sweating bullets that day.

I'll stick with Porsche myself. I've had four, my Dad had two, it is sort of a family thing. I really want a 356sc, there was a great car! I helped rebuild one at AJR, truly a thing of beauty. :D
i'd say you better get them both covered up for the winter b3s :D
and winter seems to be here for much of the country. i suspect there will be a few nfl games played in the snow tomorrow.

you feeling better mysti? :concern:
tormente - take a trip up to Big Bear in a month or so. maybe even now. you will see what winter looks like. it has this stuff called snow that people do this thing called sking on. personally i have spent enough time in it during ohio winters that i do not miss it.

but to translate - rainy season = winter :D

so are you going to tell everybody what kind of car you have or do we get to keep guessing thru all the models that were made 25 years ago? :p

oh, and bobb - we were all just sitting here waiting on your confirmation of this. i'm not sure there are too many bridges where you are, but if you want to come up this way, we have the best bridge for jumping anywhere. :D
of course, if you want to tell us about it, we'll all start another round and listen. ;)
the coronado is plenty for me thank ya ;)

dont mind me i just dont feel like telling camp fire stories just yet, just as we all know, love is complicated and often painful, tis life it is O_o
the coronado? you call that a bridge? don't they have diving competitions off of it? :p you'd be better off to climb to the top of the Murph. which is what i wish i was doing tomorrow. i'd settle for nosebleed seats for this one!! but i gues i'll have to settle for the screen in the living room. i will definitly have my priorities tomorrow. and i'll probably flip the bills game on when i get up and watch some of itif it's not a blowout. Herve's will definitly be a sports bar tomorrow :D
The other two guys I work with and I recently decided to buy a "fun-car" with some money we had to "get rid off" before we have to pay taxes for it. Against my vote (I would have wanted a Porsche 911 or at least an Opel Speedster) we bought a dark blue Lotus Elise which should arrive within this year, we ordered it two and a half months back and I was surprised by the short delivery time.

Can't wait to drive that thing, it basically is a kart with chassis.
A german television show which tests all sorts of cars tested the Lotus Elise a few weeks ago and they said it is pure fun to drive it. Unpractical for daily live, but pure fan, and on the track test - believe it or not - it came in onto the fourth place!!! The only cars which were faster was the Lamborghini Mucelago on place one, a Sachs Porsche 911 on place two and a Porsche Turbo 3 on place three.

Can't wait can't wait can't wait :)

Oh, and please give me a cold, german beer. I am finally finished with upgrading all of my SGIs to IRIX 6.5.18...guys, be happy that your OS only has two install CDs instead of eleven!!!
Ulrik! Damn you. I swear one of the very few cars that could pull me away from my M3 is the Elise. I LUST after those. There's even a company in Florida who is selling them with Integra Type R engines. That has to be pure sex on wheels. Since they seem to be way taboo in the US, I have only ever seen one in the flesh. It was an instructor's car at a driving school at Lime Rock. I think there was about a gallon of drool underneath me. Also at that track I saw an Australian race-prepped Mitsu Lancer Evo. Looked really cool.
Originally posted by ulrik
Oh, and please give me a cold, german beer. I am finally finished with upgrading all of my SGIs to IRIX 6.5.18...guys, be happy that your OS only has two install CDs instead of eleven!!!
11 CDs?!?!?:eek: :eek:

how big is the install?
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
tormente - take a trip up to Big Bear in a month or so. maybe even now. you will see what winter looks like. it has this stuff called snow that people do this thing called sking on.
personally i have spent enough time in it during ohio winters that i do not miss it.

Oh! I know! You mean that white stuff they're shooting out of those machines so people with sticks on their feet can slide down on? We call that Powder. :p

but to translate - rainy season = winter :D

(trying to pronounce)
R-a-i-n-y season? Hmmm... sorry - that's another word I'm not very familiar with. :p

You mean that thing people call "Rain" that used to fall from the sky?

If that means Winter - then we already had winter, lasted a whole 4 days! It was nice, my skin was moist, things actually smelled good, it cleaned the air so after you could see for more than a mile or two (wow, I live near mountains! I had no idea!).
And you know something? The sky turned Blue afterwards for a while! :)

Wish it would last more than 4 days tho. :(

so are you going to tell everybody what kind of car you have or do we get to keep guessing thru all the models that were made 25 years ago? :p

Well, seeing as to how people are talking about exotic and expencive cars and such here now, I'd have to wear a bag over my head if I mention the car I drive (but hey, it was free - not counting the money I've put into it). :p

oh, and bobb - we were all just sitting here waiting on your confirmation of this.

I coulda saved you all some time - I already knew this! :D

Nah, really that sux tho... Luckily I've only had one bad experience (the last one I dated about a year ago) - altho I have had my share of heartaches (see my bio, it's mentioned slightly there).

Hope all goes well for you Bobb...
nice try tormente - but you and i both know you will see more rainy season before the end of feb. true, it only lasts for a few days to a week at a time most years, but this is supposed to be another el nino year and so you might be in for a bit above average. you do remember all the flooding during the last el nino don't you? while this one isn't expected to be as bad, it will surely mean the 4 days you had are not the end of the rainy season for you. :D
and of course you also know that half of southern calif. will call in sick if there is a half inch of rain. :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
while this one isn't expected to be as bad, it will surely mean the 4 days you had are not the end of the rainy season for you. :D

I really need to leave SoCal - ok not for the East Coast weather, but to somewhere where it rains/snows NORMALLY or above normal... Heck, I've been known to go to the park or beach when it rains! And just watch and walk in it. :D

and of course you also know that half of southern calif. will call in sick if there is a half inch of rain. :p [/B]

No - you mean snow (real snow)! Most people come down with ski-oliosis the moment real snow hits the ground and usually lasts for a couple of days! :D
no, i mean rain. they get depressed and/or are afraid to drive :D

you are a rare exception in SC if you like the rain and overcast days.

but i'm not arguing with ski fever either. that is the other half of SC. :p
also, that rear wheel drive vehicle of yours (?-most were 25 years ago) would not be near as much fun to drive in heavy rain or snow. :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
no, i mean rain. they get depressed and/or are afraid to drive :D

Uh, not in LA - that's when all the bad drivers decide to come out! Blaming their bad driving on the rain. :rolleyes:

you are a rare exception in SC if you like the rain and overcast days.

I know I am! :D
But, I also love the first 2 or 3 days after the rain just as much (or longer with wind).

but i'm not arguing with ski fever either. that is the other half of SC. :p [/B]

That will be me again now that my car has been repaired - I might trust it and myself to drive up to the mountains again to play in the snow (haven't been up there in ages). :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
also, that rear wheel drive vehicle of yours (?-most were 25 years ago) would not be near as much fun to drive in heavy rain or snow. :D

Yeah it is!
I don't know how it acts in snow yet,
but I can dry the wheels real quick, and since it normally runs hot - it LOVES the cold! ;)

Man, what are you doing to me? You're making me miss the rain even more! :p :D

And yeah, ok so this "Mystery car" is a 5.0L Mustang! :D
But, I also love the first 2 or 3 days after the rain just as much (or longer with wind)
well, that makes you like most of SC - because there's no haze or pollen. only those who go into withdrawals without enough smog to breath don't like those days. :D