Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
tormente - take a trip up to Big Bear in a month or so. maybe even now. you will see what winter looks like. it has this stuff called snow that people do this thing called sking on. personally i have spent enough time in it during ohio winters that i do not miss it.

ed, you're gonna have to do better than that for a cookie :P try camping in northern WI in "winter" -- -20F w/o windchill and more snow than you can shake an icicle at!


unless mysti comes out to visit me, i'll be doing that for newyears
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
well, that makes you like most of SC - because there's no haze or pollen. only those who go into withdrawals without enough smog to breath don't like those days. :D

Well, yeah - good point...

But to get to that stage, it needs to rain a good rain first!
And, aside from my mother - I'm the ONLY one I know of that does not complain about it - or blame my driving mistakes on the weather. :p
Originally posted by b3s
ed, you're gonna have to do better than that for a cookie :P try camping in northern WI in "winter" -- -20F w/o windchill and more snow than you can shake an icicle at!


As much as I love Winter, Cold, Snow and Camping...

Camping in snow as cold as -20? You're nuts! LOL :p
But damn is that tempting! :D
(Yeah, so I'm nuts too - I admit it! LOL)
Originally posted by ulrik
Oh, and please give me a cold, german beer. I am finally finished with upgrading all of my SGIs to IRIX 6.5.18...guys, be happy that your OS only has two install CDs instead of eleven!!!

Yeah, some of us poor people are still stuck using 6.2 (2 CDs... 3 if you include the apps) or still have systems that can't be upgraded beyond 5.3 (there is a single CD install). :(

Bar keep! I need to drown my sorrows in a Milk Shake!
b3s - you are certifiable if you would rather be up to your @ss in snow and cold instead of drinking cold ones in front of the tube and watching bowl games for new years. :D

tormente - of course the rain is to blame. it is like being thrown into another dimension which is very disorienting :p
but like i said, most of my friends had figured out that if you call in sick, you won't have to drive in it. :D
ed...ever since the BCS ruined the bowl games, i lost interest. there will be no, ahem, real football on that day...i like camping...i like taking my jeep on off-road excursions...ergo, i'll be freezing my bits and pieces off up nort' dere ;)

UNLESS mysti comes out for a visit!
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
b3s - you are certifable if you would rather be up to your @ss in snow and cold instead of drinking cold ones in front of the tube and watching bowl games for new years. :D
I'm with b3s on that one! :D

tormente - of course the rain is to blame. it is like being thrown into another dimension which is very disorienting :p

I wonder if my love for the water and sea has something to do with my previous statement and why I love driving in it (with no bad drivers)? :D
I guess I haven't mentioned that I'd love to own or at least piliot (captain? what's the word?) a boat too! :)

but like i said, most of my friends had figured out that if you call in sick, you won't have to drive in it. :D [/B]

I'd call in sick - to BE in it! Either driving or at a park/beach! Hmmm... i think I have pictures of when I got "lost" (hehe) in Rendondo Beach - ended up staying at a park, overlooking the ocean, in the rain for a while! :)
well b3s, i 'm not always thrilled with the way the bcs works out, but frankly i think it did a great job this year. i think it worked exactly the way it was intended to. especially since overrated notre dame ended up being left out!! :D

(ed ducks from any irish fans throwing bottles :p)
tormente - could this be where you got "lost"?

personally i always preferred to get 'lost' in hermosa or south torrance while in LA and sunset cliffs in ocean beach while in san diego. :D

but redondo's nice. :)
Yup! That's it alright! Good job! :D

Hey - I was working nearby and I didn't know where anything was. I belive I got "lost" looking for a place to get lunch. heh :)
well, obviously the hired help is still out, so here's your beer ulrik and your milkshake racer. :)
gosh b3s, i just assumed that when you showed up that woman of yours wouldn't be far behind. (no mysti, that isn't a joke about your behind. :D

this was one of my favorite places to lose myself and all my worries. sunset cliffs. you'll notice several of these little parking lots in the pics north and south of this one.

now what was just wierd is that when you go to the splash page of this site, it places a random pic from the calif. coast for you to view. the first time, when looking for redondo, it came up for hermosa and the second time it came up for coronado. both times the spot i wanted was in the detail map that accompanies it. spooky :eek:
Here is were I lived when I was in high school, here is were we used to go when I was little (my mother loved La Jolla, which is why I was born there... that and my family knew the Scripps), and here is were my family has lived since the 1890's (my family lived in one of the first three houses on crown point).

Funny thing is, being in Minneasota was the first time I had ever really spent any time away from La Jolla. I miss walking along Prospect and walking between classes at UCSD. :(
i used to live for awhile on a cross street to balboa inland and just just south of crown point. we had some good parties there.

the last place i lived in SD was here at the corner of mission blvd and the street that goes to the island. orienting in the pic it would be the yellow house on the NE corner of that intersection. in real orientation, it is the SE corner. nice little 2 bedroom bungalow with a bus stop right out front. the free clinic was right around the corner. i actually met some pretty cool people just inviting them in from the bus stop sometimes. (didn't do this often, but it was always fun when i did).
yea, it does me too. only i still live on the coast so it passes more quickly. and i doubt we could afford to live this close down there anymore. i keep thinking that somewhere near santa barbara might be ok at some point in the future when i am working. it would be a blast though to go back to mission or pacific beach and stay in one of the boardwalk rental condos for a week sometime. the ones i used to hate for filling the area up with tourists :eek:
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
also, that rear wheel drive vehicle of yours (?-most were 25 years ago) would not be near as much fun to drive in heavy rain or snow. :D

Ed, I respectfully and completely disagree. With snow tires, RWD is much more fun and controllable than FWD. On my M3 one winter when I was living in Salem, my friend in Marblehead who had the same car had an extra set of rims with Pirelli snow tires on them. I traded my winter beater at the time (an '86 VW GTI) for his snow tires one weekend so I could get down to NY for something. I had them on for about a week and it was some of the most fun I ever had in the car. I was swinging the rear out, catching it back, etc. It's like driving at the car's limits, but at 15-20 mph. Way too much fun. This is Jon on those same tires doing ice racing in NH: http://www.boston-bmwcca.org/bimmer/2001/04/images/ir-jon-porath-pl-800.jpg .
I'll embarrassingly say, I did have a lot of fun driving in the snow that fell here Friday. Was just enough not to be annoying (aside from the shoveling). After 6", my car just doesn't have the clearance to move in the stuff and I'm dead in the water.

With the excuse to "clear" out my parking area, I granted myself the pleasure of pulling 180s at either end of the space. Then I would drive back and forth to clear the snow mounds. Heck, I threw in a couple of 360s just because. Nothing like the feeling of spinning your car around like that.
Originally posted by xaqintosh
11 CDs?!?!?:eek: :eek:

how big is the install?

Depends on what you install. The bigger the machine, the bigger the install...no, just kidding

The basic 6.5 package has 6 CDs (Foundation 1 and 2, Developer Foundation, Developer Libraries, Appications, Install CD) plus the NFS Subsystem, makes 7 CDs, plus the four CDs from the newest Overlay 6.5.18 plus the newest Applications CD replacing the 6.5 Applications CD.

Since this system drives many many different machines (from desktop O2s to multi-pipe, multi-rack Onyx3000 Reality Centers) the install CDs cover all the software subsystems available for SGI machines.

And Racer, which machine is not upgradeable beyond 5.3?

The only system I have which does not take any IRIX over 5.3 is a Power Series and a Personal IRIS, but I even got a Crimson (IP17) or a Indigo up to at least 6.2.

And many thanx for the beer :)

Am I now thrown out of Herve's for too much tech-talk? :D :D :D
The IRIS Indigo based on the R3000 processor (it is an IP12, same processor that is in the Personal IRIS) can only be moved up to IRIX 5.3 (and I have two of them). If they were the R4000 type, then I actually could have up them to 6.5 (even though I don’t have 6.5 :( ).

And while were talking SGIs, have you ever tried growing your filesystem onto a second drive? My 9 GB hard drive is seeming a little small and I have room for a second drive in my Indy. The procedure in IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystems looks easy enough. Using growfs I could increase my continuous drive space to about 15 GB by adding another 9 GB drive.


Just a thought.