Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by mystique

Honey, you need to change your avatar here to the one I made you. :D

tried before...there is a 50x50 pixel limit here and i keep forgetting to resize that avatar.
I laughed until I cried. She was so serious and excited

i just smiled out loud at that one myself :)

and i still keep the velvet block and original bottle of solution with the the albums - currently in 4 crates in the garage. one of these days i'll get a turnable that works again. :D
Originally posted by Klink
Aw, you aint seen nothin yet, Ken. They're a pair. lol

HEY!!! Whatcho talkin' bout? b3s and I? We behave perfectly on the boards at all times
(where's that angel smiley)??:cool:
Originally posted by b3s
tried before...there is a 50x50 pixel limit here and i keep forgetting to resize that avatar.

yea, we like to encourage out members to 'get small'. :D
Originally posted by Klink
Hey b3s. Oye! What you tossed out all your LPs man? They're not stored in the parents basement. lol

um, well, you see, it goes like this, klink: both parents are deceased, the ex has the entertainment system, and i really did not have the desire to lift, let alone go through the hassle of determining who's is who's, those boxes of LPs...i just said the hell with it and left it in them center of the basement where i found them. her brother can lift that pig :P
I can't take credit for rehashing that word. I stole it from b3s. :p

He could have. I wouldn't put it past him. Wasn't that a common phrase for "tuning in" in late 60s early 70s.
Sorry for bringing that up, b3s. Sometimes I step in it big time.

*Klink finds a stick and starts scraping off the dung from his shoe*
Ed, you mutitasking? Or practicing your one hit wonders. lol

Damn, nabbed by the edit button again. :p <-- at myself.
just having a little fun participating in the conversation while i could. i'm outta here now as i need to go change the pond filter and start helping with wrapping yule presents. :D

later you guys :)
Always a pleasure, man. And you know I mean that man.

*said in my best Sammy imitation*

Peace out, Ed.

Sorry mysti, couldn't help myslef. :D