Herve's Bar & Grill

My gettin small days are pretty much over. Now steppin in it, well that's a timeless art that never goes out of fashion. *snickers*
Originally posted by b3s
um, well, you see, it goes like this, klink: both parents are deceased, the ex has the entertainment system, and i really did not have the desire to lift, let alone go through the hassle of determining who's is who's, those boxes of LPs...i just said the hell with it and left it in them center of the basement where i found them. her brother can lift that pig :P

Yeah, there's the one problem with LPs: heavy as hell to move. Last time I hired movers. No way I was lugging those things around anymore.
Oh, I hear you loud and clear. After my first 4 moves, it was a movers party from then on.

Close second on the pain in the butt meter for moving was books, manuals and such. Ugh!
Originally posted by Klink
Oh, I hear you loud and clear. After my first 4 moves, it was a movers party from then on.

Close second on the pain in the butt meter for moving was books, manuals and such. Ugh!

Yeah, I guess that MTFM would be a good acronym. :)

So beers this week?
too much to lift albums and books ? - wimps!! i'm the old man in this crowd i believe and i can still lift a crate of albums, still cart around a box of books and still pick my own nose :D

ok, so i swore i would get movers the next time too, but really, some things like albums and books and computers are just worth it to put a little effort into if that's the choice. at least my collection is as it contains many valuables that will never make it to cd and my books, well, they're like part of me. :)

but really, you guys must have laptops, cause i'm not sure you could lift a desktop, especially with a nice size crt :p :p
My PC is a full tower and my Mac is a Power Mac G4. :p

Last time I moved I got my ~500 LPs in two boxes. Move THAT, big guy! ;)
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
anyone ever move across country?

if, by cross-country, you mean end-to-end...no..but i have moved from the midwest to the west coast and back again in a span of 18 months. the first move included movers and the moving company packing everything -- and a car carrier for the cars! the second involved us packing, the movers moving stuff, and us driving cars full of crap (along with a child, and a frickin' cat) all the way back.

i can recommend the former and not the latter :D
i think moving from ohio to calif. qualifies as cross country. we did it just over5 years ago. it was one of the most stressful events of my life as i was laid up following surgery until just a few weeks before the move. most of my friends flaked out on their promises to help. We loaded everything into a uhaul truck and moved it ourselves. a friend came up from southern cal. to help unload, which was much easier than packing and loading. not anxious to do it again. :D

so i want to hear the song this line was taken from on the jukebox -

"He's a walking contradiction,
partly truth and partly fiction,
taking every wrong direction
on his lonely way back home"

free drinks to whomever can name that tune and who wrote and performed it. :D
so what will you have for those free drinks? :D

i'm impressed. i thought it would be somebody older and more 'country' oriented who came thru on this one.
I don't deserve a drink. I cheated. Google. I think the closest I get to country is Social Distortion/Mike Ness.

-Ken, hanging my head in shame... :)

you're right. you owe me a drink for that :D

i'll have a second dup of coffee please. :)

speaking of coffee, we got a new coffemaker at our house. After taking the last 2 back to the store because they were broken when we unpacked them, we finally got one that is all in one piece. it is a fancy one that you can set to automatically brew beforw you wake up. i intend to learn how to use that feature tonite so tommorow all i have to do is wake up and pour!! :cool:
*Mystique changes the green LED sign above the bar with a new message:

The next moron to play "FELIZ NAVIDAD" on the jukebox gets to watch me give it a once over with my Glock-swiss cheese, baby"

Mystique thinks that will do nicely*
b3s has a French Press, but I didn't get to sample coffee made with it when I was there because he was using the carafe or the glass part to hold a dozen roses in. :D

He raves about it, but is much more a coffee connoisseur than I. I mean, it has to be GOOD coffee, no Folgers canned crap, but I don't go to the lengths he does to make good coffee. His salt trick is the bomb, though.