Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Trip
Whoa that shell script got my blood going again. :D
But please...don't do that again...for my sake.

*Tormente introduces Trip to his 15 year old (female) cousin*
There, happy now? ;) :D
By your signature - it looks like you already accessed something via me. :)
BTW, your code is not decoding automatically...
ah, man giaguara??
no manual entry for...

i want a t-shirt with fsck -y on it... :p .. it causes weird looks from the non-unix population.. ;)

Here it's 2003!!! Cheers!!! I offer...
I have a BOFH jacket. It looks like one of those dark blue FBI windbreakers, but says BOFH instead. There was this big Usenet deal around '96 to make a bunch of these. I have worn it in public once. :)
happy christmas <hic> and merry new year <hic>

may the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows!
Heh, am i the only awake at this hour?

Lets see if i can wake anyone with the smell of a cappuccino... :p