Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by hazmat
And unless you actually speak Portuguese, if it were spoken you would understand half of that half. ;)

You'd be suprised... even though I don't speak neither Italian nor Portuguese, I can understand quiet a bit of it if spoken to me at a slow rate.

My Italian and Spanish roots are to blame for it! :D

Portuguese I have the most trouble with - altho I have managed to be a sales rep for Brazil (Spain and Mexico too). Italian I'm understanding a heck of a lot more than I thought possible without ever taking lessons nor being exposed to the Italian side of the family. :)
Originally posted by Tormente

Italian I'm understanding a heck of a lot more than I thought possible without ever taking lessons nor being exposed to the Italian side of the family. :)

Yeah, I think the trick is to just flail your hands around a lot. ;)
Originally posted by Giaguara

mv hazmat cama
rm pants -y
chmod 777 .. :p

chmod 777 Giaguara
ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co
sleep 600
ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co
sleep 28800

Originally posted by hazmat
Yeah, I think the trick is to just flail your hands around a lot. ;)

i had always problems in YIM cos i needed the hand smiles.. u know, so i could IM in italian... :p
Originally posted by hazmat
chmod 777 Giaguara
ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co ; ci ; co
sleep 28800


ssh hazmat
now they will start to complain 'bout we talkin' dirty in unix ... :p
rm pants .. etc
man :p
Whoa computer busted again, now runs around with an average of 12 MB of memory. >:(

See you all later.

*knocks self out*
Originally posted by Trip

Oh and: is that britney spears in your avatar? O_o


I Don't know whether to smooch you on the cheek or kick you so that you won't be sitting down for a week or so....HELL NO THAT'S NOT BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!

Goodgawd, Charlie Brown.
coming from Trip, it's a compliment. go ahead and kiss his cheek. if it had been klink or i, that would have been different :D

hey, it beats googleplex's guess that it was a 30's movie starlet :p
Originally posted by hazmat

Sorry, guys. I think it's rude to speak another language in front of others who don't speak it. We'll take it out of the thread.


I was just about to turn on my heel and wait for a week or so until the language around here was something I could understand. :D (and don't you DARE say that, Ed! don't you DARE!) :p
BTW Ed, so GLAD to see that old Avatar back again! That is my favorite one, the one you were sporting the first time I met you and I have missed it...it's so...so...YOU!!!

I'm off to bed! Have a happy NYE everyone. Whatever you do, stay safe. No thinking and driving! See you in '03! *SMOOOOCH*

looks more like that... :p
Absolutely, Giaguara. Maybe we can make a new delicacy of piranha in the caipirinha, like the worm in the mezcal. :)