Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Giaguara
uuh, hazmat i'm becoming a bit hungry.. can u make me some tapiocas? :p

As in the pudding? No, sorry. But I can make you all the brigadeiro you want.

Mas voce tem que vir para NY para pegar. ;)
I see britney spears everywhere these days. When a 16 year old mind like mine and a body like hers mix...she's everywhere.

:) <-See, see, i told you!!!
Originally posted by Tormente
What do people see in her anyway? Shesh!

A lot of silicone (sp?) and plastic. Hey: just because we like shiny things doesn't mean anything about our mental state of health!
Originally posted by Trip
A lot of silicone (sp?) and plastic. Hey: just because we like shiny things doesn't mean anything about our mental state of health!

Hey, come to LA - you'll find more silicone and plastic than you know what to do with - and better looking than her! Oh wait, you're 16... well - hopefully, eventually grow out of it! heh :p
i display 10 at a time. since most threads only have a few posts added at any one stretch, this loads each page faster since i'm not loading a bunch of posts i've already read. what's the point in loading a whole bunch of posts at once? i don't see it.
default must be 15. easy way to tell how many posts anyone displays if they tell you what page they are on in here.

#of posts in this thread divided by page number = approximate dispaly # round to nearest 5 or 0
