Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Giaguara
... a bit dizzy mystique.. :(

hey, "ç" you pronounce it like "ch" n spanish ... so there IS a difference bwtween c and ç !!

In Portuguese it sounds like an 's'.
You guys are whacked. (even if I love one of you)

I'l stick with my coffee and cranberry juice, thanks.

Two tequila kamikazes coming right up <choke> <sputter> :D
"s"? my c, ci, ch and ç sound too sweet in all the languages... heh, after THAT bottle i'll start to speak in spanish and portuguese so you'll notice it! çeers!!! :p
Originally posted by Giaguara
"s"? my c, ci, ch and ç sound too sweet in all the languages... heh, after THAT bottle i'll start to speak in spanish and portuguese so you'll notice it! çeers!!! :p

Hah. But yeah, the 'c' gets the cedilla. If it didn't, the 'c' would sound like a 'k' before the 'a'. :) And the 'ch' in Portuguese sound like 'sh' in English.

This concludes this chapter of Portuguese 101. :)
well for me ç sounds more like "ch" in spanish or "ci" supersweet in italian ..

okay.. quem quere mais pinga no drink? :D
Originally posted by X-wiZeroS
i'm lost :rolleyes: :(

Then you are in the right place. :rolleyes:

*Myst stands up on a barstool and changes the old LED sign she found at a yardsale in November to read: "Either speak English in this Bar and Grill or fix your own freakin' drink and mine too" ...Mystique teeters on the barstool, catches her balance, jumps down and returns to tearing down the Christmas decorations with great fervor and not a little bit of glee*
Originally posted by mystique

*Myst stands up on a barstool and changes the old LED sign she found at a yardsale in November to read: "Either speak English in this Bar and Grill or fix your own freakin' drink and mine too" ...Mystique teeters on the barstool, catches her balance, jumps down and returns to tearing down the Christmas decorations with great fervor and not a little bit of glee*

Hey, I did offer to make the caipirinhas! :p
Thanks Trip...I need all the help I can get...both with decorations AND with sleep...and I don't have a stupid cold, just stupid insomnia.
Ugh..oh..what? I must have fallen asleep. Well at least i got some sleep last night.
Oh and: is that britney spears in your avatar? O_o