Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
default must be 15. easy way to tell how many posts anyone displays if they tell you what page they are on in here.

#of posts in this thread divided by page number = approximate dispaly # round to nearest 5 or 0


Oh sure, if you want to get technical about it. :) So is this the .01 of this page? :D
Uso: ScopusFest. Nem eu te vejo, pelo menos o username você tem no seu perfil. Acho melhor a gente leve o português fora deste web site. É rude, não é? :)

Originally posted by hazmat
Uso: ScopusFest. Nem eu te vejo, pelo menos o username você tem no seu perfil. Acho melhor a gente leve o português fora deste web site. É rude, não é? :)

Uhuh... especially when I only half-understand most of what you say and translators have a hard time translating into something understandable! :p :D
Originally posted by Tormente
Uhuh... especially when I only half-understand most of what you say and translators have a hard time translating into something understandable! :p :D

And unless you actually speak Portuguese, if it were spoken you would understand half of that half. ;)

Sorry, guys. I think it's rude to speak another language in front of others who don't speak it. We'll take it out of the thread.
não, edX ... O:-)

è meu username, sò que è cifrado = um macdotcom .. então tem que usar @ e . ... vamos provar manha .. Boa noite ...

talkin' drty, who me? i thought i speak dirty only in unix :p
heh ... now guess what, one year of greeks in UK talking in greek, and british in UK talking in their weird dialect.. anyone want to talk in sicilian ? 8)

mv bed ...
Originally posted by Giaguara

è meu username, sò que è cifrado = um macdotcom .. então tem que usar @ e . ... vamos provar manha .. Boa noite ...

Ah. Acho que não daria, então. Uso Adium em casa, e Trillian (uma bosta) no trabalho. @mac.com só funciona com AIM e iChat, né?

Okay, so one more. Sorry. :)
Originally posted by edX
well that's good. because if anybody's getting dirty talk and i'm not included....:p

uh i speak normally only html and italian at this hour but ... :p

mv hazmat cama
rm pants -y
chmod 777 .. :p