Herve's Bar & Grill

wooohoo!!! a couple of clicks still and ... that'll be 50'000 views ..!! happy hour... f3 beer :D untill 50100 clicks ;)
ok, experiment time - i think this place could use some brightening up
ok, try again, if there's not a pic in the post this time, could someone venture a guess as to why?


pic is hosted in my sbc yahoo photo album with public sharing.
oh well, at least i'll share what i've been working on - putting all the pics that were on my itools pages back online for sharing. it's not as nice looking a presentation, i know, but hey, it's included in my regular charges i'm paying anyway.

click here to see my photo albums.

still more to come. :)
I am not a geek :p --- and who am I dating ? lol :p

Ed in yahoo to be able to show images on other sites you need to pay subscription to yahoo, from the photo album on yahoo others with a yahoo account can see your stuff but off yahoo urls dont work :)

now... let me get my handler's gloves on and my whip and go have that drink with the non domesticated Giaguara LOL :)

Ed I like the garden :)
well, supposedly i have full premium service on my photo albums with 610 mb of storage included. it was included as part of the merge from pacbell to sbc yahoo. my understanding is that i have the same service others pay for. typical pachell untruth i guess.

oh, and thanks for the garden compliment. i have enjoyed it a lot myself. it doesn't look much like many of those pics right now and i need to get out and do the yearly prune back on several plants.
Well Frazure,

I would never suggest that a well respected individual of the community such as yourself resort to geekdom dating services. :)

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
now... let me get my handler's gloves on and my whip and go have that drink with the non domesticated Giaguara LOL :)


Just be very careful in case she's wearing one of those thick, black leather collars with shiny chrome spikes. And if you're really unsure about your safety, remember, there's always that full body leather protection available (just like "Daddy" wore in "People Under The Stairs"). The hunt can be fun, from both participant's perspective.