Herve's Bar & Grill

now that's worth a friday nite celebration!! admiral dj, do your dj thing!! :D

now see if the pics would work, i'd put my disco ed pic here :p
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
Uh, doesn't "dating" belong in the "OS X Swinger's Club" thread?


There are some REALLY good personal adds in there, be sure to read them ALL! If you don't like the FREE (as in BEER) service selection here, you can always check out Yahoo Personals and PAY $24.95 to contact people for one month.

I understand... if you spend your days and evenings on www.macosx.com.... you'll never meet anybody.... so you need success, stop spend your time here and go out !

And come back with your success story !
Dont worry chemistry_geek --- I have handled people much more dangerous than her lol :D --- besides I have insirance which takes care of all bodily damages and medical expences ;) lol

It's morning now... the party is tonite ed ;) -- Had a horrible cold related headache (as in the cold wind did the 1-2 trick on me, felt like I was knocked out) and went to bed :p --- who's the barman here ?
Hm.. as a normal jaguar i should be Panthera Onca Onca bt i guess my species is Panthera Onca OS X ... :D ... *not so domesticatedly jumps around the bar needing more coffee... * **and smiles really widely with her ipod... :D ** **and plugs the ipod to change the background music of thew bar.. ** :p
thanks niles and ken for the compliments on the pictures. i've been awol from the site today while i continue to add more pics and watch the superbowl which was almost super bore til the raiders finally woke up and made it interesting for awhile.

i am going to hate when my trial of photoshop runs out. :D
The beach pix are kewl.. but Ed you look funny in the old pics.. i thought i was the only one who looks completely different in every photo.. :-/
when your photoshop trial will run out how about trying GIMP or MacGIMP? :)
yea, i have graphic convertoer. the one thing it seems to be missing is a good blur. one with variable levels. if GC would just implement a good gausian blur or even a multi level blur, i probly could be happy with it. there are actually a lot of things about it that i like better than photoshop.

yes, gimp has been recomendedmany times, but anything that reguires installing something like x windows or any of these secondary environments is out. i read too much about them screwing up people's stuff. and before you counter that those are just people who don't know what they're doing, remember that i am one of those :D
Hey Ed... since I am graduating this year can we have a party as your place ???? ;)

BTW ed, with the new Apple X11 you have an X-window manager so you could run gimp conceivably :)
Yeah Ed,

Give GIMP a try. I bought a $19.95 CD that installed X Windows, GIMP, and I think OroborOSX. GIMP works really very well, except that going through a few Apple Mac OS X updates did "something" to the X Windows fonts. I can't type any text into my images using GIMP. I bought the CD because I did not know how to install X Windows and all the dependencies on my own, like most Mac users I needed an installer. But it works very well, a little over kill for some things, and fairly stable. It's crashed a few times. If you do get it and install it, it requires its own swap VM file; max it out to 128MB, you'll use every bit of it when you start working with large pictures.
Originally posted by Sogni
I don't think Ed has 10.2 to even be able to run X11. :p

I'm running X Windows under Mac OS X 10.1.5; it seems to do very well. I have Jaguar on another HD, but 10.1.5 is where I live. I'll permanently migrate to Jaguar, or Panther, or whatever OS X is called when I receive my new PowerMac dual IBM PowerPC 970s @ 1.8GHz.