Herve's Bar & Grill

Morning :)
How many cups can a jaguar have before the WWF will start to complain about serving to the non-domesticate animals (wildlife)? ;)
and WWF stands for World Wrestling Federation and i'm pretty sure they'll let you do about as much of anything as you please, domesticated or not :p
Not anymore. They are now the WWE. (E)ntertainment. They had to change the name because the WWF (Wildlife) had it before. The WWE knew it all along, but did it anyway, so it's their own fault.
lol hey giaguara I am sure you could kick his rerr end :D lol --- here kitty kitty kitty :D

bw do I need my chair&whip or are you domisticated enough ??? :p
well, you guys should be so proud of me. i just got thru ordering jaguar from the apple edu store. it should be here next week. at last i will be able to use safari and all those other cool toys like the new iphoto. :)

now to decide which photo manipulation app i want. i may just stick with graphic converter and start using goldberg for a few things. it's amazing that with so many little photo manipulation apps, nobody has quite gotten it right yet.
Congratulations on 10.2, Ed!

I would try something smaller like Graphic Converter, but am so used to Photoshop. What is GC missing for you?
you did not have 10.2 :eek:
I dont know how you survived ;)
I was waiting for 10.2 to completelly switch :D -- I was 95% OS 9 and 5% OS X up until 10.2 which now I am 100% OS X ;)
Well done Ed! You'll like Jaguar. And since you've got the Graphire you'll be able to scribble Ink notes all over the screen! Wheee!

Anyhow, I thought the cafe was a more appropriate place for my 1000th post ... it was bound to happen sooner or later. :)

I use GC to supplement PhotoShop, and though its a good program the interface could make even a Windows user shudder in terror. Worth having in the toolkit, though.
I would just like to note that yesterday was the first anniversary of the Herve's Bar & Grill franchise. Here is to the next year!
Here Here!! I was all geared up to mention that today and then the space shuttle and other things in my life took it completely out of my head. Here Dave, have a milkshake and let's celebrate! you know it's still the first of feb. here on the left coast in USC :D
Happy new year... (no, not the regular new year, not the chinese new year (we went from Horse to goat)... the Herve's new year !)... but stop champaign: the cork flying too high gets the Challenger down...