Herve's Bar & Grill


Ed: When did the USC update come out? Is it stable, or do you still get earthquakes on the "left coast"?

It's sad about Columbia. I remember when I was about 12 or 13 I went out to our city observatory late one night so that I could get to speak to the Columbia crew as it flew over. They kept making Aussie jokes at us, "Gidday, mate, hows the kangaroo?" "Put a shrimp on the barbie for us, mate." (Of course, different crew back then, but the same shuttle)
Since then I've always seen the space program as proof that ordinary people like us really can achieve anything.
milkshakes for all!!

hi xaq! good to see you here.

symphonix - USC = United States of California. you might remember RacerX and i fantasizing about it some time ago. :p

Giaguara - happy new year :D
My Cable Modem is down...
I'm on Dialup...

I'm going through Bandwidth Withdraws... :p
Fregging Adelphia! Sux! :(

Will work for Bandwidth! :p

A tech is coming Friday... and it's Sunday!!!


Anyone use ATT DSL? I saw that they are charging $40 a month (don't know if that price is still valid)... Anyone know if that includes the modem? How about "setup" or deposit fees?
I just signed up for SBC Ameritech DSL for $40/month. The modem will arrive this week ("Free" with the service contract of 1 year), but the service begins February 7 and my EarthLink account ends Feb 8. My parents have the same setup, it's not as fast as 10Mbit ethernet, but it's faster than dialup.
yum, milkshakes :D

yeah, I haven't been posting much. I've been kinda busy. Anyways, off to bed now. Talk to you all later :)
Ugh... I hate contracts! :p
Especially when I don't know how long I'll be here or in the area.

SBC huh?
But don't they force you to use Yahoo (not like I don't use it now :p )?

I'll look into it (and ATT)... finally they're lowering the price back down! :)
Yeah, the one year contract is sort of harsh, however, there was an article somewhere on Friday about this very issue and that such contracts are maybe illegal according to CA law. In that the only way you can charge a penalty for breach of contract is if the company that issued the contract is unduly damaged by early cancellation. The argument being that all that SBC has to do is pull the plug and that the only "damage" is from the loss of potential future income. So, I'm sure this will be in the courts for a long time to come but I hope some kind of moratorium is placed on the penalty because I am probably going to be moving to Santa Rosa soon and will have to cancel my contract about 6 months early.

Other than the above, I have to say that their service is excellent. Only had 1 problem after a bad storm in Dec., called the help desk, DID NOT HAVE TO WAIT!!!! and the woman was very efficient and solved my problem immediately. Of course SBC is the only source for DSL in Humboldt County.
ATT is out...
No coverage in my area according to their website, but will call just to make sure... :(

*continues to watch Cable Modem patetically trying to connect* :mad:
Originally posted by Ed
USC = United States of California. you might remember RacerX and i fantasizing about it some time ago. :p

Fantasy? It wasn’t a fantasy! It is a completely viable idea that is just waiting for the right time and the right (or maybe left) leader. ;)

I outline the whole idea in my “I have a dream” section of my congrats thread. It was really looking good for a while there (maps and everything).
sogni - please don't get me started about SBC Pacbell/Yahoo. i've been about 'this far' from starting a whole rant about the problems i'm encountering since the recent 'merger' of SBC and yahoo services. contrary to others experiences i have had horrible expereinces with their tech support from the start. i usually figure out more than they do before i've even called them. currently i am having problems with the email of one of my sub accounts not having pop access since i 'upgraded' to SBC Yahoo. so far i have spoken with 9 tech help people. and the issue still isn't resovled. it apparently has to be doen by somebody that i'm not allowed to speak directly with. so far 2 of these attempts to fix it have resulted in them deciding it's fixed and closing my case. supposedly one even reported they had called us and confirmed it was fixed!! finally i have a tech support person who has given me their email so that i can report the status to him daily and he can stay on top of it and keep me informed as well. oh, and one of those 9 people i spoke with was a supervisor - just for the purpose of reporting 2 of the previous tech help people for their rudeness and/or stupidity.

you might want to check and see if earhtlink has dsl in your area. if not, pachell may be your only option. other than the recent problems encountered because of them going thru thier changes and still not knowing what they are doing, the service has been generally ok.

hint - do not merge your yahoo id with your sbc one if you are given the opportunity to. that is part of the cause of my disaster.

RacerX - come on - we both know it's a fantasy. Californians keep wanting to become 2 states instead of one. how could we ever expect them to become one country? :p
So I'm building a PC for a client, I go to pry off the plate where everything connects through the case (PS2, USB, Serials, Parallel, Sound, etc.), I break the temporary "welds" so I can replace the plate with another the MoBo came with when *SLICE* @#$%!!! My thumb!!! ARGH!!! :p

I hate PeeCee cases! :(
yep, those pc's can be dangerous. lucky it wasn't your mind you damaged :D

(hey, put a band aid on it and be sure to go to the Dr. if it turns green)