Herve's Bar & Grill

Nah, my mind was damaged at the age of 11 (Tandy 1000 EX folowed by Windows 3.11 all the way to 2K) - I'm still recovering since I got my Mac! :D ;)

Yeah the green stuff is no good... will keep an eye on it. In the mean time - is this good enough? :D

(yeah, there's a gauze under it) :p


  • sogni_pc-error.jpg
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perfect. if you leave that on long enough new skin will probably grow around it and then you won't have to worry about deep cuts anymore :p

Sogni's new super hero secret identity - duct tape man!!

(i assume that's what you used to put the pc back together with as well :D )
And no the PC is still in one piece - uh... well... not really, side panels are over there, front bay covers are over here... but you know what i mean! :D

The Cable Modem and Linksys Router are the ones who've taken a lot of abuse - the the Linksys needs Duct tape now! :D

Can you belive it? I had no idea how WONDERFUL Duct Tape was until I bought a small roll a few weeks back... let me just say that I need more of the stuff - and no more small rolls! A LOT more - HUGE rolls! :D

*Looks at wall, take out a big roll of Duct Tape and eyes the room for a victim - err Volunteer* ;) :D
Can you belive it? I had no idea how WONDERFUL Duct Tape was until I bought a small roll a few weeks back... let me just say that I need more of the stuff - and no more small rolls! A LOT more - HUGE rolls!

no, i don't believe it. or at least i find it very hard to believe. the world is held together with duct tape!! 90mph tape. rocknroll tape. :D

i've grown partial to the black style myself but silver is certainly the most traditional. of course now you can get in all different colors and all size rolls. you can't have too much duct tape around. never know when it willl come in handy. handy, get it... hand....:rolleyes: :p
Ed how come you didn't think about chmod 777 ?? mh, that's what i had in mind...

Sogni, down with the duct tape... unlesss you want your face full of scars ... *makes a HUGE cup of coffee..* :p
i'm telling you anything that has to do with the terminal is lost on me. lucky i know what man and rm refer to ;) honestly, i think the 'nix way of doing things is for the birds. i would have learned DOS if i had wanted to type commands.
yea, welcome r1 :)

gia - are you going to enter your icon int he contest or did you just post it to the gallery for something to do? :confused:

hey, anybody play euchre?
well, i guess since i'm sitting here waiting for my copy of jaguar to show up at my door, i can wait for a giaguara icon to show up in the thread :D

you're leaving the house!! to go where? will your ibook be going too? :D
Nah Ed i'm happy you are not technical enough to discover where i am... :D hey, if you didn't know by the way, 'giaguara' _IS_ jaguar ('giaguaro' is a male jaguar) so *raurgh* buy me a flight ticket to cali (and find me a job there) and i could maybe get there. anywayz, photoshopped the iconz.. some jagaury versions, now i'll go to hunt .. Jobs, eh.
*Needs a drink first* <<< must be the only jaguar that has switched to be a vege :p