Herve's Bar & Grill

why to wash the lps? they were full of fingerprints. and stickers to find in 10 seconds the piece you were looking for .. once it got too dirty, or he wanted simply to get rid of the etiquettes, he washed it. .. once you use them 12+ hours a day they do get full of fingerprints for scratching...
i think i need an app that reminds me like a couple of times a day that it would be nice to eat something sometimes... :(

*undecided what to have with rice* ..
Why you would ever need a condom for a BMW is beyond me ;) ...but I guess it doesn't matter since I don't have the money for one :P
you've got tyres... tyres are made of rubber...

but some special minds may need a condom for a BMW, i don't know ????
Well they say racing is as much fun as you can have with your clothes on, so.....

Then again they said that when I used to skydive. Hmmmm......
if you use condom as t-shirt in Brasilia, I understand why girls are so sexy there when they wear just a short t-shirt :-)
Originally posted by chevy
if you use condom as t-shirt in Brasilia, I understand why girls are so sexy there when they wear just a short t-shirt :-)

'camisinha' means 'condom'. Directly translated is 'little shirt'.
Originally posted by Giaguara
haz' that makes me wonder if you understood the t-shirt comment ... ( anyone else speaks portuguese? ) :D

My comment was in reply to Chevy, but yes I got it... :)