Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Giaguara
... anyone to watch the Screensavers tonite? :D I want to see Kevin surfing ... [and hate watching telly alone]

What do you mean by "watch the Screensaver" ?
Very nice proposals for the macosx.com chat icon...
I like to one of Giag that exactly indicate what this is, and the work of Phatcactus is really impressive, extremely professional.

The only thing that I feel is missing is a reference to OS X... like an X or a Jaguar ?

Or like the current one: with "macosx community chat" written around the icon.
here you go, you'll have to get your own for a while. i'm heading out for jury duty in a few minutes. :(
ok.. no access here...

I didn't watch your icon proposal correctly Giag... there is a text in transparency ! Difficult to read on my LCD screen.
Okay whisky for anyone else? I'll do a better version of that .. it was just s sketch.. ;)

*opens one more Jolt..
Another use would be to suspend these on wires to afraid the birds over the wineyard...
Best funeral for a CD is to put it, silver side up, in a microwave oven for about 3-5 seconds. Cool light show.
Best funeral for a CD is to put it, silver side up, in a microwave oven for about 3-5 seconds. Cool light show.

that's an idea !
Please make a movie and publish it on you .mac homepage !
Originally posted by Giaguara
Umh, my ex used to wash his LPs in the dishwasher... :(

I did it too a couple of times...

you fired him when he did the same with your lovely iBook ?