Herve's Bar & Grill


yea, i've got those bad habits, especially with my firends hazmet and giaguarra :p

actually, i just don't proofread very often anymore. i constantly add or subtract letters from words. i figure if people can figure out what i meant, then it's close enough. there is certainly no personal offense ever meant. ;)

Hey, Herve's will be celebrating it's one year anniversary on Feb 1!!! that's just a week and a half away. i better order party bolloons and champagne. :eek:
Hi all, I have a question from iBot I didn't solve and I would like to solve. What animal has square lenses ?
Kewl ed ... :p

chevy could that be a bug?

Woh, my Apple will be in Macformat UK :p ... Ed can i have an other double Apple juice??? *hic*

And a jolt
Ed i was thinking about doing an app...
something like iCorrectTheDyslexicProgrammersCodes.app ... i think you'll need it as well ;)
giaguara - you'd best watch mixing those drinks, it could be dangerous. i'd stick to one kind if i were you :p

what do you mean by your mac will be in MacFormat UK? no comprendo.
my apple [like you hadn't seen my tat'?] .. stick on one drink? i think the jolt can on my dock is influencing me but .. *hic* one more apple juice? thirsty... :p
LOL...Ed has already psychoanalyzed me and decided that I prefer languages over girls :D hehehehehe....

Almost correct my friend but a bit off ;)
I love to study foreign languages and I compile grammar references for each language I learn, as a reference and something I distrubute free online for others that like languages and want some sort of reference :)

On the dictionary issue, I have seen dictionaries that offer everything AND the kitchen sync ;) My Vietnamese dictionary has some interesting profanity in it : - )

Finally I do go out...(thus less time on macosx.com hehehehehe) --- no girlfriend yet, I always was, am and will be a picky bastardo :p

Back on work today --- in a few minutes I will be going home though :D -- the day is almost done as far as work is concerned ;)

btw ed, how is that disseration going ??? :)

Yes, I did... it was not the purpose of placing these here, I was trying to put a picture in my signature with a link to the site... but www.macosx.com administrators are smart enough to forbid that.
... anyone to watch the Screensavers tonite? :D I want to see Kevin surfing ... [and hate watching telly alone]
Personally I dont like photos in sigs... they are a pain to load on slower connections, like my home connection (56) where I do most of my surfing