Herve's Bar & Grill

chevy - our friend mokXnster is laid up in bed with a bad leg. he has lots of time on his hands that he sometimes has difficulty filling. hence i suggested he might be interested in trudging thru this one nite, or over several nites. i guess it just depends on how bored he really gets with everything else. ;)
Originally posted by edX
chevy - our friend mokXnster is laid up in bed with a bad leg. he has lots of time on his hands that he sometimes has difficulty filling. hence i suggested he might be interested in trudging thru this one nite, or over several nites. i guess it just depends on how bored he really gets with everything else. ;)

Could he write a report on the craziest thread of macosxcom ? Maybe there is enough material for a PhD ? :D

? does he have difficulties filling his hands or his time (sorry my English is limited, I don't always understand correctly all the details of what is written) ?

having "time on your hands" means not having anything in particular to do. it basically means waiting until time passes before one can do something. here it means he needs activities to keep his mind and body stimulated as he is basically lying in bed with limited mobility (right mok?).
[ Sweetie keep my location private. -Gia. ]
Woops ok, yeah, slipped from my keyboard, sorry! :p:

To read the whole thread I'd need a lot of time in my hands indeed or more beer than the B&G could offer! :lol: But I've started to read some yeah...

Stimulate my body? Yeah, well, that's why I don't have that much time in my hands right now! :D

And well yeah, maybe I'll have some more time now that "someone" is offline more often those days! ;)

Ok, drunk me please!
Monster what you want for breakfast? ;)
Oh I forgot your time is forward compared to mine ... so it's quite afternoon for you,.. but sitll breakfast? Apple pie with a coffee americano? Or just beer, beer and some beer? :D
Originally posted by edX
this thread may die a quick death or it might become a classic.
haha edx, you started a real classic! 5290 posts in here...
It's fun to yakk...

Anyone know of any really old good rappin tapes? I just got my hands on Tupac's lost tapes circa 1989, I was just looking for some other circa hip-hop music. It's a little before my time. Something like the fresh prince theme song :).
I've got "boom, shake the room" somewhere in my collection, Mr K. :)

And for those of you who want to know what we talk about in here, but can't be bothered to read a thread that is in itself longer than War & Peace, here is a brief summary:

- Booze
- Psychology
- Liquor
- Philosophy
- Alcoholic beverages
- Relationships
- Beer
- Cars and motorbikes
- Spirits
- Music
- Booze
- Sex, drugs and Rock 'n' Roll
- Brewskis
- Hervism and the dichotomic nature of reality
- Wine
- Poetry
- Keggers
- Pets
- Cocktails

Does that sum it up for you guys?

The MokXnster raises hand.

That'd be right freaking perfect just now! :D

Oh, make 'em double ok?

Well, time to nap a bit, like an hour or so... I'll be up in a few, see ya!

Damn, why is it I'm always alone at night? We should forbid sleep, just little naps here and there...
Morning Monster... ;)
Beeeeeer? :D
I need coffee... woh, the first post of the day - surfing with airport and 'book in bed ...
Mood Gorning! Hell yeah beer, beer right here! That'll be great with eggs, bacon and toasts I'm eating now... :D Oh, yeah, still have some beer, not much left but still, enough to wait for the oneS you'll give me! Being in bed... I know that all right... LOL
British breakfast eh? .. Just take enough beer to disable me from seeing the eggs and bacon ... :p
.. and post more, you look so funny as "junior member" .. ;)
Heh, yeah, Canada is still a country ruled by the queen so... :( Ok, I will, don't worry, you won't see nothing! ;)

Ahahaha, yeah, I find that junior member thing strange too! Not used to that!