Herve's Bar & Grill

Damn, sorry, I haven't been here much today! Argh, I made you wait for so long, sorry! :( When you come back just gimme anything Apple, I love Apples! ;) Are we the only ones in this bar or what? EdX posted the 03-24-2003 04:34 PM, 3 days ago and all the other posts are yours and mine! :O

Bah, time for another Jack, got a damn cold, wonder why, I DON'T go out! Must be the nurse that comes to do blood test that gave it to me, only thing I can see. I hate colds, need way more Jack to kill it!
Yea, looks we are the only ones who live 24 7, Monster ... :p
Just back from an Apple store - my sweet little iBook is not going to satisfy me again with its 12" and 5 hours of gaming in bed for .. at least before the 10.2.5 (unless I decide to install e.g. 6L11 to see if it fixes the battery killer thing ..) ... :'(
I need something to drink...
Oh - a really weird bug today - I got one email over 5400 times ... one email from apple, untill I got an email from .mac telling my mail was over quota.. weird... never had before over 500 unseen messages in the inbox, today I made a screenshot with 5400 messages in there .. . before force quitting, my patience didn't last to see how many messages I would have got actually.. :p
So wait ... I see just a bottle of Jack Daniels here, I guess it'll have to do ... *hic* ;)
wow! i never tried coming into this thread!!! that's why when i made a thread like this one it got deleted an hour later!!!!
Page 178? that's like almost forum history or something (though i saw 500 the other day)....
Androo, depends on how many posts you see as default in your page. I am in the page 355 now, 178 is when you have double of default forum style threads per page.. 50, I guess? :confused:
But yes - this is the chit chat thread you will probably like - talk about nearly what ever you want - want something to drink? An Apple juice? ;)
I'll take an Apple Juice! Put a dash of Sprite in there too!

Man, I'm hyper, I just signed for an ICDSoft hosting accout, my first ever real web host!
I got millayon.net, it isn't active yet though. I think it is a pretty good domain name, I hope I'm not having second thoughts...
Sorry, you are under 21 Androo ;)

Ed's orders ... Well the Mosnter could maybe offer you one, I think he couldn't say anything about that ...
have a milkshake androo. we have the best virtual milkshakes in the land. they are world famous. :)

and yea, i order up 10 posts per page and so i'm on page 533 at this point. page numbers don't count, only actual number of posts.
Mhh... I need a double espresso and a Jolt... :p
Hehè.. just got my so far most geeky phone number ever ^_^
Here the drinks :)

hehé .. so, Monster, my phone number is ***-***-**** ... it has an URL-geeky thing as one part of it and a really Unix geeky part as one other part .. :p

I want to get virtually drunk now... :p
Sounds cool! Wouldn't you prefer getting virtually AND real life drunk? Either way what do you wanna drink tonight?
(Geee, I feel like Tismey) hehe!
Heh, I think this is the most alcohol the bar has served in a while. Better watch it, Monster, or you'll become known as the board drunk :D

Gia, did you request that number, or did you just happen to get it? Just curious. Though how a phone number can be Unixy is beyond me :p

Hmm, and since we're in a drinking mood, I think I'll order my fav: a third Dr Pepper, a third Hawaiian Punch, and a third Parrot Bay. Very good drink :)
Originally posted by Darkshadow
Heh, I think this is the most alcohol the bar has served in a while. Better watch it, Monster, or you'll become known as the board drunk :D
Hahaha, well, look at my custom title! :D Hehehe!
More drunkage needed please!
Ahhh, well, ok, nobody's here so I'll just serve myself a few shots, with the Jack... Mmmm, ok... A Zombie, an Orgasm, a Kamikaze and what else... uhhh... Oh yeah, a Sex on the beach... :D Then I think the 40 ouncer of Jack will be ok, at least for tonight! Hehehe! Drunk me indeed!
I've been reading "The Salmon of Doubt", a collection of the writings of Douglas Adams, collected from his Macintoshes, and thought you guys would like this particular bit:

I love whisky in every way. I love the way it looks in the bottles, that rich golden colour. I love the labels arranged on the shelf - the kilts and claymores and slightly out-of-focus sheep. I love the sense that it's a drink that - unlike, for instance, vodka from Warrington - is rich in the culture and history of the place where it is distilled. I love particularly the smoky, peaty aromas of the single malts. In fact the only thing I don't like about whisky is that if I take the merest sip of the stuff it sends a sharp pain from the back of my left eyeball down to the tip of my right elbow, and I begin to walk in a very special way, bumping into people and snarling at the furniture.

I think that our regulars here would love this book; it's filled with our sort of humour, intelligent and thoughtful writing, and lots of references to Apple Computers.

Steven Fry starts his intro by talking about watching the iMacs being launched at the MacWorld keynote, and not being able to call Douglas about it.

A funny, bittersweet book, I'd highly recommend it.

Wow, we are in 5000 here? :-O

Yea, Monster seems to be the vice-tismey here ;)

I asked for _the_ number ..

Monster, can you make me an Irish coffee please? :)