Herve's Bar & Grill

Sure can Gia, here you go! :) And of course, lots of sugar in it! How's everybody's sunday going? I'm up since like 30 hours now and I think I'll try to beat my personal sleeples time record today and tomorrow... 47 hours to beat! :D yeah, I'm nuts! LOL

And yeah, Gibson is a great writer, I love what he does, read a lot of his books... Gonna check this one out, love what he says about whiskey, so true! :D

Hahahaha, I found The Monster's drink, too bad it's without alcohol!
Hehehé ... :D

My record has been something like 62 - 64 hours with no sleep ... if excluding when I was really sick with 107 fever, that was 4-5 with no sleep, offline because I felt too ill to surf in bed either (and my kidneys hurt like Dell).

I think I want to try one of thoe monsters... ;)
Hmm, my record without sleep was a week. I didn't even do it on purpose, I just get caught up in stuff sometimes. I believe I slept for two days straight after that. Heh

I got 'The Salmon of Doubt' when it first came out. Too bad he didn't get to finish the Dirk Gently story, I would've enjoyed that.

My Sunday just started...I'm a night person, so it's normal for me to just be wakin up in the afternoon ;) So far it's going fine. Heh

And hey, where's my drink?
cool i can type chinese, japanese, and i forget what else! Watch this:
???? ?? ?? ?????????? ?? ????? ?? ?????
ok, i don't think that's going to work :(
it might come up as question marks, like this apple logo:
Err, I posted it above. My fav drink: a third Dr Pepper, a third Hawaiian Punch, and a third Parrot Bay. A very tasty drink. Can barely taste that coconut rum with that mixture.
Delaware passed no smoking laws a few months ago - can't smoke inside any public places. I tell you, the businesses around here are hurting from that.

It's annoying too.
Yea. They must have gone nuts. *cough* here they smoke at least, I notice that *cough* .. *looks up for an instant steroid boost* .. my stomach's screwed ... Monster, make me a tea? OR do you have a Brooklyn's *something* chocolate beer? that was good (even when I feel screwed) .. :p
hey, it's been like that in Calif for about 5 years now. We've got Rob Reiner to thank for it. He was a big supporter behind the whole thing. the proposition that enabled this was one of the closest ever - requiring absentee ballots to finally decide which side won. something like 49.9% to 50.1%. at least out here we don't have such extreme weather that it is an unbearable hardship. having the smoking rooms at the airport shut down is really a pain, especially with all the hassles of going in and out these days. there are a few loopholes in ours - like bars owned by a sole proprieter who runs his own business can allow smoking. i can't wait to see how NY is going to deal with just prosecuting the establishment and not the smoker who violates it. like that's going to work to stop smokers. all it will do is run businesses out of business. at least here the smoker is to blame as well, even more so if the place tries to make them stop.
haz' congrats for the next = 1,5 K post :p

does anyone mind if we keep part of the thread open for virtual smokers? :D
there's no rules against smoking in Herve's. just don't blow smoke in anybody's face unless they ask you to and be polite and move unless they start hinting by coughing. :D
I think the smoke I inhale would be even better for me if I get one of those nuclear breathing masks... LOL But then I'd scare everybody, worst than the smoke... :D

Hey, my custom title please! Bwahahaha!
I wish the weather was nice here. They decided to put the law in action right in time for winter :rolleyes:

I dunno how much they hold the smoker over the establishment responisble around here. I haven't looked that closely at it. I do know that it was a very close vote here too, though.

No loopholes to get through in DE. No smoking in public places. Period. That's the bars, restaurants, casinos, race tracks...every place.

Though Ed, you wouldn't have been able to smoke at the airport once everything went government even if that law hadn't passed - no smoking at federally owned places ;)
Heh, Monster, I have a friend at work that likes to sit out on his front porch with a hockey mask on and scare people driving by.

He also said he's thinking of replacing it with a gas mask just for fun.