Herve's Bar & Grill

right now i have an ibook 700 ... with 20 G hd and 640 MB ram, airport card and a 20 G ipod ... i hope to have a 970 sooner or later. (i had a pc laptop too but needed $ so i sold it). :)
Niiice....i like ibooks, im getting a new one soon... i'm starting work (as i have said various times in this forum) so i'll need a laptop to bring into my dad's office in the basement, and into my room for leisure.
I like pickles! do you have them here? Give me some pickles!!!
Pickles? Aaargh... I refuse to kiss Panther when he has had some pickles ... ;) but yea I guess there are, just have a look on the fridge ...
oooo.... i see.... what about pickles? Got any of those?
hahaha anyway, notice how apple is different... more green suddenly? All the new things are greenish.. the ipod 1.3 update has a green arrow, you can paint an ipod green, the itunes logo is green, the music section is green, green, green, AHHHH!
Apple seems so much better with their recent updates... everything... works.
Apple - It just... works. Apple - Think about a computer that works. Hmmm the second one was too long a slogan.....
But really Apple seems so much better, they will probably get more money because of the whole net music and itunes is really good.
Originally posted by Androo
hehehehe look at this:
Wow, you're quite prolific.

I prefer cherry- and vanilla-flavored cola drinks, like Wild Cherry Pepsi, Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke. I also like Dr. Pepper, but not plain Pepsi or Coke. (It's weird: there's a game where you say "I like this but not that" where you can only like things with double letters... looks like my soda preferences fall right into that! :))

Anyhoo, Androo, I think you're hallucinating off some wild juniper or something with all the green you're seeing. Can we get him some medication, G? And I'll have a pickle and V-Coke. Actually, do you have any pickled tomatoes? *Drool* (I'm so hungry, I'm making myself salivate here! ::ha:: )
wooow see what i caused? i brought up pickles -
and then suddenly we will start a convo about pickled stuff........
Arden, i do play bass guitar (in your signature!), but sadly i live in canada....
How is everyone forgetting the accent mark over the e in Hervé in these logos? That's an insult! :p


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Pickled tomatoes are awesome. They serve them at the Roll'N'Rye Deli in Culver City, or you can buy a jar of them from somewhere.

Androo: I pity you.

Ricky: It's easy, we're lazy.
Hey guys. Just letting you know that I have not died, fallen off the edge of the earth, or gone over to the dark side. I have been, as I said earlier, moving. This has also been the busiest week I've had in a long time.

I am busy acting as a guide for some singaporean visitors who are interested in exporting Australian wine. So, we are touring wineries in my region. I've been to about two dozen, and have driven about 1200 kms in a brand new car, which is a nice change. I have also hit a kangaroo, but it was okay.This has been incredibly fun, and I get to try some of the best wine you will find anywhere. I am getting an education in the wine industry, and it has been immensely fun.

Also, I moved! I am now in my new house! Yay! I still have no heater, no TV antenna, no curtains, and no internet! But it is a sweet new house.

I've been to hospital for emergencies twice in as many days, I've eaten at nice restaurants every day, and I've also been busy wiring the house for a network and putting locks on the doors.

So that explains my absence. What can I get for you guys? I've got a Pinot Noir here that's grown on volcanic soil, and is as black as midnight. Or a 30 year old port, perhaps? Or there's this nice Ros'e here, too ...
Strangely, it seems that whenever I go offline for more than a week, Apple goes and announces something really BIG.

Perhaps I should go offline again, eh?
Hmm, doesn't sound like that car will be very new when you're done with it. Already driven a lot of km, hit a kangaroo....what's next? :D

No thanks on the wine. I don't happen to like wine. :p I'm sure someone else will take you up on it though.

What the heck sent you to the hospital? Eating bad food? Or maybe drinking bad wine? ;)

At least you're in a good mood!

Arden - Androo's right about some of the green stuff...the icon for the iPod updater does have a green arrow, when you visit Apple's website and go to the music section, the navigation bar is done up in green, and the musical note on the iTunes 4 icon is also green. Dunno about this changing the iPod color to green, though. He may be hallucinating on that one.
symph: I'll have a shot of each of your three finest wines.

DS: But does that necessitate bringing up the pickles?
GAAAASP! you got a new sign... lol lets see how long the lights last on THIS one.....
hehehehe nice Ricky...
I like wine, it's deliciously good....
Well, no, it doesn't necessitate bringing up pickles...that was just the (very weird) effect it had on Androo.

Um...what do pickled tomatoes taste like, anyway? I've never even heard of 'em before this. :p
Wohoo ... a new battery!! :D

Uh uh ... the genius bar will be closed on friday at the music happening ... a round for everyone. Apple cider ... ;) :) *hic*