Herve's Bar & Grill

Anyone knows where to find a dream symbol dictionary online? I'm just getting tired of seeing dead mice and kittens in my dreams. :(
Hmmm... dead mice and kittens... maybe you want to be a cat, OR YOU ARE! Ummm sorry, cant help you...
look at my newest site:
It's like a personnal site... i'm getting a forum soon, gonna be a place to chat about anything, and of course APPLE!
Hmm, that kind of thing is highly subjective, Gia. Dream symbols can really mean anything, any dictionary that you find might come close, but the stuff they would have written there is what a majority of people have concluded the symbol means. That doesn't necessarily mean any such definitions would be the same for you.

Also, just having the definition doesn't help a whole lot, even if it is a good definition with you - it's also pretty situational. Where the dream was, what was happening in it, who might have been there or not there, how you were feeling in the dream...they all contribute to what the dream means.

I did a Google search for "dream symbol dictionary" and got quite a few hits. I looked at a few of them - they all had different meanings for "cat" (no kitten listed) and "mouse" (two of them had mice listed, but it was just a stronger version of what mouse was) - no real concurrence between them. You can check them out, though, if you want to.

If you don't mind sharing the dream, I'm not all that bad at figuring out what some dreams mean, but I'd ask a lot of the questions I said above (where the dream was, all that).
umh ... my dreams are very long normally. at least when i'm not disturbed by the telly (i haven't seen anything in telly probably since february, so..) .. i just remember i saw mice and cats and kittens somewhere and it somehow either disturbed, or i simply was thinking it was weird - as i have seen them more than once (i really dont know how many times) recently.

when i was smaller i used to have some of those dream dictionary things, and true ... all are different. in the end of the dream i used to remember the dream, i tried to remeber the detatils of it, and then quickly analyzed what it was to ME.

most i could decipher, but many had weird elements on them. like india. indian landscapes, some arabic bazars, something which look like somewhere in france (like 300-400 y ago), some are on west coast .. all those sceneries of places where i haven't been, not at least in this life. and i haven't seen them in tv or movies either. if i'll ever see any of those places in the normal life, i'll recognize them, as i've passed there already so many times.

maybe the cats and mice ... uh, just because i'm a ... giaguara? at least i could hunt something bigger, maybe i'll try to dream some fish tonite ;)
I think the meaning to dreams are what YOU think they are, since they were made in your mind like an idea....
You should get Ed's opinion, as he's studying psychology right now (a lot more heavily than I am, that's for sure :)).

You have to ask yourself what these dreams mean. What, for example, do you think of when someone says "mice"? "kittens"? Why could they be dead? Do you have any problems with pets at home, or children? Or pests?

Google has 5 sites in their directory listing for dream dictionaries. You may want to check them out and see if they help you determine possible represenations for your dreams' symbols.

Remember, G, ultimately your dreams only have meaning for you, and you have to determine that meaning on your own. A psychologist can help, but the only way he can help is to help you figure out what they mean. He can't suggest anything because they are not his dreams.

Androo: do you mind if I give some constructive criticism of your site?
Err ... Gia, I think I have an inkling of what your dream might be about, but you might want to sit down for this one.

Your avatar is a cat. In fact, you've built a chunk of your persona around the symbol of the jaguar.

So, in your dreams, a cat would most likely symbolise YOU.

And kittens, well, I don't suppose you've been thinking about having kids lately? Or perhaps you've been dealing with kids for some reason? Perhaps its just your ol' subconcious giving you a few promptings. I'm sure Ed is the one of us most qualified to comment on these sorts of things.
Gia, maybe although you define yourself by your cat images, you feel as though the mice are chasing you?

By the way, are the kitties still in Italie?
cat images? grr.. nope, my avatar is a black jaguar (panthera onca), not kittycat (felis domesticus). yes my mac user kitties are at my parents.. here i have only a panther. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Giaguara
cat images? grr.. nope, my avatar is a black jaguar (panthera onca), not kittycat (felis domesticus). yes my mac user kitties are at my parents.. here i have only a panther. :rolleyes:

Jaguars are a type of cat. The cats
you are thinking of are domestic house cats. :)
Yeah, that is what I was inferring, cat as in all felines. So, I guess it didn't help Giaguar any because she definitely had kitties in mind not the big jungle roamers.

Good luck with your interpretations. My dreams have been so truly bizarre the last few months that they defy explanation, either that or I am truly becoming a certifiable basket case!
Heh, without more info on the dream, it would be hard to say what it might mean.

And I would say Ed is probably more qualified than I am, but I have helped people figure out their dreams many many times. I have a good knack for it. Plus I like doing it - one of my favorite things is to help people out, and I also love figuring things out in my head...putting this and that together to see something someone else didn't see or missed. And those are both present when I help someone figure out what their dreams might mean. :)
i had a dream where i tried to kill someone with a knife... and it was someone i like.... though i didnt actually murder, i tried to.... what does that mean!?
It means you have a problem with anger and violence, and you need an outlet.

BTW cool new avy!
androo - i would guess that you have some unresoved anger towards this friend. perhaps something you don't really want to admit makes you feel that way.

would everybody please stop saying that i am better qualified than others in this area. dream interpretation is a long way from science. you're all qualified to guess which is all i can do. :D
Wow ed...that made a lot of sense.....i did feel slightly angry at this person..... but then why would my mom be sewing a shirt with a few hundred people in my school gym....while i chase this person with a knife..... AHHHHH!
Thanks ed..... you really are better qualified than others in this area.
Giaguara, do you like animals? If that is the case, then that is why you are having dreams about them. Think about it....the only person you can clearly recognize in dreams is yourself. So, if you like animals, you'd see yourself as one, since you really wanted to see an animal. Dreams most likely dont tell the future.....i had a dream i asked this girl out, and she said yes..... the next day i did so, it was in the EXACT same place...... and she said no.
Well do i like animals? hehe. 'giaguara' is (female) jaguar in italian .. my ex bf once asked me in a weird way what animal was i .. or what was my power animal. i thought about it and was for some time undecided with (black) panther and (black) jaguar. knowing the 2 species (and all other big felines) it was easy to find out then ... it happened before no one knew what was 10.2 going to be. so obviously the first thing i thought after hearing about 10.2 was that that is definitelly my OS. But hunting mice in the dream and then being a squirrel? Those seem funny.

Oh, i saw some weeks ago in a zoo here leopards. they were really cool, nearly as cool as jaguars. and i seem to understand even them deeplier than i'd ever understand e.g. a dog (or even my cats).. i saw also one of those kids fake-teddybear-backpacks, there was a leopard that was cute.. obviously i had to ask if they had a jaguar one, even the difference would be really small... i googled for the company making those backpacks, and they don't do jaguars. so, the next time i'll go to that zoo i won't resist getting that leopard backpack!

it's this guy:


hm. just saw they have a bit better price on the site actually... but the zoo will use better my $!! :D
Hmm...hey Gia, are you maybe avoiding a decision you need to make, or maybe just not doing something you feel you should be doing?

I see a trend of small things here...