Herve's Bar & Grill

Nope it's still the same. :)
i hope to get an early start with the thread, probably around 7:00 am is when I'll start reading, hopefully I can finish before 1:00 the next morning.

It's really exciting to read through things that have happened in the past. Like that one time all the members left, anybody remember that? Anyway, it'll be fun for sure.

What can I use in place of coffee?!
I just had a go to see how it is. You can get through about 5 pages in 20 minutes, so that only works out to 50 hours of solid reading to get through the whole Cafe. I gave up after 5 pages. :-)

Here's a pretty good Hervism from way, way back, though:

"You don't know that chicks are not allowed in Belgium they are full of dioxine and pcb from Hanekop and Dehaene."

Ok, here I am. 8:00 am. I'm pretty tired, but Coldplay is keeping me awake. ;) I'm off to start right now! I'll see you all in a couple hours...hopefully.
Oh wow, this is taking a LOT LONGER than I expected! I just reached page 80 and it's already 2:00 in the afternoon! Of-course that time includes bathroom brakes, breakfast+lunch breaks, and chore breaks.

i'm gonna take a little break here now just because my brain is fried! lol, I've got some really great quotes coming though! I'll try to reach page 100 by tonight, then tomorrow continue on from there.

Yeah, It's a lot harder than I thought it'd be, and it's really got some quite boring parts which are really hard to make it through. :D

Later today I'll continue.
Hmm, maybe I should read it sometime. Should take me a while :)

P.S., WHOOHOOOOOOOOO! Post # 1000!!!!!!!!! YES!!! :D
i can incur whatever i want!
ps. i have 1131 posts now. that's 131 more than yours.
ps ps. i like your enthusiastic portrayment.
ps ps ps. i hope that made sense.