Herve's Bar & Grill

I've fasted for the same reasons as Androo: Yom Kippur. Not even water.

Who was the guy with the avatar of "guy kicking other guy off cliff" that constantly repeated? That was a cool avatar.

Am I a bartender then, or what?
Nope arden, Position filled...
hmmm... But mabye we could open the bar up for you on sunday mornings?

please don't take this to heart.
Why not Arden? A bartender should be someone who is often in the bar .. like you, and has a very social charachter ... of course more bartenders won't be a bad idea for the busier days ... :D
jonnyv - at least when I posted this, the avatar is zooming in on the trucks of a skateboard...
It's kind of reddish brown in color too, I don't know if it's the same thing you saw.
I was browsing Ricky's site cause I was bored and foudn this, he was some serious talents :)

yup my new avatar is zooming into a face. it's supposed to be confusing. It's supposed to make you want to look at it, the whole point of an avatar.
He he he ...

Just thought I'd drop by to let you know that I am still around and reading the forums, but since I'm pretty much forbidden to post anything at all about the IT industry, Virii, Security flaws in Windows, etc ... well, that only leaves casual chatting and fixing people's problems.

So, I'm still around, guys, and I'll shout a round of eDrinks for everyone here - Androo can have a chocolate milk. ;-)
*ed about faints seeing symphonix and GL the dawg walk in the bar out of the blue on the same day*

hey guys!!
Anyone have any tips on keep a room / apartment cool?

We only have on AC in the living room - and nomater what I do my bedroom will NOT cool down at all!
(well, at 3am it finally cools down for 2 or 3 hours with AC on in living room and Fan at my door).

I've though of those portable AC units but they are fregging expencive ($500 is fregging expencive to me), and installing an AC unit in the bedroom is not an option (fregging manager/owners).
Get a hammock and sleep in it. Or get a firewire fan ... or be like me: I sleep even in summer with winter blankets. If there is any air condition etc running, I either sleep under tons of blankets, or try to sleep with tons of painkillers. I never suffer for summer, I love the hot weather (at night too) but the winter and cold air are letterally a pain for me (or my muscles more specificly).
i have a small personal fan over my desk aimed at where i sit, which works ok, i dont know if this would work in your situation :D
*walks into the bar with a big grin*

Hey guys. First day of school today. Went OK, I'm a Junior so I get all the ladies without trying. :)
I'm reading a really interesting book about making people like you. It's very interesting, but even more interesting is the fact I already knew everything it has to say.

*lifts hand and orders a Berry Beer and some crackers*

I'm really excited for tomorrow. I hope I can make a lot more friends then I have in the past couple of years in highschool. Also other good news is that I have a very close friend in all of my classes. So I don't have to be nervous or anything. ;) Right now I'm listening to Switchfoot playing "Meant to Live" and the time is now 10:03. I've promised myself I'd hit the sack before 10:30. I have to get up at 6:00 to get ready for school. It kind of stinks. But the bonus time really pays off...I've got plenty of time to shower, dress, eat, browse the net for a minute, brush my teeth, and try and do something with what little hair I have. ;)

Still on the topic of school: I don't understand girls. They tell there friends they hate me, and then they come over and talk really nice with me and say crazily nice things. I just don't get it. I read that if they keep eye contact or something like that then they like you. Anybody have any input on this?

*picks up a napkin and wipes off face, hands the emtpy glass and cracker wrapers back to the tender*

Maybe this year I'll get lucky and actually go on a REAL date. :D Who knows! Just gimme any tips you do. I'll be by later to pick up on this. :)

For now...goodnight gentle men. And of-course gentle ladies.

*walks out, waving to everybody*