Herve's Bar & Grill

I have a box fan on me most of the time at home, and that's not enough! It's just circulating HOT air! Blah!!!

Gia, I'm a Polar Bear, I LOVE cold low-lit places! I used to work in an ice-cold server room! Those days are gone and I've been suffering ever since! :(

I NEED to move to West-Canada! :D
Hell - Antartica!!! :D :D :D
Nah, Alaska! Yeah! Alaska! :)

I'm serious!
My dream is to live in a place where my primary mode of transporation is Siberian Husky-pulled sleds and/or snow-mobiles! :)

So what the heck am I doing in HOT Southern California where there is no such thing as winter???!!! ARGH! :p
Trip, let me know if you figure that one out - cuz I've stoped dating - what, a year or more ago?

I'm thinking of just skipping that part and adopting a kid! MUCH better chick-magnets than dogs! Plus, much better chances I'll get the kind of girl I want (family-orientated). heh :p

*Needs a beer and a sig* oh wait, I don't drink nor smoke... nevermind!
I'll take a Mocha-Malt Frappuchino. :)
I haven't figured girls out either. And I'm 23. But it's probably best if you just accept that:
- They don't always say what they mean, or what they're really thinking. This doesn't count as lying. :-p
- If she does like you, she might not want to admit that to her friends. And if she doesn't, well, she just needs to get to know you. He he he ...
I don't always say what I mean - I'm sometimes afraid of dissatisfying the others. When I mean something positive, I try to say that though - positive feedback is always nice to get too.
If I like someone I rarely tell it to my friends (other males) ... I generally don't trust other females, I guess it's been always like that - or my first ever memories were e.g. about my mum - she seemed so plain dumb, unable to keep anything as her knowledge that I decided early that I better not trust her in anything.
So I don't understand females either.

Sogni, your idea of adopting is cool. :) I sometimes notice that I'm scared of kids - when they scream... I hate people screaming. So I think I'd simply assume that the kid is a miniature adult and try to treat him/her as such.

What has saddened me a lot recently is the death of 'uomo universale', the ideal of the time of Leonardo da Vinci etc. The ideal in reneissance was a human who could be able to do a lot of things well. Nowadays too often it seems to be exactly what they are not looking for. If I have a background in something and have done 10 other things and want to do still something else, that isn't ok as I lack a 5 years experience on _that_ particular field, whichever it is. I hope my multitasking in life isn't this time seen as a negative thing ... doing 3-5 things meanwhile for living sounds and feels weird, I know what I'd want to do, but I feel like being too 'uomo universale' for that. I hope this time it'll be seen as a big plus, and that my Spanish will count too...

Androo, have you thought about making a birthday avatar? :)
As you can probably tell, I've been wanting a kid (family actually) for a while, but other (natural) means of aquiring one hasn't worked - mostly girls have other things in mind - but not children (money mostly, two of them wanted green cards)... which was one big reason I broke up with my fiancee some years back. She didn't even like the idea of adopting! So that was the end of that! :(

I just wish I knew where to start.

About being able to do a lot of things...
I was shocked when I heard "you are over-qualified" and "we can't meet your previous salary" like I cared about them matching my previous salaray - it was better than what I was making at the time - NOTHING!

So to heck with them - I now have my own company and am my own boss (No, I can't afford to hire anyone, so put your resumes away! LOL).

So now, no stress, no corporate BS, and I get to pick 'n chose my clients (altho I can't afford to be TOO picky). :)
Only down side is low income. But I hope to change that soon. :)
i have air conditioning on, but my mom always puts it to 32 (celcius). I always put it down to 26, which is normal. 32 is too damn hot! It's like florida weather!
Sogni, tell the girls the next time if they get a (your) kid they will get the citizenship if their (your) kid is born in USA. :D
Trip, you forgot to pay the tab! :) I thought you were 19, too...

Sogni, hose down everything in your room with cold water. :D Barring that, try placing something that keeps cold in front of your fan, because it will draw the heat from the air surrounding it, which will then be blown around the room. Or try keeping a lot of cold stuff spaced around the room. Or open a window.

As for relationships, I can't make heads nor tails of it. I've gone out with 3 girls in my life, and all ended for some reason or another. I can actually list them: the first broke up with me for some stupid stuff I said (but we're friends now), the second and I stopped communicating after our only real date (she lives in NJ, so it wouldn't have worked very well), and the third I took to prom but she didn't express much interest in me afterward, so I lost interest in her as well.

Does anybody have any experience with dating services? I'm thinking about contacting someone through Yahoo! Personals, but I'd like your advice before I do anything.
i'm fourteen, and starting high schools. This is the start of my 4 year girlfriend searching time. I've had 1, and i am lucky cuz i was 13. Strange.
Originally posted by Giaguara
Sogni, tell the girls the next time if they get a (your) kid they will get the citizenship if their (your) kid is born in USA. :D

You know, I've been SERIOUSLY thinking of that too! "Ok, I'll help you get your green card in one condition - you give me a kid. And you don't have to stick around afterwards either." Even trade-off, no? :D
And better than adopting cuz the kid will have my DNA! It would really be MY kid!!! heh :)

Doesnt really matter where the kid is born tho since I'm naturally born citizen anyway. And frankly, I'm not TOO happy with this country so I feel it would be cool if my kid was born elsewhere (double citizenship). :)
But doesn't matter to me where.
Originally posted by arden
Trip, you forgot to pay the tab! :) I thought you were 19, too...

I keep forgetting he's a minor too, like I would realize that and totally forget like a week later and think he's in college when he says "school". :)

Something cold? Like what? Bring the fridge in and take the doors off? :D
Opening windows? Ahhhh! NO! No Microsoft!!! Oh wait... it's much hotter outside tho (well, it's cooler outside around midnight to a round 6).

Man, I'm embarased to say but I've gone out with much more girls than I care to admit. But at the same time - do the ones from before I was 18 count???

Since I was 18, I ended two relationships myself - well, I ended one, and I said no to another than wanted to get back with me for the 3rd time! What did she think I was? A yo-yo???

From the ones that terminated for other reasons, the one that went back home to Japan was the one that really hurt bad. The final blow was when I found out she got married to her best friend.
At least she married the better man. :(

The last, she had intrest in one thing - and one thing only! Green card! And she was playing with 3 of 4 guys for it! She was the last straw and haven't dated since.

About dating services, yahoo in particular - yea I've tried it and met a few girls through it. I'm still single and don't talk to any of them. Does that say anything? I see chances with people on personals are about the same as meeting them in real life, except you get to talk first before actually seeing them.
And it's a better ice-breaker if you're shy (like me).
Man trip was yours the thread about girls advice? I kinda remember that.. I thought that ended up with you goin on a date?
But man, school for me doesn't start until after labor day. I'm excited, but god - Ill be a junior too! Two more years of school and I'm done! Oh, and junior year is gonna rock. I made varsity soccer so as much as I really don't care, I automatically get like thirty popular points.
Oh and speaking on the topic, anyone know where I can get one of those burton amp backpacks? That would be an awesome backpack, and I bet most retailers don't sell it for $200... Theres an image of it - http://kao.sytes.net/source/images/amppack.jpg . Looks like an awesome backpack, and again, I bet if I could find it locally it would not cost that much.
Sogni, maybe you should try to get a Chinese child (adopted). I just hope the adoption institutions in Cali aren't overly conservative and think that only families that are compound of a husband and a wife will be good parents. Of the other kids I pleyed as a kid, I envied the peace of those who had only 1 parent. Their parents were never argueing like mine. Better one parent that is good and stable than two that are unstable and uncompatible with each other (and stay together 'for the child'). But also the 'you get the green card, I get the child' will probably work just fine! :)
That's exactly what I want!
I have a dear Chinese friend who was adopted when she was a little girl. I even want to name the kid after her. :)

About single parent,
that's the main reason I want to adopt - mostly because I am scared to death that if I have a child with someone, that she could easily make my life a living hell through my child. But if I adopt while still single - they can't touch my adopted child! :)

And belive me, I know of unstable parents and how messed up that ENTIRE family is! Very bad! I am seriously thinking of calling family services or something on them. They all need to be forcefully taken to a mental specialist/therapy.
:mad: :confused:
Yea mr. K that was my thread. And I did end up going on a date. But things didn't turn out too well, though we are really good friends now!!!

And today I read the most interested advice: "Today sucks. Guys never approach girls anymore. That's all we want. Approach us!!!"

*orders a ice water*

So far it's worked! :D I'm picking up chicks like crazy. :p Now the real test...seeing if I can keep hold of at least one! Oh and if you gents/ladies wouldn't mind setting up a full time tab for me, that'd be great. I'll pay every saturday if that's ok. :)

Talk to you all later. Keep the comments coming!!! :)
Originally posted by Trip

And today I read the most interested advice: "Today sucks. Guys never approach girls anymore. That's all we want. Approach us!!!"

What about girls aproaching guys???
I mean there are some guys who think they are ugly or no good to even talk with a certain girl. Proving us wrong would be a major ice-breaker too! :p

I've been in a few situations where I thought either I was going crazy, or she was flirting with me. heh :p
Originally posted by arden
Mail-order bride perhaps... LOL

I'm not THAT desperate (yet).
It's mostly that I've taken a "vacation" from dating really, I'm not THAT out of luck with women - it's just finding the right one is what's gets to me.

I swear I can't even remember all their names, or remember how many there's been! lol :p

Oh geez, I counted the number since I was 18 and - um. I rather not say! lol :)
(altho I'm also counting girls I've dated, not necessarily gfs).
Hello all! This is my first time in this establishment of Herve's, so I decided to join the fun!

Originally posted by Sogni
What about girls aproaching guys???

What I have to say to that is: Amen!
Me, I have no self confidence. In my lowly 16 years of exisistence I've asked three girls out, one I went out with for a week or less, I honestly don't remember since it was a while ago, and then she called it off, probably because we saw each other maybe once. The other two, I didn't even get to go out with. When I asked them out, they both said, and I qoute, "You're the greatest guy, but I just don't like you like that..." Yup they both said the same exact thing... And before I asked either of them out I could have sworn they liked me. (One of them had a fanclub for me, (It was really weird...) but then after I asked her out it turns out that she thought I hated her, and she was making fun of or teasing me or something... (Which is also really weird...)) Oh and Trip, they both held eye contact with me, so I don't know if that thing you were talking about is true...
ANYWAY... All those incidents have lowered my already low self confidence to new lows.... So yeah it be cool if girl's approched guys.
But since that wil probably never happen:
How do you guys approach girls? Whenever I try to ask someone out, I turn into a bumbling idiot...

FOrgive me for barging in on the conversation like this... It must have been something the barkeep served me...