Herve's Bar & Grill

I went to it in safari and whenever you hover over a link you get a javascript popup menu, and then you can't click on the link without the popup, so you can't see if there is anything there!
It looks pretty bad in safari too.
Girls are the most amazing creation ever. If I could have one wish I'd wish I could spend my life with ONE girl. A girl who would look good in my eyes, have a positive attitude almost constantly, and not care much about what I look like, more about my attitude.

"Will there ever be such a creature?"
If I spent my whole life with one girl, I would sure want her to care about how I looked, just as much as I cared about how she looked. I would need to care about her attitude as much as she cared about mine. Our feelings would need to be somewhat mutual - I think that's a key point in most relationships. Two people shouldn't have identical views of every issue, but more a general understanding and compassion for each other.
Wouldn't you want her to keep you in decent shape physically and mentally?
I do care what I look and what the others (those I care about) look like, but I'll be happy just .. being happy, on the same frequency (does not mean agreeing on everything, but having e.g. most major values and preferences about on the same liberty-jealousy / conservativeness-liberal etc axes) (happy and healthy). It is nice if the one is pretty to see too, but honestly I rather choose one that I enjoy the humor and the company of, and that I can spend good time with and that makes me feel meaningful, than the one that is just looking nice. The older we get, the more we lose the prettiness and the health, and the more the rest counts. If we are like wine, choose one that you like the charachter. And treat him or her so that he or she will become a nice wine. :)
Coincidence Design: Scary. What if she doesn't like you? Who would you choose, anyway?

5 Url: Total crap. I can write better stuff in C++ when I'm asleep. And I don't know C++.
.. How come the bar is so empty tonite? I'll offfer free e-beer for the first 10 guests tonite! :D

I want to have a pineapple plant home! So I just saved the crown of one, and googled how to grow it. I'll plant it to a pot one of these days! It'll be sooo cool to have pineapples growing home. (I got a basil plant today too).

Do any of you guys speak binary? You can translate stuff.. 01100100011011110010000001100001011011100111100100100000011011110110011000100000011110010110111101110101001000000110011101110101011110010111001100100000011010000110010101110010011001010010000001110011011100000110010101100001011010110010000001100010011010010110111001100001011100100111100100111111 ;) :p
I'm here... for a little while while my meds kick in...
In major pain (leg).
Went to IKEA to get a cheap bookshelf for my books (duh?), but MAN was it ever a mistake!!!

I HAD to take the car in the first place, car = automatic pain!

Traffic going into downtown Burbank was moderate, couldn't find parking, when I did - it was two floors underground, and my leg was already in pain...

Ok no big deal - I'll take the elevator up... OUT OF ORDER!!! WHA???!!!

Ugh... so I strugle walking up a flight of stairs and decided to go under the bridge so I can take the escalator up the rest of the way... OUT OF ORDER!!!
What the???!!!

So I am 5 steps from the top of the stairs already in major pain - and me without my cane! :(

I make it up and lean against the wall to rest for a bit, and stare in awe at the ridicilous amounts of people walking into IKEA... I've never seen that before! Where did all these people come from? Oh wait - tourist season! :p

I take the elevator up (A MIRACLE!!! IT WORKS!!!) to the showroom floor and find a nice comfy sofa with foot rest... ahhh...

After a while, we walk around looking for this bookshelf, finally find it - OUT OF STOCK!!! Wha??? I had just checked ikea.com and it said it was IN STOCK! ARGH!!! All this pain for nothing???

We make it to the end of the showroom floor and head for the elevator to go down... this day had to kick me just ONE MORE TIME, yup - it was out of order!!! WHAT THE HELL???!!! :confused:
ARGH!!!!! :mad:
Sogni: Wow. Hmm. Next time, take your Segway... wow. Sorry to hear that man...


After saying that, could i have a drink? Margarita, crushed ice, without the alcohol.
01110110011010000110010101110110011110010010000001111001011011110111010100100000011100110110100001101111011101010110110001100100001000000110001001100101001000000111001101100011011010000111001001101111011100100110100101101110011001110110010101110010001001110111001100100000011100000110000101101110011101000110100001100101011100100010000001110011011011110110111101101110 :D